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Paris Under Attack

These criminals & ISIS need to be finish with bombs on heads.

No other way the world have to save innocent peoples. :pakistan:
This event again affected on south Asia; whereof the ISIS nuturishing. :warning2:
Paris,Muslims,Terrorism has no Religion trending worldwide on Twitter
How many have been killed yet??? RIP.... is it ISIL or other faction...?
They all come under one banner thats takfiri be it isis , taliban aq let etc etc ... Bbc says 120 but other newa sources quoting 160
Another terror act glorifying Islam and its teachings!!

Yet people say Islam is a religion of peace.

"Allah ho akbar" and "revenge for syria" was heard by eye vitnesses shouted by islamic terrorists.

Don't know for what kind of heaven and 72 whores these islamist are fighting for.
Why should Islam be held responsible for terrorist activities? Don't be naive.
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