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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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I hate this Rascals who Come Constantly on My Door & Tell ur believing on Devil... ur God is Animal ,Rock etc... I cant Bear them any longer ... So we have Made a Hindu Brotherhood in my Building ... we Kick the Butt of any Such Idiots who Come on our Doors for Conversion...

Last December i had taken Vratham (penance of 41 Days) for Shabarimala ... at that time while i was waiting at Bus Stand... 1 idiot Approached me... he was a Keralaite like me. First he Started like r u malayali where r u from & All... then he Gave a Book about some Conference on Christanity ...

I said Sir i am not interested i am Proud Hindu ... he just told me so what Just Visit once u will understand the Real God... I still politely replied i have taken Vratha (penance) for Shabarimala so plzz refrain ... Then that Rascal started like ohh dont be a Idiot brother ur going to dense forest to meet a Stone ... how can he be a God... & infact Devil Stays in Jungles not Gods...

He Just Made a Swami Pissed... i Removed by Sacred Mala... & Then Started Kicked the hell out of him... his Nose & Mouth started Bleeding... i Would have Killed Him thankfully there was restaurant of Shetty of karanataka near the Bus top ... & they have also taken the Vratha for Shabarimala they Came & Intervened & Told me swami ur not Supposed to Do this when ur on Vratha ... i explained the whole episode to them ... but they still insisted that Idiots r there every where dont get annoyed by it... Concentrate on Lord Ayyappa... i had to leave him there...

After reading this if u people think i have persecuted a Christian, then yes i Have did it...But i have No regret ...

to my Muslim Friends Its same like Some Non-Muslim saying blasphemous things about Prophet & Allah when ur on a Trip to Mecca ...

LOL, is this guy seriously boasting about beating up Christians in India?
You laugh off forceful kidnap/conversions/marriage of Hindu Pakistani girls to Muslims as Love affair and take pain in explaining[SUB] how they ran off from their homes to get married and converted.[/SUB] goes on to prove you got morals to regret such incident on your soil..

first get your facts right : no one forces them to do that and the non-muslims girls do it willingly as they being adults are in charge & free to choose &/or decide what's good or bad for them...:smokin: second : that's simply because those hindu girls fall in love with muslim pakistani young men and do that as they wish , and that utmost love make those hindu girls to run away and/or even accept/convert to IsLam ... :coffee: by the way , people in this world kill others , murder their own family members (if they have to) and also suicide themselves for their love when they are in love ... :smitten: but what you are so worried about here is just a mere run-away for love ... :azn:
Even with so much high IQ, can you read the whole thing he had written or you simply remain to be ignorant.

Apparently you are the one who did not read it. He even admitted it himself. :lol:

After reading this if u people think i have persecuted a Christian, then yes i Have did it...But i have No regret ...
Mud slinging at its best....
What worries me most is that 2 Pakistani borthers whom i respect the mots, saying that ALL of INDIA is racist and this is not an isolated Incident.
I hope the 2 borthers will realize that I am referring to them in my post.

Ashokbhai I have a lot of time for you. I think it is unfair to say that all Indians are racist however incidents like this do suggest that secularism in India is just a façade.
Ashokbhai I have a lot of time for you. I think it is unfair to say that all Indians are racist however incidents like this do suggest that secularism in India is just a façade.

Even a butterfly fluttering it's wings somewhere in the Amazon forest would suggest that to you guys.

Its just the need.
It's the "need" that drives the behavior.

"Need" to justify something every living second.

Ya, just as the Need to deviate from the subject to prove one's credentials in the behaviour pattern.

It will be the most ridiculous comparison ever.

On the one hand you have some incidents in a general environment of secularism and tolerance and democracy.

On the other hand, almost completely ethnically cleansed country that has now turned on Islamic sects after being done with the non Muslims.

The flavor of the season there are now the Shia...

Hindus and Christians are "oh so old" news..., Even the Ahmedias...

Indeed it will be a ridiculous comparison of epic proportions, for the count alone, under the guise of so called secularism, several thousand in Punjab, few thousand in Gujarat, still counting in places like Orisa .....we are admittedly out of race.
Ya, just as the Need to deviate from the subject to prove one's credentials in the behaviour pattern.

Indeed it will be a ridiculous comparison of epic proportions, for the count alone, under the guise of so called secularism, several thousand in Punjab, few thousand in Gujarat, still counting in places like Orisa .....we are admittedly out of race.

Promise me that if I come back with a rebuttal with facts and figures, you and your brigade will not give out a collective cry. ;)
Promise me that if I come back with a rebuttal with facts and figures, you and your brigade will not give out a collective cry. ;)

The divas of 1947 haven't changed much even in 2012. !!! :)
Since when you are the rest of the pack needed an excuse to digress from topic and try and smear all others. :rolleyes:
Even a butterfly fluttering it's wings somewhere in the Amazon forest would suggest that to you guys.

Its just the need.

LOL, let them jerk off to unconfirmed reports. The fact is indian minorities keep growing in percentage and absolute numbers, are an integral part of india and are found in all spheres of life, from prime minister to president to billionaires to CEOs to army chiefs to navy chiefs to airforce chiefs to RAW chiefs to top judges to top sportsmen to top musicians to top actors to top doctors to just about everywhere. Although some of these fake propaganda victimhood and persecution claiming intolerant to the core evangelical idiots seem to have special love from some pakistanis, the fact is 42000 ngos in india receive $ from abroad, its only a guess how many of them are evangelical and how many rabidly so.

The 'need' however, of the cursed ones, is extremely hilarious and sad too. Incidentally, shahbaz Bhatti was sacrificed to the 'need' exactly a year ago, 2nd march 2011. Grand isn't it?
Glad you realized it so soon. There is just no comparison.

We have our issues and incidents and we are dealing with them. Pakistan and the Islamic world is the last one to lecture us on these issues, given your reality.

Thank god you finally admitted that Islam has no place in your perception of India.
Thank god you finally admitted that Islam has no place in your perception of India.

So according to you Islamic world includes India??? LOL, very poor word play. You seem to be in a hurry to impose your perceptions on others, its the need again.
So according to you Islamic world includes India??? LOL, very poor word play. You seem to be in a hurry to impose your perceptions on others, its the need again.

Muslims are not part of India?
You seem to be covering up tracks.. like a cat that just fell off a wall.
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