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Passion makes a man fly high


Feb 12, 2006
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Passion makes a man fly high

By Javed Aziz Khan

PESHAWAR: For the flying-crazy Qazi family of Landi Arbab a locally made helicopter is just an Rs 1 million deal.

Two brothers of the family — Qazi Tufail and Qazi Sajjad — have put up a case before the federal government for provision of Rs 1 million to craft a Landi Arbab-made chopper. The two brothers along with some other friends are also planning to establish a private flying club in Naguman, 15 kilometres north-east of Peshawar, for which they have sought the help of the concerned authorities.

“I have held meetings with Defence Minister Rao Sikander Iqbal as well as Minister for Tourism Nilofar Bakhtiar. Now the federal government has sent another letter, seeking details of the helicopter project, which I have already provided,” the 41-year-old pilot of the ultra-light flying machine, Qazi Tufail, told The News.

“I had been working on the idea for the past five years but my financial condition never allowed me to initiate the project on my own. Will you believe at this particular moment I have only Rs 100 in my pocket and this is only my passion which always forces me to do more to improve our gliders that have introduced us to the whole world,” Tufail, a nephew of Qazi Jamshed who first hovered over the suburbs of Peshawar with his own manufactured glider in 1985, said. He claimed that he could make a helicopter within six months once he gets the required amount.

The pilot-cum-engineer of his own style uses a bicycle, which also has no brakes and mudguards, for running errands. He was once promised to be recruited as assistant sub inspector (ASI) in the NWFP police in recognition for his services for the country but was later refused on the pretext of rules.

About the project of flying club in the city, Tufail said he has held meetings with local Air Force authorities and has been interviewed by the concerned agencies. “We have informed the authorities that we are interested in setting up a flying club at Naguman. For that we have four different kinds of registered gliders while four others are yet to be registered,” Qazi said.

“We are planning to fit another engine to our gliders to further improve its strength and power for a scheduled flight at a height of 40,000 feet in August next year. In another step we are planning to fly from Peshawar to Dubai via Karachi and Tehran in two weeks in October 2007, to bring these nations together. But it will be possible only when we get a sponsor,” Tufail informed about his future flying plans.

Source: http://thenews.jang.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=23928
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