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Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

Bro!! you can find exceptions everywhere, even in Army also.. But What I was talking about is that Indian police has not well equipped with good weapons..

i agree with you dude..maybe you can add better training in that list too.

But things have improved now.Mumbai police has Force 1...and other police are also planning to raise such forces..so its good we learnt our lessons.
I don't know whether I am a patriot or not but I don't insult my country and those serving the country on the words of a US 'agent'.

SWAT????? What do you know about them? Are they always run like dogs on the roads of New York????? I would like to give a stick or three not three to a SWAT police and let him fight against a terrorist with AK-56, what do you say?

Talk is so much easy, isn't it?

Dude take it easy no one is questioning the patriotism of our police force.But the fact is they are highly unequipped and have little training compared to western law enforcement agencies.
We must reform our institutions and modernize them with both equipment and perspectives to make them better
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Now to all, I want to share some personal with you guys:
My dad is a cop. He is a A.s.i with Delhi police.
You know what Many times he comes back home from duty with the tiffin "untouched". So many times ,he has to spend 24 hrs without eating. and when he comes back, he seems so tired.You know why it happens????? Coz he sometimes never finds time to have food while on Duty..
With this attitude i better not think about joining the belt force and rather become a shopkepper...when u wear the uniform you have to serve and protect the people...

I will give you an example...in 1965 war pakistani army was advancing towards jammu city and the gorkhas didnt have any weapons to stop their tanks...you know what they did?...they tied explosives and went in front of the tanks and lay their body under the chains to stop the tanks...this is commitment...if the army thought like this our nation would have never survived.

I would very much like to see such example for US police.

But Mumbai or Indian police didn't serve the country anything less than that.
Writing an article and putting blame on any one is quiet simple. Think of ppl who faced the music, choreographed by FEW war mongering neighbors and Jaichand's of India. The real story(How they managed to do it) was hidden fearing communal riots. The Government is spending millions to modernize its armed forces but doing little for Police and Paramilitary forces.

As far as American Investigating agencies are concern they have more influence on Pakistan then Indian or any one else have and they want to learn lessons from all fearing it might happen with them.
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Dude take it easy no one is questioning the patriotism of our police force.But the fact is they are highly unequipped and have little training compared to western law enforcement agencies.

One idiot called own country's police 'pathetic' and another idiot this statement,

"and people call Mumbai police the best..it is simply shameful...what happened to the super hyped encounter specialist...even J&K police SOG could have done better than them.

The biggest difference between Indian police and US police is the ATTITUDE...which you cannot buy with money...our police is still following the training given to them from the British Raj days that is "simply to supress people".

If its not an insult than what? :coffee:

He didn't talk about equipment or training but 'attitude'!!! May be our police has less equipments than western countries but what 'very little training' compared to them?? I would like to learn about that!!!!

We must reform our institutions and mdernize them with both equipment and perspectives to make them better

They are being equipped with modern weapons and systems and more are on the way.

All the blame goes to the babus and politicians sitting comfortably in air cooled rooms with SPG or Z+ security, not the normal policemen those fight and die for our country.
I don't know whether I am a patriot or not but I don't insult my country and those serving the country on the words of a US 'agent'.

SWAT????? What do you know about them? Are they always run like dogs on the roads of New York????? I would like to give a stick or three not three to a SWAT police and let him fight against a terrorist with AK-56, what do you say? Do you know how many Mumbai policemen died in those days???

Talk is so much easy, isn't it?

Yeah dude..i agree talking or criticising is very easy....but dont you feel for the people who lost their loved ones?? Dont you feel if Mumbai police could do a better job so many people wont have died??...this is the reason i am criticising them...and i do respeect every policeman that died that day coz they were doing their duty...i am talking of the one who weren't.

Regarding US Police...i am not supporting them but everyone knows their reaction time and had this been in USA..so many people wont have died coz they are well equipped and well trained..Lets not compare us with them.
Now to all, I want to share some personal with you guys:
My dad is a cop. He is a A.s.i with Delhi police.
You know what Many times he comes back home from duty with the tiffin "untouched". So many times ,he has to spend 24 hrs without eating. and when he comes back, he seems so tired.You know why it happens????? Coz he sometimes never finds time to have food while on Duty..

Sorry dude if i hurt u in any way..btw my dad was in army..he died in kargil.
Yeah dude..i agree talking or criticising is very easy....but dont you feel for the people who lost their loved ones?? Dont you feel if Mumbai police could do a better job so many people wont have died??...this is the reason i am criticising them...and i do respeect every policeman that died that day coz they were doing their duty...i am talking of the one who weren't.

Of course they could do better job but in that position those policemen had nothing better than that to do at that position. So we should blame ourselves and politicians those responsible for arming and training our police forces. Not those who fought with what they had and died.

Your reason for criticizing was different. It was the difference of 'attitude' between Mumbai and US police!!! Which they cannot 'buy with money'!!! What you say? :angry:

Many people lost their lives including the relatives of policemen.

Do you know who caught kasab and how????

Regarding US Police...i am not supporting them but everyone knows their reaction time and had this been in USA..so many people wont have died coz they are well equipped and well trained..

Already replied.

Reaction time and weapons were not allocated by the leaders so we cannot blame those standing with a stick/303 at CST. I would like to see what extra training US police gets over Mumbai ATS and how brave are they compared to us.

Lets not compare us with them.

You could have just said this rather than directly insulting. Really, how can we compare ourselves with mighty Americans!!!!
Hold on everyone... see the mumbai terror attack was a combined failure of a lot many things on ground zero it was the ill equipped police force with thier old rusty service revovers and .303....yes the police was a failure in handling the situation and containing it but then again it was the sheer bravery of the police man only who caught bloody ajmal kasaab..fact is why did he actually had to get his life scrificed had there been good primary police euipment with him things would have been different....
police force in our country is still very backward when it comes to euqipment,training and salary being paid..how can you motivate your men if you pay them peanuts in terms of salary and nothing but a danda in his hand to fight mindwashed terrorists spewing death from klashnikov???
The global security environment has changed completely today the police man on the road or on the baet patrolling is the first line of defence for any uncalled activity proper training,equipment and motivation will ensure that attacks are dealt with an iron fist....yes there were acts of cowardice too during the attcak on railway terminal bt then there was beavery too when the other police men had snached rifle frm thier friends to fire back at the pigs..
now about comparing our police force and others remember they dnt have neighbours like us..till date the mumbai police has done an incredibly good job to keep all terror and underworld acts under control thats not the record of a pathetic police force..so mind your words....they had to learn thier lesson and more lessons are needed to be learned so that they are always a step ahead of those who ant to destablise us.
@ Kinetic

I was criticising their attitude and i didnt call them pathetic.

Now talking about attitude...i dare say that some of them lack manners and dont know how to talk with respect...and its a personal experiencs many times ...so keep posting ur crap..i will feel what i have seen in life...not what some loser tells me to believe in pdf.

They are so corrupt that once i had an accident...the first thing they talk about is money...if they are getting paid peanuts...should i pay them????

I dont have respect for people who come in these cateogary...but i salute the people who do their duty inspite of being badly equipped.

kinetic...next time before posting mind your language and post...or be prepared..i was not the first to use bad words against you..but would be the last if you start for sure.
I cannot believe that the Policemen actually ran away leaving the unarmed civilians at the mercy of the bloody terrorists:angry:

tht s very much the norm in some asia countries it is the well know fact tht police men in malaysia delay as long as possible to come to the crime sence almost until it is over or all the criminals have escaped.
tht s very much the norm in some asia countries it is the well know fact tht police men in malaysia delay as long as possible to come to the crime sence almost until it is over or all the criminals have escaped.

dude...if they come on time...would there be any crime at all?? :)
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