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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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Vatican should cut all ties with india if Pope has any shame in him.
I personally think such threads are planned in the think tank forum :)

A Pakistani troll starts a thread.. A bunch of us Indians get pulled into responding to troll threads.. Pakistani trolls prolly get a free pass ahead of time.. Indians responding to trolls get banned. Yet another normal day on Defence.pk


Karan - dude i hope you are having a laugh - look at the think tanks - do you think they start threads like this in the Think Tank? Buddy come on - you really need to think outside the box. :no:
Look mate - a load of Indians have recently been coming on here and having a troll fest - some of them get banned and then are reborn again under new IDs - we both know it happens. Some of the abuse thrown on here against my nation is to say the least disrespectful. So occassionally a thread like this is started and it rattles a few emotions - understandable as we are all patriotic and so we should be. Whats been an eye opener is the fact that Indians have tried to insinuate it doesnt happen. Yaar it happens - like it happens in our nation. Minorities are supressed and sadly shouldnt be.
This thread has gone on long enough and should be now put to rest and closed down. Enough has been said - time to move on.
the kid has no idea what he's talking about.....i was Mil Professional and later was ''upgraded'' (if you call that an ''upgrade'') to Think Tank status

due to the number of infractions i amassed (i lost count) i was demoted

so no need to drag the TTs or PDF admin into this childish debate. Theyre doing their jobs fine, and if you dont like the forum or how it's run then go scram, dafa ho jao
...... Yaar it happens - like it happens in our nation. Minorities are supressed and sadly shouldnt be.

I'm sorry...but as I said before there is no equal equal between how minorities are treated in India and in Pakistan.

If there is any thing which is true..it is the fact that Indian 'secularism' is infact loaded way more in favour of minorities than the majority community, inspite of the definition of secularism being - "....... irrespective of religion".

---------- Post added at 02:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

Vatican should cut all ties with india if Pope has any shame in him.

For beginners, that would be awesome.

BTW professionals should look up the meaning of the word "genocide".....20 or 30 people lossing their lives in a riot which was primarily because of the conversion activities is not genocide...:lol:
Saying Christians are safe in Pakistan when they are suffering silently and not even saying it outside for the fear of their lives is atrocious.

C'mon when even Muslims are not safe just because they are not of the same sect as the majority , saying the minority communities are safe is laughable and at the same time stupid.

the people who wage attacks based on misguided religious ''zeal'' consider Shiias to be WORSE than non-Muslims -it just so happens

by and large, Sikhs and Christians are much better off in Pakistan than they are in hindustan.....but then again, missionaries are strictly forbidden to work and operate in Pakistan (something i have no qualms over, to be honest).
How embarrassing for ''incredible india'' with so called largest Democracy. :sick:
This incident is not surprising, considering "incredible secular" india had massacres in the past like: 1984, Orissa, Gujarat, etc
Now this is fiction writing at best. you do have a cause, don't you?

minorities feel safer in Pakistan? you wouldn't make that statement if you were really honest. Forget about big things like "religious freedom".

i stand firmly by what i said

[/just get rid of the Blasphemy law , I ll accept that Minorities can feel safe. (Forget about rights of preaching, setting up institutions etc.,)

i'm opposed to the blasph. law

always remember, There are Muslims out there who kill Muslims for not being Muslim enough. Regular Friday bombings and shootings attest that. Now don't ever compare Islam/Muslims with other religions /people in general.

all religious groups --Abrahamic religious groups obviously included -- have seen fair share of in-fighting among different schools of thought, different sects etc. Islam is no different.

It was never I who was ''comparing Islam/Muslim with other religions/people in general''; i was juxtaposing Pakistan and hindustan, since one of your fellow hindustani posters decided to bring Pakistan into this discussion.

at the end of the day, i could care less about what goes on in hindustan because we have our own fair share of social and socio-economic related issues to address. All i did was point out some undeniable facts (bitter realities, i suppose)
I hate this Rascals who Come Constantly on My Door & Tell ur believing on Devil... ur God is Animal ,Rock etc... I cant Bear them any longer ... So we have Made a Hindu Brotherhood in my Building ... we Kick the Butt of any Such Idiots who Come on our Doors for Conversion...

Last December i had taken Vratham (penance of 41 Days) for Shabarimala ... at that time while i was waiting at Bus Stand... 1 idiot Approached me... he was a Keralaite like me. First he Started like r u malayali where r u from & All... then he Gave a Book about some Conference on Christanity ...

I said Sir i am not interested i am Proud Hindu ... he just told me so what Just Visit once u will understand the Real God... I still politely replied i have taken Vratha (penance) for Shabarimala so plzz refrain ... Then that Rascal started like ohh dont be a Idiot brother ur going to dense forest to meet a Stone ... how can he be a God... & infact Devil Stays in Jungles not Gods...

He Just Made a Swami Pissed... i Removed by Sacred Mala... & Then Started Kicked the hell out of him... his Nose & Mouth started Bleeding... i Would have Killed Him thankfully there was restaurant of Shetty of karanataka near the Bus top ... & they have also taken the Vratha for Shabarimala they Came & Intervened & Told me swami ur not Supposed to Do this when ur on Vratha ... i explained the whole episode to them ... but they still insisted that Idiots r there every where dont get annoyed by it... Concentrate on Lord Ayyappa... i had to leave him there...

After reading this if u people think i have persecuted a Christian, then yes i Have did it...But i have No regret ...

to my Muslim Friends Its same like Some Non-Muslim saying blasphemous things about Prophet & Allah when ur on a Trip to Mecca ...

What a shining example you set for your Indian friends. I am sure many RSS warmonger's will be very proud of what you have done. They will look towards you for inspiration.

What a great thing you have done. Boasting about beating up a hapless Christian. I wonder how they must feel living in Secular India. Of course not to say you are alone. Most Indians I have seen commenting follow you. They believe it was indeed a holy task to chastise the evil pastor.
I strongly feel that you are doing this on purpose. You can't be serious.

Minorities? Pakistan.
and then comparing to India?
I feel like puking right now.
Give us all a break, will you?

you killed 4000 sikhs just in one night in 1984 operation blue star.......thats unheard of.
the people who wage attacks based on misguided religious ''zeal'' consider Shiias to be WORSE than non-Muslims -it just so happens

by and large, Sikhs and Christians are much better off in Pakistan than they are in hindustan.....but then again, missionaries are strictly forbidden to work and operate in Pakistan (something i have no qualms over, to be honest).

There is no law stating missionary work in Pakistan is illegal. We don't need another biased law. It is okay for Muslims to preach to Hindus and Christians. How is it not okay for a Christian to preach. Childish ideas. People who introduce ideas such as these don't understand the bias and discrimination prevalent within their own minds.

You are spoiling my day. Isn't that why I have been arguing with the Indians on this thread for the past 2 days?

Don't we believe its not right to say RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and other terrorist thugs can convert, Christians (often forcefully) and then whine when Christians do the same. No then in fact attack Christians who have nothing to do with it.

If we are supporting the same bias in our country we cannot even talk about India Abu Zulfiqar. We need to just accept and distance ourselves from such things. Who cares? Its their choice!!! Give everyone the religious freedom and we will thrive, (except when it comes to using violence)

I have been arguing that India can't call itself secular if it displays this bias and you are suggesting exactly the same thing.
everything here is relative.....like i said, Pakistan has a ways to go before calling itself a discrimination-free country where all people have equal rights.....we are a ways away from that goal, hopefully we or our children or grand-children will see that day

but this topic never was about Pakistan; it was your people who brought in Pakistan
There is no law stating missionary work in Pakistan is illegal. We don't need another biased law. It is okay for Muslims to preach to Hindus and Christians. How is it not okay for a Christian to preach. Childish ideas. People who introduce ideas such as these don't understand the bias and discrimination prevalent within their own minds.

You are spoiling my day. Isn't that why I have been arguing with the Indians on this thread for the past 2 days?

my father is fluent in English because he went to St. Marys high school in Peshawar --which was formally a missionary school, administered by nuns.

there is no LAW per se

me personally im 100% at peace with my faith, which is why i dont wear religion on my sleeves nor do i feel the need for any law related to religion. But that's me.

as for rest of your post, well i dont disagree with you
my father is fluent in English because he went to St. Marys high school in Peshawar --which was formally a missionary school, administered by nuns.

there is no LAW per se

me personally im 100% at peace with my faith, which is why i dont wear religion on my sleeves nor do i feel the need for any law related to religion. But that's me.

as for rest of your post, well i dont disagree with you

I am glad that you did not argue my post. We need tolerance. Whether in India or in Pakistan. It just cannot be right to allow something to one person or religious/ethnic group and just not allow it to another. That's the point where things become unfair and we must avoid that at all costs. No matter what the case. Look at America. How they built unity, after oppressing blacks and muslims for so many years they made their constitution fair, now there is rascism sometimes but generally they don't care if you're black or Muslim, even if they are bombing Iraq and Afghanistan, they can do this because they have united their people by fairness and equality. If we build a land based on unity, fairness and equality there will be no limit to the progress we make. Even Quaid E Azam said this:

If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this State with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make.
August 11 Speech

If you look at his August 11 speech you will notice how he viewed minorities and how he favored equality for each and every group and just how keen he was to treat all people fairly. This is a must for us because we were a minority in India once and were treated with bias. We cannot do the same thing to our minorities.

I am glad to see we Pakistanis are becoming more liberal minded and in fact in most cases are even more secular minded than the Indians but we need to progress towards this goal even further.

In the past few days, just on this thread with Indians justifying the treatment of the pastor I have noticed Indians actually only give lip service to secularism and are not serious about it.

I still have to see a single Indian who does not, fully or partially blame the pastor for what happened or if not 'Christian missionary groups'. And this is a crime. How does attacking a pastor justify anything? RSS has illegally converted many people. There was a crime report on it and police does not take any action. But this conversion to Christianity or to Islam, (even though its by choice) is on every Indians mind. Why?

Indians have only one response to this. Pakistan this, Pakistan that? Competition hai kaun apni minorities ko pehle marey ga?
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