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Parliament can't meet over 'a few killed soldiers,' AKP deputy head says


May 29, 2012
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Turkish Parliament cannot meet regarding the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party’s (PKK) "raiding a place" and "killing a few soldiers," the ruling party's deputy chairman said yesterday.

Members of the PKK kidnapped a deputy from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) in the southeastern province of Tunceli yesterday, causing the party to redouble their calls for an extraordinary meeting of Parliament, which is currently in summer recess.

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy chairman Hüseyin Çelik dismissed the CHP's calls during an interview on broadcaster Habertürk yesterday, according to daily Hürriyet, saying that calling an extraordinary meeting of Parliament would allow the PKK to set the political agenda in Turkey.

"Parliament can meet if necessary, of course," Çelik said. "But we cannot allow the organization to set the agenda just because they raided a place and killed a few soldiers."

The fact that a lawmaker from Turkish Parliament was kidnapped by the PKK would not change the AKP's stance, Çelik added.

An extensive 19-day military operation against the PKK in the southeastern province of Hakkari ended on Aug. 11. The CHP had asked the government to inform the public about the scale of the operations and the situation in the country's southeast, calling for an extraordinary meeting of Parliament. The government had rejected the call, saying that now was "a time to act and not to talk."

CHP head Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said the main opposition party would be present at Parliament tomorrow.

POLITICS - Parliament can't meet over 'a few killed soldiers,' AKP deputy head says

"Bir kaç Mehmet şehit oluyor diye, gündem oluşturmalarına izin vermeyiz"

:hitwall: Bizim halkımıza müstahak.


He defend himself. I'm sorry there is no English translation yet...
Briefly, he is saying that he did nothing wrong, the guilt belongs to those who invite him to resign :hitwall:


“Benim bu şekilde kullandığım bir ifade kesinlikle olmadı. Hüseyin Aygün’ü kaçırdılar, bugün de 11 vatandaşımızı kaçırdılar. Yarın başka eylem yaparlar. Biz bunlardan dolayı panik içine girersek, CHP’nin yaptığı gibi, biz hergün PKK’nın eylemine göre Meclis’i açıp kapatamayız. Böyle yaparsak biz PKK’nın psikolojik propagandasına destek oluruz. Benim demek istediğim budur. Özür dilenmesi gereken birşey olduğu zaman özür dilemek bir erdemdir. Ben özür dilenecek şeyler söylemedim. Bu sözde bir yanlışlık bulmadığım gibi bunda ısrarlıyım.


Bana şehitlik dersi vermeye kalkanların alnını karışlarım. Biz şehitliğin gaziliğin ne olduğunu biliriz. Beni istifaya özüre davet edenler var. Ben gönülden yaralı olan şehit ailelerini incitecek birşey söylesem kendi kendimi affetmen. Dil sürçmesi de olabilir o zaman da bin kere özür dilerim. Benim böyle bir durumum yok. Ben söylediğim sözü bilen bir insanım. Şehitler üzerinden günlük polemik yapmak en basit kelimeyle ahlaksızlıktır.”


Çelik, MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli’nin kendisine yönelik sert sözlerine ise, “Bahçeli bizzat benim sözlerimi okuyarak değerlendirme yapsaydı böyle bir şuursuzluğa düşmezdi. Bana şuursuz diyor. Kendisi en dibindedir şuursuzluğun. Her açıklamasında ağız dolu hakaretler etti. Ona göre biz bölücülük planları yapan vatan hainleriyiz” yanıtını verdi.
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Turkce mi yazalim yoksa ingilizce mi?

Akp'nin genel baskani nekadar suclu ise bu tarz soylemelerde bulunmakta, chp'de pkk'nin tassoronlugunu yapmakta bir o kadar suclu. Meclisi acil olarak toplanma cagrisi yapmis miss. Ne icin yapmis? Sehid olan mehmetcik icin mi yoksa 200'e yakin pkk'linin ardindan operasyonlari durdurmak sabote etmek icin mi? Arkadasim ben akp'yi nekadar sevmezsemde chp dene hain partisinin ne mal oldugunuda cok iyi bilirim.

Kimse bu milleti aptal yerine koymasin. Koyanida bu millet 50 yil muhalefete koyar iste boyle. Gerci yakinda meclise girebiliecegi bile saibeli bu chp'nin. bdp gibi azinlik partisi pkk borazani oldu cikti.
Bu millet yeterince aptal yerine koyuluyor, zaten bu yüzden akpliler artık ne dediklerineç okta dikkat etmiyorlar, nasılsa halkın umrunda değil.
This kind of comments by ruling party of Turkey will damage the psychological health of the soldiers that are their now fighting agains pkk. The main goal is to destroy the morale of the army. One side all the important generals are in jail and already retired and other side the ruling party comes with kind of speeches like this. Really they attacking the army from every side. One side by armed terrorirst and other side by words and prosecutors.

What did the emperyalists say after they accepted the Lozan? Defeating Turkish army with manpower is not possible, we need new strategy and that new strategy is psychological warfare. Defeating a countries army not by millitary power but by psychological warfare. How sad people dont see this.
of this goes on, perhaps the young officer will take matters into their own hands again. Like they did in the 80's and unleash hell on earth a second time.
of this goes on, perhaps the young officer will take matters into their own hands again. Like they did in the 80's and unleash hell on earth a second time.
Let us do a revolution because of a couple of poor choice of words. I think the military has more important stuff to do than sticking their nose into politics like the good olden days. The man obviously made a huge mistake by underestimating the lives of our soldiers, very bad indeed.
According to your logic every 10 years or so, the military should intervene and take control of everything. Let me remind you, Turkey is a democracy people elects their representatives. If they are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs they can elect other parties in and AKP out. That is how things function, even though PKK continues their assaults on Turkey, like they have done the last 40 years.

Also with the current war on PKK terrorists i think this news is very strange indeed. PKK is bleeding at the moment and this may be a game, or not. But it is not what it seems to be.
Let us do a revolution because of a couple of poor choice of words. I think the military has more important stuff to do than sticking their nose into politics like the good olden days. The man obviously made a huge mistake by underestimating the lives of our soldiers, very bad indeed.
According to your logic every 10 years or so, the military should intervene and take control of everything. Let me remind you, Turkey is a democracy people elects their representatives. If they are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs they can elect other parties in and AKP out. That is how things function, even though PKK continues their assaults on Turkey, like they have done the last 40 years.

This is not that simple. People shouldn't see these disgraces just as "couple of poor choiced words" and swallow anymore. There are more than enough actions and words for people to understand how AKP seeing our soldiers, who sacrificed their lifes for this country.

"Few Mehmets, Kelle"...
So every member of AKP see the soldiers as "few dead soldiers" because of one MP from the AKP said that? The man obviously made a mistake. Politicians are not angels, they tend to make mistakes often, especially those who are on the media often. And don't start distorting the reality by changing the sentence into "few Mehmet's, kelle".
Thats right. As long as the man stays in that position, every single member of AKP seeing soldiers like him.
This is not just a simple mistake.
Thats right. As long as the man stays in that position, every single member of AKP seeing soldiers like him.
This is not just a simple mistake.

Mod Edit: Please post in English.

For starters, Hi everyone,

This is not the first and will not be the last either.

Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir.

Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, İstiklâl ve Cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şerâitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerâit, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve Cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın, bütün kaleleri zaptedilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şerâitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasi emelleriyle tevhid edebilirler. Millet, fakr ü zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir.

Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerâit içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk İstiklâl ve Cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır!

Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asil kanda mevcuttur !
Not suprised at all. Hüseyin Çelik is from Van and he is related to PKK cofounder Selahattin Çelik. Hüseyin Çelik just gave his real thoughts; after all, he is from a family with terrorist members.

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