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You are not in a position to threaten us. Iran in a fail state with a fail system. Your economy collapsing you have huge water and food problem you even want to buy phizer drugs from the big Satan because coronavirus. We smoke you ever day in Syria without any response that even Assad start to think about new alternative and spoke with the UAE ambassador. 8+nuclear scientist have killed without any response. We even took your nuclear archives in the middle of the day.
Well, apparently we are in a position to threaten you and wipe you off the map.

Our militias are surrounding you from Syria, Gaza and Lebanon. Your operations that "smoke us" every day are nothing but bombing deserts in Syria for internal consumption and propaganda. Giving you a false sense of security for a little bit more before your failed state collapses in fear of war.

Water stress in Israel is way worse than it is in Iran. You are imposing quota on water for Palestinians to have more water, but even that is not enough.

We wanted to publicize our nuclear advances in the AMAD project to establish nuclear deterrence without testing a nuclear weapon. We passed those documents to you on purpose with missing parts and you were foolish enough to publicize them, thinking that it would lead to an international outcry against Iran. Those documents only show how successful AMAD project was before 2003. Not only nothing happened after that, now the whole region knows where we were back in 2003 and their hopes of "cutting the head of the snake" by the United States looks pretty dim to them, which is why Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have already started to defuse tensions with Iran.

We are in complete violation of the JCPOA and even the NPT, thanks to you guys. We are overtly producing uranium metal which has no civilian application. We are testing advanced centrifuges that we were not allowed to test until 2025. We are storing thousands of kilograms of 4.5% enriched UF6, over 120 kilograms of 20% enriched UF6 and 25 kilograms of 60%-enriched UF6. Overall, that's enough for more than 40 kilograms of 90% U-235. Enough for 5 to 10 nukes to completely finish off Israel as a state.

We have already fully vaccinated 50% of Iranians and by the end of November, over 65% of Iranians will be fully vaccinated. We have distributed nearly 100 million doses so far. We have 40 million Sinopharm vaccines in storage which forced the custom to ban further imports of vaccines. Our local vaccine production has reached 10 million doses per month which can be enough for even the fourth dose in future. We are already giving the third booster dose to the elderly and vulnerable people. Medical staff have already received 3 doses.

Your country does not have a strategic depth. If the United States wants to completely wipe Iran off the map, it will require thousands of mega-tonne nukes due to the large area of Iran and the mountainous terrain. Israel is tiny and flat with extremely dense population and infrastructure centers. A single mega-tonne nuke would wipe more than half of Israel and completely destroy your infrastructures to the point of absolute annihilation. But I'm not talking only about the infrastructure, I am talking about whole cities that will be destroyed if Israel is nuked by a single 1-megatonne bomb.
Well, apparently we are in a position to threaten you and wipe you off the map.

Our militias are surrounding you from Syria, Gaza and Lebanon. Your operations that "smoke us" every day are nothing but bombing deserts in Syria for internal consumption and propaganda. Giving you a false sense of security for a little bit more before your failed state collapses in fear of war.

Water stress in Israel is way worse than it is in Iran. You are imposing quota on water for Palestinians to have more water, but even that is not enough.

We wanted to publicize our nuclear advances in the AMAD project to establish nuclear deterrence without testing a nuclear weapon. We passed those documents to you on purpose with missing parts and you were foolish enough to publicize them, thinking that it would lead to an international outcry against Iran. Those documents only show how successful AMAD project was before 2003. Not only nothing happened after that, now the whole region knows where we were back in 2003 and their hopes of "cutting the head of the snake" by the United States looks pretty dim to them, which is why Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have already started to defuse tensions with Iran.

We are in complete violation of the JCPOA and even the NPT, thanks to you guys. We are overtly producing uranium metal which has no civilian application. We are testing advanced centrifuges that we were not allowed to test until 2025. We are storing thousands of kilograms of 4.5% enriched UF6, over 120 kilograms of 20% enriched UF6 and 25 kilograms of 60%-enriched UF6. Overall, that's enough for more than 40 kilograms of 90% U-235. Enough for 5 to 10 nukes to completely finish off Israel as a state.

We have already fully vaccinated 50% of Iranians and by the end of November, over 65% of Iranians will be fully vaccinated. We have distributed nearly 100 million doses so far. We have 40 million Sinopharm vaccines in storage which forced the custom to ban further imports of vaccines. Our local vaccine production has reached 10 million doses per month which can be enough for even the fourth dose in future. We are already giving the third booster dose to the elderly and vulnerable people. Medical staff have already received 3 doses.

Your country does not have a strategic depth. If the United States wants to completely wipe Iran off the map, it will require thousands of mega-tonne nukes due to the large area of Iran and the mountainous terrain. Israel is tiny and flat with extremely dense population and infrastructure centers. A single mega-tonne nuke would wipe more than half of Israel and completely destroy your infrastructures to the point of absolute annihilation. But I'm not talking only about the infrastructure, I am talking about whole cities that will be destroyed if Israel is nuked by a single 1-megatonne bomb.

A perfect example of what that murderous regime in iran has done to its people. Cyrus or Hafez would vomit, reading such rubbish.
A perfect example of what that murderous regime in iran has done to its people. Cyrus or Hafez would vomit, reading such rubbish.
Actually, I am 100% sure Cyrus would've felt extremely proud if he were alive. Little did he know that the slaves he saved from the cruelty of the Babylonians would turn into these monstrous zombies, killing innocent civilians and kicking them out of their houses to occupy their lands.
If Cyrus the Great were alive today, he would've supported the Palestinian cause, destroyed and finished off Israel completely and let Palestinians return to their occupied lands. That is what he did for Israelis when Babylonians were doing a similar thing to them. Hafiz would also feel disgusted by seeing that an apartheid regime like Israel can exist while humans are not uniting against it.
I can imagine that. It won't be the first time that your enemies killed you en mass and you did nothing but submit and leave your lands.
I mean you should know the humble history of your nation better than me, for sure. But from what I remember, from the time of the Babylonians until recently, you always submitted to your enemies and ran away in fear. This whole "I will annihilate this, I will annihilate that" doesn't work when anti-Israel sentiments are growing exponentially in the world day by day.
You seriously imagine a scenario of Israel not nuking every last of its enemies if it faces existential threat?

Turns out Israel won every war it fought so that holds no argument.

That's a lot of talk for a guy whose country's top generals get blown up and assassinated, infrastructure hacked, people riot and basically economically collapsing
Actually, I am 100% sure Cyrus would've felt extremely proud if he were alive. Little did he know that the slaves he saved from the cruelty of the Babylonians would turn into these monstrous zombies, killing innocent civilians and kicking them out of their houses to occupy their lands.
If Cyrus the Great were alive today, he would've supported the Palestinian cause, destroyed and finished off Israel completely and let Palestinians return to their occupied lands. That is what he did for Israelis when Babylonians were doing a similar thing to them. Hafiz would also feel disgusted by seeing that an apartheid regime like Israel can exist while humans are not uniting against it.
You're delusional if you think Cyrus would have sided with Islamic terrorists.

He would probably kill himself if he knew what Iran turned into.
Actually, I am 100% sure Cyrus would've felt extremely proud if he were alive. Little did he know that the slaves he saved from the cruelty of the Babylonians would turn into these monstrous zombies, killing innocent civilians and kicking them out of their houses to occupy their lands.
If Cyrus the Great were alive today, he would've supported the Palestinian cause, destroyed and finished off Israel completely and let Palestinians return to their occupied lands. That is what he did for Israelis when Babylonians were doing a similar thing to them. Hafiz would also feel disgusted by seeing that an apartheid regime like Israel can exist while humans are not uniting against it.

I dont think Cyrus would feel proud for persians dressing as arabs, wishing others death and destruction and claiming they want obliterate cities.

On a sidenote, Iran also is a apartheid system. As non muslim you are treated as 2nd class citizens. Women are treated like cattle.
You seriously imagine a scenario of Israel not nuking every last of its enemies if it faces existential threat?

Turns out Israel won every war it fought so that holds no argument.

That's a lot of talk for a guy whose country's top generals get blown up and assassinated, infrastructure hacked, people riot and basically economically collapsing
Yeah, I do. I just told you that your nation has a long history of leaving your lands and running away. Your history is full of instances where you had a short good time, and then long periods of misery.

Every war? You lost to a bunch of sandal wearing Hezbollah soldiers in 2000, and you failed again in 2006. lol

The economic collapse of Iran is a delusion in Israel that's been going on for 42 years. Trump in 2018 promised that if Europeans cooperated with the US, Iran's economy would collapse in 3 months. They even held a conference in Warsaw to pretend that they had plans. 3 years later, nothing has happened.
If a sudden drop in oil prices from $100 to $25, a completely sudden embargo of our oil exports against the JCPOA, cutting off our access to SWIFT and international banking system, and an unpredictable global pandemic, all together couldn't collapse our economy, there's nothing left that you can do. Covid pandemic is over. Oil prices are up again. China is buying our oil. Even Italy was caught buying our oil and they said they didn't know it was Iran's oil. And the predictions for our economic growth this year is 2%.
I dont think Cyrus would feel proud for persians dressing as arabs, wishing others death and destruction and claiming they want obliterate cities.

On a sidenote, Iran also is a apartheid system. As non muslim you are treated as 2nd class citizens. Women are treated like cattle.
But he would feel damn proud of killing people who are occupying the lands of innocent people, knowing completely that they're in the wrong.

Still a better place than Greece where bastards throw stones at innocent women and children running from the likes of the ISIS, beat them and rape them, particularly when you had taken refugee in the very same Syria multiple times before.
Yeah, I do. I just told you that your nation has a long history of leaving your lands and running away. Your history is full of instances where you had a short good time, and then long periods of misery.

Every war? You lost to a bunch of sandal wearing Hezbollah soldiers in 2000, and you failed again in 2006. lol

The economic collapse of Iran is a delusion in Israel that's been going on for 42 years. Trump in 2018 promised that if Europeans cooperated with the US, Iran's economy would collapse in 3 months. They even held a conference in Warsaw to pretend that they had plans. 3 years later, nothing has happened.
If a sudden drop in oil prices from $100 to $25, a completely sudden embargo of our oil exports against the JCPOA, cutting off our access to SWIFT and international banking system, and an unpredictable global pandemic, all together couldn't collapse our economy, there's nothing left that you can do. Covid pandemic is over. Oil prices are up again. China is buying our oil. Even Italy was caught buying our oil and they said they didn't know it was Iran's oil. And the predictions for our economic growth this year is 2%.

But he would feel damn proud of killing people who are occupying the lands of innocent people, knowing completely that they're in the wrong.

Still a better place than Greece where bastards throw stones at innocent women and children running from the likes of the ISIS, beat them and rape them, particularly when you had taken refugee in the very same Syria multiple times before.
The Zionists are already buying up huge lands in Patagonia, Argentina. Its like they are starting to see the inevitable and are starting to prepare for it!
It is very shameful that the British have stolen from everyone. A third rate cold rain soaked island in the middle of nowhere became rich plundering other countries in the colonial era. The prime targets of British mega kleptocracy were and are India, Africa and the Arabs. The Indian politician Shashi Tharoor estimates that the thieving, murdering English stole over $45 trillion from India alone in 200 years and also China and most parts of Africa. The Saudis, Emiratis and the other puppets are still being bled dry. During WW2 the racist pig Churchill diverted all the wheat and food supplies from India to Britain causing a famine that killed over 10 million Indians . In the British museums, just about every artifact is stolen from somewhere. Iran got away lucky that the Brits just stole oil and a few jewels. However, they owe Iran around $25 billion for oil, frozen assets and non payment of cancelled deals.

Inglorious Empire : What the British Did to India - Shashi Tharoor
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