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PCB pays tribute to Woolmer


Aug 29, 2009
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PCB pays tribute to Woolmer

LAHORE: Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) paid tribute to former Pakistan Coach Bob Woolmer, on the occasion of his 3rd death anniversary to be observed today (Thursday).

PCB wishes to pay tribute to a man who did so much for Pakistan Cricket and Woolmer’s progressive coaching methods made a huge impact on the game of Cricket, says a press release issued by PCB.

Woolmer was a distinguished cricketer and coach whose contributions to the game and especially Pakistan Cricket will never be forgotten, the press release said.

More importantly Woolmer was an excellent human being who enriched the lives of all those that he came in contact with. He is and will always be missed. The entire Pakistan Cricket Community’s thoughts and prayers are with the Woolmer family.
ONLINE - International News Network
Woolmer was very close to senior players

Very nice person.............. can't say about his coaching abilities
Woolmer truly served Pakistan. I admire his coaching ability. Pakistan was at number 7 or 8 (in ODI) when he took charge and made it to number 4. He worked so hard with our players and we will always be thankful to him.
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