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Payra power plant buzzing with activity

I am surprised how fast Bd is building so many power plants within a short span of time. Total here is a staggering 5,070 mW. I must praise the present AL govt for showing foresightedness. By the way, no news about Rampal. Have the anti-BD communist elements led by that Annu Muhammad successfully derailed the project?
Former BNP government's major failure was perhaps electricity . In some regions of Bangladesh sufferings was like hell .
Even majority of peoples suffered from 16-18 hours loadsheding daily in some areas .
1 hour electricity and 2 hours (some days even 3/4 hours it's no exaggeration, only victims know that)loadsheding in many areas under PDB,villages were even worse .
Only BNP Party members didn't suffer a lot specially who lived in common feeder area.
They used illigal lines from both feeders where others hadn't this chance .
However if any Bangladeshi isn't too blind too follow either BNP or AL , perhaps they will never ever vote BNP again if electricity would be the only issue .
Electicity is currently as important as food and shelter I believe .
In this sector BNP acted like cannibals.
Thanks to BAL that they have solved the problem as top priority.
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Former BNP government's major failure was perhaps electricity . In some regions of Bangladesh sufferings was like hell .
Even majority of peoples suffered from 16-18 hours loadsheding daily in some areas .
1 hour electricity and 2 hours (some days even 3/4 hours it's no exaggeration, only victims know that)loadsheding in many areas under PDB,villages were even worse .
Only BNP Party members didn't suffer a lot specially who lived in common feeder area.
They used illigal lines from both feeders where others hadn't this chance .
However if any Bangladeshi isn't too blind too follow either BNP or AL , perhaps they will never ever vote BNP again if electricity would be the only issue .
Electicity is currently as important as food and shelter I believe .
In this sector BNP acted like cannibals.
Thanks to BAL that they have solved the problem as top priority.

BNP government of 2002-2007 was probably the worst in BD history.

They cancelled the 8 extra Mig-29s that AL League had ordered and tried to sell off the existing 8. They also decommissioned the highly advanced for it's time Ulsan Class frigate. Not a single MW of power was added. To top all this off, BD was regularly rated as the most corrupt by Transparency International during this time.

BNP with current leadership are completely finished and will never be again given the reigns of power.
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BNP government of 2002-2007 was probably the worst in BD history.
Not a single MW of power was added.
Right . Sometimes I feel that power plants were disabled too as production under BAL (1st term )was even more than BNP era.
They acted as if they came to power for eternity.
They cancelled the 8 extra Mig-29s that AL League had ordered and tried to sell of the existing 8. They also decommissioned the highly advanced for it's time Ulsan Class frigate.
This was another blow . They should never had offended defense force as they are the representative of the sovereignty of Bangladesh .
So this part is most important. I wish if current government can afford they should buy more than 8 jets for our air Force .
BNP with current leadership are completely finished and will never be again given the reigns of power.
Very true . But most of bangladeshi don't believe this part.
No doubt that Ziaur Rahman was strong personality, but his elder son is a complete thug and responsible for the fall of BNP .
This tareq chora was also known as Mr. 15% , perhaps you remember it.
So as long as this family is leading BNP, BNP should never ever come to power again, otherwise Bangladesh will be under threat ,it's my honest opinion.
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This was another blow . They should never had offended defense force as they are the representative of the sovereignty of Bangladesh .
So this part is most important. I wish if current government can afford they should buy more than 8 jets for our air Force .

Current AL government will buy a LOT of hardware in the next term of 2019-2024. The preparations in terms of bases and trainers are being done and as the defence budget is growing in real terms at the rate of the economy, money will be available to buy large numbers of highly sophisticated arms at last.
Current AL government will buy a LOT of hardware in the next term of 2019-2024. The preparations in terms of bases and trainers are being done and as the defence budget is growing in real terms at the rate of the economy, money will be available to buy large numbers of highly sophisticated arms at last.
That's really good news if they really get sophisticated weapon . I will be one of them in bangladesh who will be the happiest man if my country can afford buying sophisticated weapon .
Specially aircraft as our air Force is far behind comparing our army ! But in order to dominate , air Superiority is most important , alongside a strong army .
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BNP government of 2002-2007 was probably the worst in BD history.

They cancelled the 8 extra Mig-29s that AL League had ordered and tried to sell off the existing 8. They also decommissioned the highly advanced for it's time Ulsan Class frigate. Not a single MW of power was added. To top all this off, BD was regularly rated as the most corrupt by Transparency International during this time.

BNP with current leadership are completely finished and will never be again given the reigns of power.

I dont have anything to do with, who is in power or who should be in power or who was in power. My priorities are what is needed for BD. Well past BNP may have badly handled the defense matters and power sector. Specially the power, still I can remember the nightmare. But consider the matter of Mig29. If it really is reliable for BD strategically. India has some leverage over Russia, so keeping in mind India, Russian platforms really dont suit BD's interests fully. So they went with Chinese one as stop gap and paved the way for mature platforms in future. But what happened in last 8 years, no progress in that. While BD is stuck with that, MM got the upper hand on BD to make it dumping ground of Rohingyas. The past govts kept India busy in NE with different separatists but what happened now? In absence of separatists, India now wants to make BD dumping ground of Bengali Muslims of NE and WB. Really bad decision was with the Ulsan class. But what about the present scenario? Some Corvettes lack ASW, some frigates with only machine guns, some lack AD and the rusty subs. And no better tanks to Army and IFV. These are all messed up. Seems like BD is sanctioned to have better weapons like Lebanon. Lets see what happens in future.
I dont have anything to do with, who is in power or who should be in power or who was in power. My priorities are what is needed for BD. Well past BNP may have badly handled the defense matters and power sector. Specially the power, still I can remember the nightmare. But consider the matter of Mig29. If it really is reliable for BD strategically. India has some leverage over Russia, so keeping in mind India, Russian platforms really dont suit BD's interests fully. So they went with Chinese one as stop gap and paved the way for mature platforms in future. But what happened in last 8 years, no progress in that. While BD is stuck with that, MM got the upper hand on BD to make it dumping ground of Rohingyas. The past govts kept India busy in NE with different separatists but what happened now? In absence of separatists, India now wants to make BD dumping ground of Bengali Muslims of NE and WB. Really bad decision was with the Ulsan class. But what about the present scenario? Some Corvettes lack ASW, some frigates with only machine guns, some lack AD and the rusty subs. And no better tanks to Army and IFV. These are all messed up. Seems like BD is sanctioned to have better weapons like Lebanon. Lets see what happens in future.

@UKBengali is a closet awami cheer leader and come up with typical awami BS. When you ask WHY awami league in last 10 years did not get those additional 8 Mig 29 or any other Russian combat worthy aircraft, he and rest of awami pom poms go silent. In fact awami league followed same path as BNP bought more of Chinese F-7.

These awami idiots talks about frigate; its stern was not aligned and ship was not able to keep its course in set direction. How such a non operational ship could be commissioned by awami looters???? Now awami cheer leading idiots are chest thumping.

These are awami idiots talks tall and deliver short.
I dont have anything to do with, who is in power or who should be in power or who was in power. My priorities are what is needed for BD. Well past BNP may have badly handled the defense matters and power sector. Specially the power, still I can remember the nightmare. But consider the matter of Mig29. If it really is reliable for BD strategically. India has some leverage over Russia, so keeping in mind India, Russian platforms really dont suit BD's interests fully. So they went with Chinese one as stop gap and paved the way for mature platforms in future. But what happened in last 8 years, no progress in that. While BD is stuck with that, MM got the upper hand on BD to make it dumping ground of Rohingyas. The past govts kept India busy in NE with different separatists but what happened now? In absence of separatists, India now wants to make BD dumping ground of Bengali Muslims of NE and WB. Really bad decision was with the Ulsan class. But what about the present scenario? Some Corvettes lack ASW, some frigates with only machine guns, some lack AD and the rusty subs. And no better tanks to Army and IFV. These are all messed up. Seems like BD is sanctioned to have better weapons like Lebanon. Lets see what happens in future.

Let me begin by saying that AL are not perfect. They are too sycophantic to India for my liking.

Awami League government of 1996-2001 initially wanted 27 F-16s but the US refused. The only other Western fighters were the very expensive Mirage-2000 and the Swedish Gripen, with the Gripen unavailable due to the US engine. This left the AL with only the Mig-29 as a 4th generation aircraft that BD could buy. BD placed an order for 16 with an option for 16 more. By the time that BNP arrived in government in 2002, 8 Migs had arrived.
If BNP went ahead and brought all 32 Mig-29s that AL had ordered then BAF would now be on a par with MAF(Myanmar Air Force).

I think one of the major reasons why AL have not purchased modern weapons in bulk so far is the cost. Due to negligence from the BNP, they had no choice but to commission rental power plants - this was so costly that in 2012, it consumed 15-20% of BD government revenues. Without the rental power plants BD economy could not have grown anywhere near the levels it has done since AL came into power in 2009.

It is not true that major progress has not been made in the defence sector since BD came into power.
While the corvettes may lack ASW, that capability is seen in the Durjoy class being built in BD. As for frigates BD Navy has already announced that 6 4000+ tonne frigates will start being built in Chittagong Dry Dock this year.
For BAF 16 YAK-130s and 9 K-8W trainers have been brought so far. A deal would have been done already for 8+4 4+ gen aircraft last year but the incompetence of the BAF leadership put paid to a deal being signed with Russia for the SU-30SME. Yes faster progress should have been made with BAF, in at least 2-3 squadrons of 4+ gen fighters should already be flying in BAF. BD brought the old subs as it could not really afford 7-800 million US dollars for modern ones - at least the infrastructure is established and the crews have been trained.

AL do have major faults but they are so much better than BNP.

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