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Paris Under Attack

Our thoughts are with the French people .

This attack is worse than Charlie Hebdo,my thoughts are with the family/friends of victims. I hope the special forces to stop this hostage taking. I am very schocked,how can this happen in our country ?

keep us update here ..

I will.
Chickens coming home to roost. Sad state of affairs but eve these geniuses probably never expected this cost of Anti Asad campaign. They bomb libya and it starts a chain reaction in middle east then refugees flood in to EU with God knows how many armed lunatics.

Whatever it is but they are giving a bad name to us and our religion. EU was generous enough to give shelter to them when no other muslim country was ready to pick them. It is really a very bad news for us.
'Gunmen shouted Allah Akbar'
Louis, inside the Bataclan, told France Info radio the men opened fire and shouted "Allah Akbar".

He only saw silhouettes. He said:

The men came in and started shooting. Everyone fell to the ground. It was hell.

I took my mum, and we hid. Someone near us said they have gone, so we ran out. I was only thinking of escaping.

We're out now. I think people are still inside.

It's a nightmare - a nightmare.
26 People are being reported dead. This is madness. What place is safe if central Paris isn't?
This attack is worse than Charlie Hebdo,my thoughts are with the family/friends of victims. I hope the special forces to stop this hostage taking. I am very schocked,how can this happen in our country ?

I am more concerned about what will happen next ........ 60 people are hostages . I pray all of them come out without harm . Lets hope GIGN hunt these shytheads down.
i know and and i know it since decades sir. nothing is gonna change .

Germany has almost back peddled on Open door policy for refugees , east Europeans have completely denied taking anyone in , sweden has closed it borders etc ....... Even these small changes are tectonic shifts as far as europe is concerned ,
Many people locked up in the stade de France. Many explosions heard.
More Police and Medics arriving at place.
Soldiers are deploying.
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