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PDF Color Scheme

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First SA is beating sh!t out of Pak cricket team and then this new PDF look. I took a day off from office today and my day is completely ruined.. :(
not really......people can just judge from a reply whether the person is Indian or not if he post anti-china or anti-Pakistan messages. :D

Thats what exactly i said.... you need to read the reply carefully.... But then if some one post a sensible one then you cant judge it...
First SA is beating sh!t out of Pak cricket team and then this new PDF look. I took a day off from office today and my day is completely ruined.. :(
It will be changed soon,currently the data transfer and other adjustments are taking place,I like it's customization options now,just browse it...you will love it.
my eye hurts after 20min of surfing ......

its too bright o_O

Image quality looks much better in this version. Also, one can see the full size of image without opening it on new tab. @WebMaster please keep this feature in the upgraded version also :tup:
Now I remember,the site which I suggested him in my report,is using same technology,I requested him to take a look at it..:D
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