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Partition of India on religious lines was a historic mistake: Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh

The ONLY thing india has achieved since 1947 is to become the most malnourished, impoverished nation the world has ever seen and also the biggest open sewer ever known to mankind. If you think I'm joking, check these FACTS out:

You have already proved to all of us here about your lack of comprehension and lack of ability by pasting the same things over and over and over, sometimes not even checking how old those links are. I am sorry you don't have the ability or comprehension skills. We were talking about totally different parameters than what you have posted here. If you re-read slowly, you may realize that simple fact. Good luck!
205 millions indians living under this sh1t face monster .

i better prefer to die then living under such arse hole . no matter who worse we will be we will not handover our biggest state to such Faeces

Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 21-13-23 Our Chief Ministers Punjab Portal.png
We'll discuss how much of a crap hole India is and 90% of Pakistanis who manage to visit India say the same thing over and over again- but lets ignore this for a second
put your money where your mouth is - and say Muslim, Cristian, Sikh and other minorities keep you down and you accept TNT - and start handing out separations in NE, Kashmir, parts of South India, Punjab

If issue is Muslim specific- than fine Kashmir still stands
Muslim majority areas are not good for India and keeps you down- Why the f are you fighting this insurgency for 70 damn year!?
what's your purpose?

I don't believe that at all. All our minorities make us rich. They are part of the fabric of India and if you look through the mess of politics, hateful people and media, there still exists an India where Minorities and HIndus co exist. As a nation that does not believe in secularism, Pakistanis may have trouble understanding that and I get it. We never claimed we are perfect, but as a nation if we had Pakistanis too, we would just be at the bottom of every list!

We may be a shit hole or whatever you want to call us. But we are a fiercely independent nation that can pay its own bills. We know how to walk the talk.
I don't believe that at all. All our minorities make us rich. They are part of the fabric of India and if you look through the mess of politics, hateful people and media, there still exists an India where Minorities and HIndus co exist. As a nation that does not believe in secularism, Pakistanis may have trouble understanding that and I get it. We never claimed we are perfect, but as a nation if we had Pakistanis too, we would just be at the bottom of every list!

We may be a shit hole or whatever you want to call us. But we are a fiercely independent nation that can pay its own bills. We know how to walk the talk.
what in the actual f
Clearly no answer to the actual point ...
205 millions indians living under this sh1t face monster .
View attachment 801048
i better prefer to die then living under such arse hole . no matter who worse we will be we will not handover our biggest state to such Faeces

He was and is a Yogi, a Monk.key figure in Hindutva...

Otherwise it would be a bloodbath on India, because we wouldn't tolerate being hijras like Indian Muslims

I don't have anything against the hijda community but you are always brave sitting in Britain and advising Indian Muslims to pick up arms.

I never said we were. The scope here is India and Pakistan not the rest of the world. Looking at what Pakistanis have failed to achieve as a country, I'm not wrong.
We have a long way to go when compared to the world, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis would have dragged India down. Pakistan and Bangladesh being smaller countries have bigger potential to be better than India but seeing how they struggle, I have no doubt we are all better off -- particularly India!

Sorry, what has India managed to achieve in 74 years ? Humans starving but the 60+ million stray dog population never going hungry ? People dying or suffering of illness just because they don't have money ? 350,000+ farmers having suicided of socio-economic reasons just between 1995 and 2015 ? Students suiciding because of socio-economic reasons ? People homeless not far from Ambani's obscene 27-storey house which has a private and guilt-free temple and multiple storeys for his 168 cars ? Other billionaires spending hundreds of crores for theirs children's weddings while others live in socio-economic misery ? A society of pollution, chaos, crime and disharmony ? How is India better ?

As for Bangladesh, from what I have heard it seems that Bangladesh is better off in some human development indicators than India.

Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan but it ended up as a Islamic theocracy.

Nehru wanted a secular Indian but it has now become Hindu theocracy.

1. A true Islamic society will be an almost Communist welfare-based society, not a theocracy.

2. What Pakistan has currently is kowtowing to regressives and irrationals who hide under the garb of Muslims.

3. You are right about India though.

The only way forward is to partition India correctly this time make peace with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I propose that West Bengal and North East India be given to Bangladesh while J&K, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, UP, Delhi be given to Pakistan.

On the contrary I don't speak of another partition but an ideological union. That ideology being a progressive one which I loosely describe in my thread I linked in post# 16.

it wasn't governed by progressives , so partition happened. Even if they did, would they be able to hold back the demagogues who instigate the riots in modern india ?

1. Well, until 1947 it was the British who ruled India. Maybe they arranged so that Communists wouldn't get to govern undivided India.

2. I too use the word Demagogue to describe current so-called democracies in the world. What we have now in India, Pakistan, USA etc are demagogueries, not democracies, hence my constant appeal that people adopt the real democracy that Libya had until 2011 and that Venezuela is building despite constant subversion by NATO.


I am logging-off now. Any member who replies to me I will reply tomorrow.
I am writing this comment while eating gaoo mata steak.
Couldn't have been possible if i was Indian Muslim.
So partition on religious grounds was the best decision.
what in the actual f
Clearly no answer to the actual point ...
Given how your country has been run in the past few decades, you very well know what I am debating about. So you can go on with your arguments but you do know exactly what I am talking about and why we cannot be a single nation. It's not about religion for me like its for you guys. It just how Pakistan fails at the smaller things that makes me think if we were a nation, India would be fail as well.
Why only sale of chana bhujia ? Muslims in an unpartitioned India could have been among the leadership in all aspects of society - from industrial to political. In Pakistan, the Socialist / Communist activist Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his comrades tried to gain governance power in 1951 - just four years after the Partition. If India had not been partitioned the Indian Communists could have progressed the Subcontinent so much. Think of the current circumstances - of all that idiotic weaponry and human and financial resources that India and Pakistan position against each other... Couldn't those same resources have been employed to better the Subcontinent if India, Pakistan and Bangladesh had been a single country ?

Democracy : India is not a real democracy, as is not Pakistan, USA, Britain etc. Please read this post of mine on what democracy is and is not and the history of democracy. And read that post's thread on how to arrange a society towards true democracy.

Leadership : LOL. In what really is India a leader ? Vishwa guru of what ?

Science : Really ? We have senior government leaders in India saying that ancient Hindus were flying about the solar system in magnificent vimana spacecraft, that Indians thousands of years ago invented motor cars, in vitro fertilization, satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago etc. Science really ? LOL. Nehru dreamed seven decades ago for Indians to develop scientific temper. Seven decades later have Indians developed it ?

If an unpartitioned India had been guided by progressives ( please see above comment about Faiz and democracy ) then there wouldn't have been riots.

No thanks. We do have NOTHING to do with you or your kind nor do we want to a part of your open sewer land.
You have already proved to all of us here about your lack of comprehension and lack of ability by pasting the same things over and over and over, sometimes not even checking how old those links are. I am sorry you don't have the ability or comprehension skills. We were talking about totally different parameters than what you have posted here. If you re-read slowly, you may realize that simple fact. Good luck!

Hold on, are you seriously suggesting that india has become a developed country within the last 5-8 years or so?............................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...........................within the past year and a half, over 4 million indians have died from coronavirus and india now even receives famine relief from Kenya and other Sub-Saharan African nations............:azn::

Even an article from February 2021confirms malnutrition is rising in india.......................:azn::

He was and is a Yogi, a Monk.key figure in Hindutva...

View attachment 801052
this gaand ka pissoo ruling population as much as pakistan's total population . :lol: batao ab hum se imran khan nhi jhela ja raha yahan . wo log is janwar ko jhel rahy hain . or ab bhi partition mistake thi BSDK:lol:
I am writing this comment while eating gaoo mata steak.
Couldn't have been possible if i was Indian Muslim.
So partition on religious grounds was the best decision.
dopher ko kabuli pulao or abhi begum McDonald beef meal lai hain . aysa india main karty to ab taak paar ho jaty :lol:
The only mistake about partition was we didn't finish the job off in Kashmir. Inshallah we will. They can keep the rest.
Sorry, what has India managed to achieve in 74 years ? Humans starving but the 60+ million stray dog population never going hungry ? People dying or suffering of illness just because they don't have money ? 350,000+ farmers having suicided of socio-economic reasons just between 1995 and 2015 ? Students suiciding because of socio-economic reasons ? People homeless not far from Ambani's obscene 27-storey house which has a private and guilt-free temple and multiple storeys for his 168 cars ? Other billionaires spending hundreds of crores for theirs children's weddings while others live in socio-economic misery ? A society of pollution, chaos, crime and disharmony ? How is India better ?

You are hell bent on picking only India from the equation. If you want to balance your statement you need both sides. Simple task. Data is available for both countries. Pick the same parameters you have outlined and dont just see numbers as they are presented -- they dont tell you the story. Compile the rate of change since Independence and you will see what I mean.

Isn't it just easy to change the goal post in each of your post? Both nations have huge problems but Pakistan seems to stumble on the basic ones which leads me to believe they would have pulled us down greatly! However, Indians would have been great for Pakistan.

I seem to go around in circles. I will stop. I made my statement, it's my opinion. You are free to dsagree.
Dividing from the British was the biggest historic mistake.. since 1947 India's Hindu upper caste men have been terrorizing minorities, lower castes and women till now.
I beg to differ - they are deprived of better looking tv drama actors/actresses.
The only mistake about partition was we didn't finish the job off in Kashmir. Inshallah we will. They can keep the rest.

two nations created on the basis of religion - Pakistan and Isreal.

You are correct; they should have routed off the indians at that time.
The Indians are a confused bunch. Some say partition was good. Some say it was bad. Undecided and confused.
The only mistake about partition was we didn't finish the job off in Kashmir. Inshallah we will. They can keep the rest.

You are mistaken if only Muslims of Kashmir are unhappy. There are many more Muslims in India @xeuss who are unhappy with the current setup.

The only solution to this is give Muslims of India their own home lands.
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