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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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I know my country, with all its quirks and shortcomings. I understand India. You dont - evident from your and many of your compatriots' posts. Thats why I said - ignorant, idiotic and stupid post.

Do you even understand your own country, I wonder.

ps: I've got a face every mirror would hesitate to reflect ;)

Quoted for ignorance, idiocy and stupidity. Kudos.
And Pakistanis say that you people know more about India then Indians know Pakistan. Utter stupid post.

Your media tells the world itself. I'm going spare myself from posting videos, as you are perfectly capable of using the search query on youtube.
I think you must be living in a different India then.
The one in reality sends minorities to jail for simply eating beef.

Also, it's pathetic that you are condoning this disgusting act by simply saying "well, some place else does something bad too"

My dear illiterate friend, correct your knowledge jail sentence is for selling Beef, not for eating beef.
I know my country, with all its quirks and shortcomings. I understand India. You dont - evident from your and many of your compatriots' posts. Thats why I said - ignorant, idiotic and stupid post.

Do you even understand your own country, I wonder.

ps: I've got a face every mirror would hesitate to reflect ;)
Quoted for ignorance, idiocy and stupidity. Kudos.
Alas, the fine art of self-deprecating humor is lost upon humanity these days.
I think only vampires can claim that :blink:
I hate vampires and all that stupidity of those Eclipse Moon (or whatever) series and stupid Hollywood obsession with Vampires and Zombies!!
My dear illiterate friend, correct your knowledge jail sentence is for selling Beef, not for eating beef.

Oh I'm sorry, this completely changes everything. :rolleyes:

So I guess the law wants minorities to steal the beef?
that way no one is selling and still legal?

I think only vampires can claim that :blink:

Or werewolves.

Yes about not derailing the thread what do the majority of you Indians think?
a) should the pastor be tried and sentenced
b) the pastor should be hanged unto death.

Be free to add any other option
Or werewolves.

Yes about not derailing the thread what do the majority of you Indians think?
a) should the pastor be tried and sentenced
b) the pastor should be hanged unto death.

Be free to add any other option

How about c) those who harrassed the pastor should be tried and sentenced.
Zero tolerance for intolerance!
Alas, the fine art of self-deprecating humor is lost upon humanity these days.

I can only sense frustration coming from your end. Everyone can see your masterly efforts of deflecting the issue at hand.

As they say, If I can't see it, it can't see me.
Pastor in India Traumatized after Attack


Pastor Hari Shankar Ninama, 65, was praying for an 8-year-old boy when Hindu extremists beat and abducted him.
Hindu extremists beat, strip 65-year-old leader in Rajasthan.
NEW DELHI, February 17 (CDN) — A pastor in India’s Rajasthan state who was stripped, beaten and wounded by Hindu extremists earlier this month is still traumatized, while police have yet to investigate due to family fears of further violence, security and hospital officials said.

Pastor Hari Shankar Ninama, 65, was praying in a home in Ambarunda, Peepal Khoont, Pratapgarh district for an 8-year-old boy’s recovery from illness on Feb. 1 when at least 10 Hindu extremists arrived on motorbikes and stormed in, he said. The assailants beat him and, putting him on one of their motorbikes, took him outside the village, where they stripped off his clothes and struck him.

They fled after stealing his watch, cell phone and a small amount of money.

Pastor Ninama told Compass that he was visiting his daughter Galadh Mangiya Bujh in Ambarunda village when her neighbor, Lasiya Bujh, requested he pray for his sick child. Ambarunda is 17 kilometers (nearly 11 miles) from Pastor Ninama’s home village of Aamliya.

“As I sat praying, a group of at least 10 men interrupted the prayer and started to beat me,” Pastor Ninama said.

Others were awaiting prayer at the home of the pastor’s daughter and witnessed the attack, including Paasu Dindore.

“They slapped Pastor Ninama’s daughter Galadh and beat the sick boy’s father too,” Dindore said. “I was there to request Pastor Ninama to pray for me, and as soon as the attack took place I fled from the spot and witnessed the event from a distance, hiding.”
Pastor in India Traumatized after Attack
Mud slinging at its best....
What worries me most is that 2 Pakistani borthers whom i respect the mots, saying that ALL of INDIA is racist and this is not an isolated Incident.
I hope the 2 borthers will realize that I am referring to them in my post.
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