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Parliamentary System vs Presidential System: What’s Better for Pakistan?

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Oct 20, 2020
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The failure of the parliamentary system in the country has raised concerns regarding its effectiveness. The populace is divided between the pros and cons of transitioning to a presidential form of governance yet again after the pathetic display of the politicians in the Parliament over the budget proposals.
The overarching concern, in either case, is for the delivery of democracy and good governance to the grassroots level.

Read the complete article: https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk/parliamentary-system-vs-presidential-system/

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There would be three distinct arms of the government

  • Administrative
  • Legislative
  • Judiciary
Administrative Arm would be a 4 tier system

  • Federal
  • States
  • Districts
  • Tehsil
Federal System would be Presidential, lead by a directly elected President ( Sadr ), who will also get to select his own Cabinet. A President would have served as a Governor for atleast 1 term.

The States are to be the 2nd tier of government which are currently called Divisions. The current Provinces should be disbanded. There are currently 37 Divisions plus Islamabad. So that will make 38 States. The states would be lead by directly elected Governors. The Governor will also be able to choose his own team of Ministers. The Governor would have atleast served 1 term as a Mayor.

Districts would be the 3rd tier of the government and administered by directly elected Mayors (Nazim). A Mayor would have served as a Tehsildar for atleast 1 term.

The 4th Tier would be the Tehsil, administered by a Tehsildar. The Tehsildar would be appointed by the same party that would have won the Mayorship of that District. A Tehsildar would need to be a Graduate with a degree in Public Administration

The Legislative Arm of the government would be a unitary system. The role of the Legislative Arm would be to make/amend laws, and keep a check on the Administrative Arm, through parliamentary committees. The Member of Parliament (MP) would be elected directly from an electoral constituency based on population. The MP would be elected for a term of 6 years with half of the members elected every 3 years.
A Presidential system is more suited to Pakistan, but what is even more important is limiting the power the Army leadership has - otherwise, regardless of the system in place, the Army leadership will continue to act like an Emperor and manipulate, blackmail and conspire to weaken or remove governments and rig elections.

Ayub, Yahya, Zia, Musharrag and now Bajwa - it is time Pakistanis realize that the Army has become a powerful oligarchy that consistently produces leaders that violate the constitution and manipulate political parties and governments to protect their own power and interests.

Nothing will succeed in Pakistan until the Army leadership is not reigned in.
A Presidential system is more suited to Pakistan, but what is even more important is limiting the power the Army leadership has - otherwise, regardless of the system in place, the Army leadership will continue to act like an Emperor and manipulate, blackmail and conspire to weaken or remove governments and rig elections.

Ayub, Yahya, Zia, Musharrag and now Bajwa - it is time Pakistanis realize that the Army has become a powerful oligarchy that consistently produces leaders that violate the constitution and manipulate political parties and governments to protect their own power and interests.

Nothing will succeed in Pakistan until the Army leadership is not reigned in.

Presidential system make the leader stronger, if the civilian leader is stronger, of course it has the capacity to tame the military better. Later he/she needs large majority coalition in parliament that can make law to limit Armed Force power like for instant banning military to have its own business enterprises and limit them to only do what Armed force should do.
Pakistan simply needs to implement Islamic Khalifa rule.

Upright truthful, honest leader (PM) with competant ministers given portfolios based on merit and their qualification.

Most Important: The ministers need to go through Islamic ideology test, need to state their goals, present their knowledge before being appointed. The reason we need this so we dont end up getting people like Miftah Ismail (openly mocking Islam in west)

The PM must have absolute powers to rule the country, can make deicisions on a single order. Control the military generals (not the hybrid setup we have where egos fighting)


Lastly, a system independent from interests based banking. Because that is the root cause of all evil and inequality
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Pakistan simply needs to implement Islamic Khalifa rule.

Upright truthful, honest leader (PM) with competant ministers given portfolios based on merit and their qualification.

The PM must have absolute powers to rule the country, can make deicisions on a single order. Control the military generals (not the hybrid setup we have where egos fighting)


Lastly, a system independent from interests based banking. Because that is the root cause of all evil and inequality

Islamic Khalifa rule is basically nationalist system if we see on Madinah Charter where they give equal right to Jews and Christian as well.

Islamic Khalifa is also based on democracy, whether its succession based on voting ( Abu Bakr example ) or reclamation ( other Chalips)

It is based on very simple democratic system and this is why we see it destroyed under Ali.

Man needs to evolve, it include the political system as well, Muslim during prophet life ride Camel and horse, but Today we ride cars, motor bikes, planes, and even we have submarine in this modern world.

Dont see on the look or words, but see the essence of the system
Islamic Khalifa rule is basically nationalist system if we see on Madinah Charter where they give equal right to Jews and Christian as well.

Islamic Khalifa is also based on democracy, whether its succession based on voting ( Abu Bakr example ) or reclamation ( other Chalips)

It is based on very simple democratic system and this is why we see it destroyed under Ali.

Man needs to evolve, it include the political system as well, Muslim during prophet life ride Camel and horse, but Today we ride cars, motor bikes, planes, and even we have submarine in this modern world.

Dont see on the look or words, but see the essence of the system

Democracy is cancer to society.

Because an illiterate person vote weighs same as person who spent his whole life being a scholar
Democracy is cancer to society.

Because an illiterate person vote weighs same as person who spent his whole life being a scholar

Well Syura is democracy, do you like it or not, it is the system which is endorsed in Quran

For the implementation it will be varied based on the challenge we face and also the limitation we have

One voting for each citizen can only be done in 20 century above where the transportation and telecommunication system is already modern. It also needs education system that is enough to make people read and write and think critically.

Chalip system is basically parliamentary system where only tribe leaders have voting right. But each tribe leaders also listen to other influential members within their own tribe. LOL even there is debate as well between Quraish tribe leaders vs Anshar tribe leaders which is recorded in history after Prophet Muhammad passed away to select new leader.
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Well Syura is democracy, do you like it or not, it is the system which is endorsed in Quran

For the implementation it will be varied based on the challenge we face and also the limitation we have

One voting for each citizen can only be done in 20 century above where the transportation and telecommunication system is already modern. It also needs education system that is enough to make people read and write and think critically.

Chalip system is basically parliamentary system where only tribe leaders have voting right.

Yes, I am aware of Islamic shura.

But it can only work when people advising are literate and pious. In Pakistan, criminals/gangster are made ministers right now. 70% of cabinet is on bail.

Yes, I am aware of Islamic shura.

But it can only work when people advising are literate and pious. In Pakistan, criminals/gangster are made ministers right now. 70% of cabinet is on bail.


Yup democracy is really depending on the people quality, their wisdom, their advocacy like making NGO and others. Particularly on this modern type of democracy.

Authoritarian in the other hand can create very effective government while it has possibility to create chaos if succession system is not mature and clear

China is actually not authoritarian. They are democracy WITHIN their limited Communist CCP member.

This is why you see different between China and North Korea economy
Yup democracy is really depending on the people quality, their wisdom, their advocacy like making NGO and others. Particularly on this modern type of democracy.

Authoritarian in the other hand can create very effective government while it has possibility to create chaos.

China is actually not authoritarian. They are democracy WITHIN their limited Communist CCP member.

This is why you see different between China and North Korea

I am strictly not advocating for authoritarian system. Shura is needed obviously.

I think we're both on same page, we are needlessly discussing it.

Actually, I was talking about ills of western democracy, and how it is not suited for country like Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Pakistanis have the ability and capability to foil any governmental system. so the system is not our problem. so what is needed, is the will to make successful whatever we already have.
Pakistanis have the ability and capability to foil any governmental system. so the system is not our problem. so what is needed, is the will to make successful whatever we already have.

Alhamdollillah, Pakistan is one of the most versatile and resilient nation.

All we need is a direction and get rid of few snakes within our sleeves., and all will be good.

No trolling, I am deadly serious.
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