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PDF Color Scheme

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^^^^ Thakk Ki Tikki Thakk Ki Tikkii ...AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO Lolitaaaaaaaaaaa:D
^^ mehh!
OT: Change the theme already webby
Please add this code into the custom css at the top for the time being, and temporarily to fix the post layout to make it easier on the eyes. You can always delete it when you finish the final version. But the post layout must change immediately to reduce eyesore.

.messageList .message {
border-top: 5px solid#013253;
.bbCodeQuote .attribution {
color: #FFF;
background: #042658;
border-bottom: 1px solid #012B61;

.bbCodeQuote .quoteContainer {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
font-style: none;
font-size: 11pt;
background: #FFF;
padding: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-khtml-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
border-color: #013253;

.message .signature {
font-size: 9pt;
color: #746F6F;
padding: 5px 0 0;
margin-top: 5px;
border-top: 3px dotted #013253;

.messageUserBlock {
background: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #013253;

.userBanner.bannerStaff {
color: #D80505;
background-color: #4E5255;
border-color: #0;}

.messageText {font-family: Helvetica;
font-size: 12pt;
For a user who doesn't log in for months ( sometimes Years ) ---here's my looong list of complains :

1) Not getting any information about another poster ,in any thread except that he is a full/half/quarter member or so on --and his name. No sign of his flags ( nationality ) so no prior warnings about his posting style.

2) Not able to attach any videos , images , anything at all while creating a new thread.

3) Most of the quick links have disappeared making it hellishly difficult to navigate to latest threads , go back to a thread if need be ---User convenience seems to have disappeared entirely. :thumbs down:

4) The worst of all ---smilies , thumbsdown , thumbsup,angry etc , all the emoticons have vanished --forcing me to resort to crude measures to get my point across ( you ll understand how annoying this is especially if you have to convey sarcasm in you posts -- helluva way to cool down a discussion).

5)No sign of subscribed threads , getting to my previous posts is like searching for a needle in a haystack ---All due to removing the Quick links

6) Can't underline , image code <IMG> not working , Cant increase font size , make it bold, can't see who is viewing a particular thread (big headache if you are engaging in a discussion with another person ) and a host of other problems .


BTW , will someone be kind enough to explain what the deal is with giving trophies ????

REALLY SORRY FOR BEING SO BLUNT but never been so annoyed with rapid changes before , I mean give the average user, the time to adapt instead of dropping a 5 megaton nuke on him like this. :hitwall: ( like i said --so irritating to use words rather than emoticons ) .
Just return it back! PLEASE!! Background is so white so bright its hurts my head o_O bring back dark green colored theme.
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All the links to old PDF posts and threads are gone. Two thumbs down.
Am I the only one who likes the new look ..... :rolleyes:
@Web Master @Web-Master @Xeric
Love the speed though, but color combinations are dull... though good for those who have some color vision problems but boring for normal vision followers.
whatever done by PDF to upgrade forum, i love that and i know their intention is only "better follower feedbacks" so my wishes for moderators and webmasters and all the persons working for PDF day n night...
Can you at least change the post layout for now immediately to reduce eyesore? Change something to this...


This layout is very good displaying each comment very clearly!
I love the clear zone for signature too
Yuk yuk yuk is the only reaction that this new look PDF has from me !!
Am starting to like this new platform, its pretty fast.
This is not the final look , plus I think everyone will like the finished product

How about enabling Top 10 stats at the end of main forum page till we get the final look...
I think you should make the difference between sticky threads and normal threads more distinctive... It should be more selective, easy for our eyes... Maybe you can use a remarkable line at the bottom of sticky threads which seperates sticky & normal threads...

Or you can make sticky and normal threads with different colours.
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