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Partition of India on religious lines was a historic mistake: Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh

we can see how indian muslims living like slaves still being killed daily in india . you can not eat beef / yu can not pray here / we will demolish this mosque and build temple/ we will change this city name / we will not let you love or marry / we ban tableeghi / we ban your preacher/ and so on

paksitan was not mistake but best thing happen to india . today millions of paksitanis wear uniforms daily go to jobs proudly . millions go to civil services thousands go to airports railway and metro jobs .we have own president to gate keeper . what we will do in india ? sale chana bujhia ? even a railway cleaner jobs for muslims in india are a dream .

when i see around in this paradise i can not say its was mistake

Why only sale of chana bhujia ? Muslims in an unpartitioned India could have been among the leadership in all aspects of society - from industrial to political. In Pakistan, the Socialist / Communist activist Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his comrades tried to gain governance power in 1951 - just four years after the Partition. If India had not been partitioned the Indian Communists could have progressed the Subcontinent so much. Think of the current circumstances - of all that idiotic weaponry and human and financial resources that India and Pakistan position against each other... Couldn't those same resources have been employed to better the Subcontinent if India, Pakistan and Bangladesh had been a single country ?

He is out of his mind. If partitioned hadn't happened we would have struggled with Democracy, Leadership, Diplomacy, Science and lastly debt. I am with Pakistanis-- we are two very different people. Partition was a blessing to both sides.

Democracy : India is not a real democracy, as is not Pakistan, USA, Britain etc. Please read this post of mine on what democracy is and is not and the history of democracy. And read that post's thread on how to arrange a society towards true democracy.

Leadership : LOL. In what really is India a leader ? Vishwa guru of what ?

Science : Really ? We have senior government leaders in India saying that ancient Hindus were flying about the solar system in magnificent vimana spacecraft, that Indians thousands of years ago invented motor cars, in vitro fertilization, satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago etc. Science really ? LOL. Nehru dreamed seven decades ago for Indians to develop scientific temper. Seven decades later have Indians developed it ?

every year ppl dead from the riots would be in the tens of thousands. and in the end it would end up like yugoslavia in the 90s (where the majority serbs suppressed every other group)

If an unpartitioned India had been guided by progressives ( please see above comment about Faiz and democracy ) then there wouldn't have been riots.
It is such a big hypocrisy from this Sangh of all shades, the RSS fascist ideology, here they are are saying partition was a mistake and on the very same forums of Twittter and other social media they, the Sanghis will call Indian Muslims as Katua, Muzzies, Madrassa Chaap, puncture wals, sabzi and pakora walas and all sort of 'walas.

And the Sanghis, RSS included will curse Muslims and call bad names, the vitriol is all can be seen.

So this this not just about lynchings and killings of a few Muslims, its ran much deepr than that...the hatred.
one thing i agree indian muslims deserve it . they followed mullah azad we followed jinnah

Otherwise it would be a bloodbath on India, because we wouldn't tolerate being hijras like Indian Muslims
one thing i agree indian muslims deserve it . they followed mullah azad we followed jinnah

He was kinda same as now they have Ghulam Nabi Azad... :p:

A Ghulam and Azad at the same time, Lol, India is all about hypocrisy.
india must rectify this mistake and give back himachel, punjab and haryana to Pakistan which was partitioned away from lahore despite punjab being overall muslim majority. Samething should be done in the east.
Democracy : India is not a real democracy, as is not Pakistan, USA, Britain etc. Please read this post of mine on what democracy is and is not and the history of democracy. And read that post's thread on how to arrange a society towards true democracy.

Leadership : LOL. In what really is India a leader ? Vishwa guru of what ?

Science : Really ? We have senior government leaders in India saying that ancient Hindus were flying about the solar system in magnificent vimana spacecraft, that Indians thousands of years ago invented motor cars, in vitro fertilization, satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago etc. Science really ? LOL. Nehru dreamed seven decades ago for Indians to develop scientific temper. Seven decades later have Indians developed it ?

I never said we were. The scope here is India and Pakistan not the rest of the world. Looking at what Pakistanis have failed to achieve as a country, I'm not wrong.
We have a long way to go when compared to the world, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis would have dragged India down. Pakistan and Bangladesh being smaller countries have bigger potential to be better than India but seeing how they struggle, I have no doubt we are all better off -- particularly India!
This hypocrisy of secularism to eat up lands is ridiculous- especially when majority Indians consider partition to be the right thing and thank Jinnah ( Indian posters said it here - for which I am thankful)
no, that's not hypocrisy, that's just the natural position: it doesn't make sense to give up or take territories in the name of religion when the state is secular. that's the point of secularism.

I also doubt most Indians thank Jinnah or think the partition was right. maybe some Hindutvadis do, but at the very most they're 33% of the population. most Indians have the same position as INC and most other parties: partition was wrong and that India should be a secular, progressive Republic.

but I agree, it would also be incoherent to claim the Kashmir valley specifically when one is also asking for Hindu Rashtra. at most they can claim some strip for Pandits or maybe some Hindu areas in Thar.

You becoming a theocratic doesn't necessarily means you have to treat you minorities like crap - it depends on state to state - plenty of religious focused countries throughout history and even now - where religious minorities are not getting lynched
the lynchings etc would only be more of a problem in Hindi Rashtra, or maybe they would have forced everyone into the Balochistani desserts and Bengal at the very start and genocided/converted the rest. the partition would have been way, way bloodier with the Hindu Rashtra. if the partition hadn't happened, Muslims would have greater negotiating power and BJP would have never succeeded. the two nation theory has made things worse for minorities all over the subcontinent.
partition was necessary

It was necessary but it was not done properly. Hence It is important to do it properly now.

What will Bangladesh and Pakistan need to make friends with India?

I proposed that West Bengal and North East be given to Bangladesh while J&K, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, UP, Delhi be given to Pakistan.
I never said we were. The scope here is India and Pakistan not the rest of the world. Looking at what Pakistanis have failed to achieve as a country, I'm not wrong.
We have a long way to go when compared to the world, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis would have dragged India down. Pakistan and Bangladesh being smaller countries have bigger potential to be better than India but seeing how they struggle, I have no doubt we are all better off -- particularly India!
We'll discuss how much of a crap hole India is and 90% of Pakistanis who manage to visit India say the same thing over and over again- but lets ignore this for a second
put your money where your mouth is - and say Muslim, Cristian, Sikh and other minorities keep you down and you accept TNT - and start handing out separations in NE, Kashmir, parts of South India, Punjab

If issue is Muslim specific- than fine Kashmir still stands
Muslim majority areas are not good for India and keeps you down- Why the f are you fighting this insurgency for 70 damn year!?
what's your purpose?
If Partition of India on religious lines was a mistake, another partition of India on ethnic and regional lines would definitely undo that historical mistake...
I never said we were. The scope here is India and Pakistan not the rest of the world. Looking at what Pakistanis have failed to achieve as a country, I'm not wrong.
We have a long way to go when compared to the world, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis would have dragged India down. Pakistan and Bangladesh being smaller countries have bigger potential to be better than India but seeing how they struggle, I have no doubt we are all better off -- particularly India!

The ONLY thing india has achieved since 1947 is to become the most malnourished, impoverished nation the world has ever seen and also the biggest open sewer ever known to mankind. If you think I'm joking, check these FACTS out:

I agree that the Partition was a mistake, a tragedy, but Mr. Rajnath Singh must look at the source of the Partition, of the Two Nation Theory, which means his own ideological brothers - the Hindutvadis. It was later that the Pakistan Movement picked it up. Shashi Tharoor, a leader from the Indian centrist party, Indian National Congress, said this last year :

As to what can be done of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh now I have this proposal :

Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan but it ended up as a Islamic theocracy.

Nehru wanted a secular Indian but it has now become Hindu theocracy.

So we cannot put the toothpaste back into the tude.

The only way forward is to partition India correctly this time make peace with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I propose that West Bengal and North East India be given to Bangladesh while J&K, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, UP, Delhi be given to Pakistan.
If an unpartitioned India had been guided by progressives
it wasn't governed by progressives , so partition happened. Even if they did, would they be able to hold back the demagogues who instigate the riots in modern india ?

I proposed that West Bengal and North East be given to Bangladesh
absolutely not , we dont want anything to do them.
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