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Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

Did you guys know that Israel owes Iran $40 million dollars +42 years of compounded interest..for an oil shipment delivered just before Shah government collapsed,....40 years interest @ 7% makes the debt to around.. $640 million dollars today...approaching a billion $$ in 5 years..:undecided::undecided:
The only way Israel would pay that would be on top of an ICBM lol
"Throw us to Mediterranean sea"🤣🤣🤣 this bro think we live in medieval time ⚔. Even the palatinens know you guys bullshit them for your on use. You are funny
Btw Israelis love the sea. 😂
Relax bro do a bath before you will be running out of water
Improve your swimming skills for now. You will need them as much as your second Eastern European passports. 😬
The only way Israel would pay that would be on top of an ICBM lol
Fat jews today
Or you could deduce it from our debts to the remaining Jews after the next Holocaust, with the difference being that this time it will be a real event. 😁
The sooner they pay the better is for them...that interest keeps accumulating..one way or another they pay..Historical debts are never forgotten..they should know that..they are still collecting from the Germans...
Fat jews today

The sooner they pay the better is for them...that interest keeps accumulating..one way or another they pay..Historical debts are never forgotten..they should know that..they are still collecting from the Germans...
It's only because Germans were castrated after losing World War II. No sane nation would pay that much money to survivors for no reason.
Or you could deduct it from our debts to the remaining Jews after the next Holocaust, with the difference being that this time it will be a real event. 😁
Imagine thinking such a scenario wouldn't involve the complete, utter and absolute annihalation of our enemies
Imagine thinking such a scenario wouldn't involve the complete, utter and absolute annihalation of our enemies
I can imagine that. It won't be the first time that your enemies killed you en mass and you did nothing but submit and leave your lands.
I mean you should know the humble history of your nation better than me, for sure. But from what I remember, from the time of the Babylonians until recently, you always submitted to your enemies and ran away in fear. This whole "I will annihilate this, I will annihilate that" doesn't work when anti-Israel sentiments are growing exponentially in the world day by day.
I want some of the stuff you guys smoking 😅 must be very strong 😂
It's not stronger than the stuff you guys smoke that makes you hallucinate and think that Israel can survive in its existing form with ethnic cleansing and genocide. 😃
Speak a guy in favor of a regime that spread terrorism everywhere. Ironic.... This regime don't mind to kill it's on people we saw that in the green revolution protest. You speak in harsh language because you know this regim will find it's end like every dictatorship
Actually to be honest and this is my real belief that the next Holocaust (the real one not the made-up one) of the Jews will start in the US by the Trump people as they open their eyes to what Jews have done to them...So I hope Iran can collect from them (jews) before the Trump guys or the Arabs leave nothing for Iran to collect..

My message to the JEWS: Guys you are standing on a thin ice...history is full of upheavals..you are hiding behind an unstable giant..think for a second what happens to all of you when that giant is no longer there to protect you...You have done many many bad things to many people..they are all thirsty for your blood..This PDF should tell you a little bit about what will happen to you...Think of that day ,,Samson option can be preempted by your very own friends....
Speak a guy in favor of a regime that spread terrorism everywhere. Ironic.... This regime don't mind to kill it's on people we saw that in the green revolution protest. You speak in harsh language because you know this regim will find it's end like every dictatorship
I'm not in favor of the regime for personal reasons (I don't like theocracies, for example), but that does't stop me from absolutely hating your genocidal country. 😃
You apparently underestimate the huge number of atheists that hate your country and your people. The days that only Muslims or supporters of the Iranian regime hated you are long over.
Actually to be honest and this is my real belief that the next Holocaust (the real one not the made-up one) of the Jews will start in the US by the Trump people as they open their eyes to what Jews have done to them...So I hope Iran can collect from them (jews) before the Trump guys or the Arabs leave nothing for Iran to collect..

My message to the JEWS: Guys you are standing on a thin ice...history is full of upheavals..you are hiding behind an unstable giant..think for a second what happens to all of you when that giant is no longer there to protect you...You have done many many bad things to many people..they are all thirsty for your blood..This PDF should tell you a little bit about what will happen to you...Think of that day ,,Samson option can be preempted by your very own friends....

You are in no
Actually to be honest and this is my real belief that the next Holocaust (the real one not the made-up one) of the Jews will start in the US by the Trump people as they open their eyes to what Jews have done to them...So I hope Iran can collect from them (jews) before the Trump guys or the Arabs leave nothing for Iran to collect..

My message to the JEWS: Guys you are standing on a thin ice...history is full of upheavals..you are hiding behind an unstable giant..think for a second what happens to all of you when that giant is no longer there to protect you...You have done many many bad things to many people..they are all thirsty for your blood..This PDF should tell you a little bit about what will happen to you...Think of that day ,,Samson option can be preempted by your very own friends....

You are not in a position to threaten us. Iran in a fail state with a fail system. Your economy collapsing you have huge water and food problem you even want to buy phizer drugs from the big Satan because coronavirus. We smoke you ever day in Syria without any response that even Assad start to think about new alternative and spoke with the UAE ambassador. 8+nuclear scientist have killed without any response. We even took your nuclear archives in the middle of the day.
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