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Patna blast suspect escapes from custody of National Investigation Agency


Mar 19, 2011
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(Let's face it - there can be no excuse for this kind of shoddiness. Such a level of incompetence from the NIA makes one wonder what that agency was created for in the first place, if they are more incompetent than state police forces, and can't even detain a high value suspect. If they cannot properly execute the bread and butter of police work, they should not exist as this overarching umbrella agency with a grandiose title. The officers and constables in charge ought to be prosecuted and arrested for criminal negligence of duty.)


Patna : A man arrested for Sunday's serial blasts in Patna in which six people were killed and nearly 80 injured has escaped.

Mehare Alam was arrested in Bihar's Darbhanga district, and was being brought to Patna by the National Investigation Agency.

When the team stopped in the city of Muzaffarpur, over 150 km from Patna, Alam reportedly said he wanted to use the toilet and slipped away.

The blasts preceded a massive rally held in the capital by Narendra Modi on Sunday. Mr Modi is the BJP's candidate for Prime Minister.

The man who has escaped is suspected of being a close aide of Tehseen Akhtar, who is one of the six men listed as an accused for the terror attack, and is allegedly a top commander of terror group Indian Mujahideen. He has not been located so far by the police.

Alam is also suspected to be involved in the blasts at the religious Bodhgaya town in July.
Now NIA is tellling that most probably he did not have anything to do with the blasts.
it was not a case of negligence or shodiness but a clear owt and owt case of Sonia&Pappu (Antonia& Raul maino)led Indian National congress being part of the crime to create a stampede and ban growing popularity of BJP and namo

looks like another blunder by congress as most in india know congress is way to eager to ban BJP which is the main oppsition to this menace called UPA rule in India

lets see what happens next ..and what has so called "Sicular " press has to say about it now
Considering the way with which the centre govt. and state government in UP is treating the terrorists , I would not be surprised if he was even allowed to slip away .
Definitely a conspiracy against NaMo by cangressssss.......
Clear case that they have planed all the explosion and letter escape of the detained. After failure to stop modi from the rally and the huge crowed that turn out on that day cangresssss has no chance to stand against NaMo.
How come all these IM suspects escaping from the authorities all of a sudden? Didn't we have someone called Afzal Usmani escaping from the custody only last month, & re-arrested just a few days ago?

Escaping from the custody of India's premier investigative agency? wow... just amazes me & makes me wonder if there is something more than meets the eye!
Considering the way with which the centre govt. and state government in UP is treating the terrorists , I would not be surprised if he was even allowed to slip away .
patna and muzaffarpur is in bihar though.. :P
(Let's face it - there can be no excuse for this kind of shoddiness. Such a level of incompetence from the NIA makes one wonder what that agency was created for in the first place, if they are more incompetent than state police forces, and can't even detain a high value suspect. If they cannot properly execute the bread and butter of police work, they should not exist as this overarching umbrella agency with a grandiose title. The officers and constables in charge ought to be prosecuted and arrested for criminal negligence of duty.)


Patna : A man arrested for Sunday's serial blasts in Patna in which six people were killed and nearly 80 injured has escaped.

Mehare Alam was arrested in Bihar's Darbhanga district, and was being brought to Patna by the National Investigation Agency.

When the team stopped in the city of Muzaffarpur, over 150 km from Patna, Alam reportedly said he wanted to use the toilet and slipped away.

The blasts preceded a massive rally held in the capital by Narendra Modi on Sunday. Mr Modi is the BJP's candidate for Prime Minister.

The man who has escaped is suspected of being a close aide of Tehseen Akhtar, who is one of the six men listed as an accused for the terror attack, and is allegedly a top commander of terror group Indian Mujahideen. He has not been located so far by the police.

Alam is also suspected to be involved in the blasts at the religious Bodhgaya town in July.

He is caught again just two hours before from rajdhani exp. at kanpur rly stn. wonder who would have provided him the ticket and id
How come all these IM suspects escaping from the authorities all of a sudden? Didn't we have someone called Afzal Usmani escaping from the custody only last month, & re-arrested just a few days ago?

Escaping from the custody of India's premier investigative agency? wow... just amazes me & makes me wonder if there is something more than meets the eye!
The problem is the shoddiness of the Indian police/law enforcement in general. They are given pi$$ poor training in contemporary policing and it shows. It wouldn't surprise me if the guy wasn't even handcuffed at the time.

When you say "India's premier investigative agency" you might be thinking FBI but in reality these guys are nothing more than investorgators, they aren't cops/agents, they probably have next to no training in combat/violent action, probably aren't even armed and have little clue in how to physically secure a person.
^^^Okk some clarification required....

The NIA says Alam was only a witness, not under arrest; 'After learning that an NIA team was camping in Patna, Alam himself voluntarily came to appear before them'.

“Since Mehre Alam, who was called as a witness only and was not arrested by the NIA, the question of his escape from our custody does not arise,” the agency said in a release.

NIA says Alam was only a witness, not under arrest

'After learning that an NIA team was camping in Patna, Alam himself voluntarily came to appear before them'

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday contested the Bihar Police’s claim that a suspect in Sunday’s Patna serial blasts had escaped from its custody, saying he was only a witness and was not under arrest.

Meanwhile, the Bihar police said they have arrested Darbhanga resident Mehre Alam from Kanpur and he would be brought to the State.

Alam was asked by the agency on October 23 to appear before the NIA investigating officer at its camp office in Bodh Gaya on October 29 as a witness in connection with probe into the Indian Mujahideen’s activities. The case is registered with the NIA as RC 06/2012.

After learning that an NIA team was camping in Patna in connection with the probe into the Patna serial blasts, Alam himself voluntarily came to appear before them, top officials of the agency said.

During examination, he disclosed that Hyder Ali, an accused in case number RC 06/2012, who is also an accused in the Patna blasts case, was hiding in Mirpur village in Muzaffarpur. A team of the NIA and the local police accompanied him to the village. The team searched for Ali but could not trace him.

After that they returned to Muzaffarpur and stayed in a lodge. Alam went out on the morning of October 30 on the pretext of answering the call of nature and did not return. After searching for him in the nearby area, the NIA team gave a report to the local police station for necessary action. “Since Mehre Alam, who was called as a witness only and was not arrested by the NIA, the question of his escape from our custody does not arise,” the agency said in a release.

Source:- http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/nia-contests-patna-blasts-suspects-escape/article5300769.ece
hahahahaha.. Why worry maadi.. We'll catch another bakra and call him the suspect... It happens only in India ... :omghaha:
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