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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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The West destroys other countries e.g Libya,Iraq and when those people start reacting the West acts innocent.

And the West then makes propaganda films that legitimize their POV and belittles the sufferings of the invaded countries. Films like Rambo, The Dictator, American Sniper etc.
whatever his origin, the retard should be severely punished. So much for Imran Khan’s speech.
do you condemn this terrorist ? he should be hanged for what he has done to innocent citizens .

He is indeed an as*****, he should have done his homework and should have exercised his own freedom of 'expression' on the real ba****** who spread hatred and nonsense with printing and reprinting of material that is hurtful to 1.8 Billion Muslims........that's simply not freedom of speech, it is freedom of hatred against Islam.
do you condemn this terrorist ? he should be hanged for what he has done to innocent citizens .

Do you condemn Modi terrorist for Gujrat massacre? Do you condemn NZ mosque killer terrorist? He killed children, women and elderly people in broad daylight and you RSS Hindus along with your KKK brothers were celebrating the terror act. Do you condemn Breivik? We too can play this game.
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whatever his origin, the retard should be severely punished. So much for Imran Khan’s speech.

Yeah and you blame 200 million Pakistanis in the process.
Another feather in Pakistan cap.

Fvck you and fvck Charlie Hebdo.

You feel great cussing and hating Muslims and their prophet? You cry rivers when people start questioning the Holocaust. Oh no, don't you dare question the Holocaust.

Fvck you and your freedom of speech. Hypocritical bastards. If your buddy France has the guts tell them to break relations with Pakistan. Until then you are all bluff.
It is called the Humanitarian Spirit. It is the same thing that led the Venezuelan, Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez ( Carlos the Jackal ), to find empathy for the sufferings of Palestinians.

The problem is, hindus don't feel connected to anywhere in the world, except for India. And that actually make perfect sense.
this is what happens when you have a country with no identity. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan should be disbanded and restructured.
Do you condemn Modi terrorist for Gujrat massacre? Do you condemn NZ mosque killer terrorist? He killed children, women and elderly people in broad daylight and you RSS Hindus along with your KKK brothers were celebrating the terror act. Do you condemn Breivik? We too can play this game.
They elect their terrorists to government positions. It's the Indian way.
this is what happens when you have a country with no identity. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan should be disbanded and restructured.

LOL look at this fraud and his Communist flag.

There is nothing you and papa France can do. We understand what is itching these French frogs. Pakistan has been on their hate list for a while now. Aiding and supporting India against Pakistan.

As for identity, this whole clash is exactly about our identity. These French fvcks despise our existence. Their colonial past is not a secret to anyone.
Another feather in Pakistan cap.
What has he got to do with Pakistan and the Pakistani state? Was he an ISI agent acting on orders? If not, then fk off as he is nothing to do with the Pakistani state just because of his origin.

Shall we post all the Indian national ISIS terrorists, the Indian origin paedophiles and abusers and demand that Indians apologise for them?

Pakistanis have nothing to say regarding some idiot in France who did something of his own volition under his own instruction. It's not Pakistan's business.
Why recently created troll accounts are tolerated and allowed to fester?

The mods are too lenient. These Hindu RSS scum and their KKK bedfellows are here to troll. Too much nonsense allowed.
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