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Pathankot attack: Follow Israel's top-notch technology tricks to protect India-Pakistan border


Aug 21, 2012
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NEW DELHI: Over a year ago, Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited Israel and went to a border outpost in Gaza with Israel's NSA to look at how that country, through some top-notch technology, ensures near-zero infiltration from across its hot border with Palestine.

It is not known how much the Modi Government gained from that exercise in terms of emulating the Israel model on its border with Pakistan. A close look at the 130-meter wide river-bed in Bamiyal, which terrorists seem to have crossed from Pakistan to attack Pathankot air base, shows perhaps nothing was learnt. The flap was down on the BSF-improvised recording device attached to a camera that was supposed to keep a watch over the river bed - so the camera was rolling but not recording.
Another BSF-improvised technique to raise an alarm on such unfenced river stretches in case of an intrusion - a laser wall - was not installed here since the focus was first on the terror-prone Jammu border. There are no answers on why India has not bought top-of-the-line surveillance equipment off the shelf from abroad rather than depending on local improvisations to stop terror intrusions, at a time when the stakes are as high as the fate of Modi's peace outreach effort with Pakistan. Basically, the country was depending on just two BSF men stationed on posts on either bank to stop the armed terrorists from coming in to attack Pathankot. Unfortunately, our men missed spotting them.

This lapse is even more ironic since it was BSF which had first issued an alert on December 25 - the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his surprise pit-stop in Lahore - BSF had information that terrorists were doing a recee across the Punjab border for a possible intrusion.

To be fair, BSF did foil 69 such infiltration attempts in the Jammu sector last year. Senior officials cite the proverbial line that BSF has to be successful all the time while terrorists have to be succeed only once. It is also being argued that while BSF guards 553 kilometres of the Punjab border and may have failed to secure one small unfenced riverine stretch, the Indian Air Force had to secure only a 25-kilometre perimeter of its Pathankot air-base but failed to do the same despite subsequent specific information that the base will be the target.

The PM, by all accounts, is not impressed by both lapses and did read the riot act out to IAF on his trip last week to Pathankot, asking why the base was so porous and why modern electronic perimeter intrusion systems could not be installed. BSF, unlike earlier, is no more in the denial mode. It's possible that we slipped in spotting this intrusion, BSF Chief D.K. Pathak told the PM last week.

BSF is now insisting on more manpower to guard the Punjab border - it cites the deployment level in Jammu vis-a-vis Punjab is to the tune of 2.5:1. But Israel, hailed to have the best border protection system in the world, depends more on technology than humans to protect its border -- like high-quality long-range day cameras along with night observation systems, third generation thermal imagers, long-range detection radars, electronic touch and motion sensors on the fence as well as underground sensors to detect any tunnelling attempts.

An Israel firm, Elbit Systems, designed the Israel border fence and was also roped in by US to build a modern fence on the US-Mexico border. The Home Ministry, which has a Secretary level officer in-charge of its border management division, needs to dust up the files from the Israel visit and make a quick move to get such technology. A porous Indo-Pak border is the biggest challenge to an Indo-Pak peace process.

Pathankot attack: Follow Israel's top-notch technology tricks to protect India-Pakistan border - The Economic Times
Elbit's Fencing Technology

Border Security

Our highly sophisticated virtual border security system is a multi-layer border control and management system deploying special border surveillance posts. These autonomous posts include observation systems (LORROSTM, LORROS MK-II) mounted on towers, placed in strategic locations along the border. Each post is a self-sufficient unit, facilitating power, communication, and site security and processing. This configuration enables deployment by stages, each as an independent component.
The system is fully remote-controlled via a central control room. All data from the border surveillance posts is routed to the central control room via wireless, fiber-optic, or other communication infrastructures, where it is processed and displayed. The system can have numerous control rooms, deployed hierarchically, from regional to national levels.
Based on powerful surveillance and management software, the system enables the user to keep an eye on the "big picture" while conducting border control tasks with less manpower, at real time intervals. This improves the reaction time of law enforcement authorities to prevent border violations and to increase public safety.
The core of this system includes:
  • High quality long-range day cameras (EPOS, VSS) with night observation systems employing third generation thermal imagers (Crystal-P, Ivory-Z, Lotus-G, Artim-LR)
  • Land Surveillance and Detection Radars
  • Observation towers with self contained power unit, perimeter fence (Electronic Alarm Fence) and site security
  • Wide-band wireless communication modules for each border surveillance post
  • Mobile surveillance vehicles (MSS) and small UAVs for coverage of areas not covered by the towers (dead zones, etc)
  • Personal surveillance sensors, such as hand-held third generation thermal imagers, night vision goggles and personal equipment
  • Digital control center facilitating border surveillance and management software, large LCD displays, digital maps and high-tech control consoles for the operators
Border Control System (BCR) 2000

Elbit Systems was selected by the Israeli Police Force to provide a Border Control System developed over all airport, sea and land entry points.
The system, called BCR 2000, fulfills the special need and operational requirements of a wide range of potential users worldwide. BCR 2000 benefits from Elbit Systems' extensive experience in integrating Command, Control and Communication for defense customers.


@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA @AUSTERLITZ @Levina @Water Car Engineer
Technology is backed in Israel by an Iron Will of no compromise. Israelis know what is at stake and show no mercy to those violating it - women, children, old men, young men, students, terrorists, supporters, madmen, aliens, kangaroos, elephants, little green men etc etc. They have the guts to UTILIZE the technology.

Indians neither have the will nor the courage. A fancy fence will do little more than what we have currently. :)

It can be automated on the other hand. That way the execution can be relegated to computers. Who lack the squeamish nature of the majority of us. :)

Over a year ago, Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited Israel
He went there over an year ago. In the meantime he decided to trust Pakistanis instead. :agree: So let's be realistic about our expectations here.
We need a multitude of solutions but with a small modification
A 3 tier ring
First and outermost tier - Border walls minimum 5 meters high along with surveillance towers
Second and interim tier - Israel & Judea/Samaria like walls with surveillance, auto guns and AA/SAM batteries (planned)
Third tier: Normal fenced barbed wires with ditches and boot patrolling

This means the first and second tier is using automated systems and after third tier the real boots patrolling comes in. The first and second tier will have minimal boots who are needed just to check if any incursion/destruction is done and all systems are working perfectly.

1. Walls like in Turkey Syria border as outer ring... a great wall of "India"




The wall should be at least 5 meter high. Turkey Syria walls are 3 m high.

First wall needs modification like this

2. Israel technology as suggested in this OP like this but in imiddle ring


3. The third ring should be whats like now

The first and second tier in combination looks like this


  • upload_2016-1-16_13-6-17.jpeg
    11.3 KB · Views: 25
Iron Will of no compromise
That sums up the whole thing, doesn't it.
Unless there is a clear vision and strong resolve to back it up, things will remain chaotic.
I'm no expert on these matters, but when you wish to counter infiltration, i guess what we should be looking at is to make infiltration
1. Extremely Risky
2. Extremely Costly
3. Very low chance of success.
This will force to look for new strategies, making a lot of these attacks unfeasible. But as you said, technology can only help you so far. After that its the policy and consistency in policy that matters.

He went there over an year ago. In the meantime he decided to trust Pakistanis instead. :agree: So let's be realistic about our expectations here.
Well they have to learn a lot. I mean election campaign rhetoric is one thing, running a foreign office is something very different.
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People farm lands on the other side of the wall and rivers change banks during monsoon!
Even if you raise wall higher then the great china wall, as long as india is occupying kashmir and fueling terrorism in Pakistan and afghanistan, you too wont have any peace.If border controls were the solution there wont be any attacks in Europe and US.
That sums up the whole thing, doesn't it.
Unless there is a clear vision and strong resolve to back it up, things will remain chaotic.
I'm no expert on these matters, but when you wish to counter infiltration, i guess what we should be looking at is to make infiltration
1. Extremely Risky
2. Extremely Costly
3. Very low chance of success.
This will force to look for new strategies making a lot of these attacks unfeasible. But as you said, technology can only help you so far. After that its its the policy and consistency in policy that matters.

Well they have to learn a lot. I mean election campaign rhetoric is one thing, running a foreign office is something very different.
Since we are pu$$ies, automated firing bots can take the place of regular sentries. Sentries, officers may be brave but the permission to open fire often does not come in time, because the political higher ups may be (are) cowards. So bots can take the place for the time being. Not a fool proof method but works.
Taking into consideration the number of coincidences like the camera was not recording at the border, the wires were cut (at the AFS), police not responding on time etc, then i think we must first find a way to weed out corruption from our system.
I refuse to believe so many human errors could have happened simultaneously.
I am not an expert on border security but i think its high time we put mines on the riverine stretches of Punjab which are difficult to fence. And they dare cross the border!
I know we might end up with collateral damage, so to reduce it lets keep the civilians away from such borders (like not allowing farms very close to the borders). JMHO!
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I refuse to believe so many human errors could have happened simultaneously.
Absolutely True!
Media reports are already surfacing, that how smuggling of Contraband drugs and substance has acquired menacing size in Punjab. This cross border smuggling cannot take place unless there are people involved from our side as well and once the person who guards the border, closes eyes, we become vulnerable.
Maybe introduction of superior technology can reduce level of Human intervention, making it more fool proof. But unfortunately (like it happens for any technology), Human aspect cannot be completely removed and therefore integrity of people becomes of paramount importance.
I'd like to see a west bank style wall all along the Pakistan border


30 feet of reinforced concrete wall with surveillance, sensors and turrets that no jihadi would dare approach, let alone scale.

seem to me you are really scared these days .. Did you sleep well at night ?? Or did you had dream of ISI ..??

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