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Panetta says Zawahiri living in Pakistan

ummm you want us to believe that crap, when osama was found in the safe heavens of pakistani military, and pakistani public carrying out streets protest for killing there hero ?

Propaganda, lies, damn lies, nothing else. Stop taking everything coming out from US.
Pakistan asks US to share al-Zawahiri intel

Pakistan asked the United States on Sunday to share "actionable intelligence" about Al-Qaeda's new chief Ayman al-Zawahiri and other high value targets.

The request from the military came after US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said before his arrival in Kabul on Saturday Washington wanted to see Pakistan go after al-Zawahiri, who is thought to be in the northwestern tribal areas.

"We expect the US intelligence establishment to share available information and actionable intelligence regarding al-Zawahari," the military said in a statement in Islamabad.

It added that sharing information about al-Zawahiri and other high value targets would "enable the Pakistan army to carry out targeted operations".

"The Pakistan army is already carrying out intense operations against Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, who are a threat to security of our country and people," the statement said, adding that terrorist leaders were already being hunted.

Former CIA chief Panetta, who replaced Robert Gates as defence chief on July 1, also pushed Pakistan to do more to help in the fight against Al-Qaeda, amid dismal relations between the US and its uneasy ally in the war on terror.

He said since the May night raid by US forces in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden, 10-20 key Al-Qaeda targets had been identified between Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and north Africa.

He added that al-Zawahiri was one those "we would like to see the Pakistanis target".

US-led coalition forces have been fighting a Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan since their invasion in late 2001 in the wake of the September 11 attacks orchestrated by bin Laden.

US President Barack Obama has announced that 10,000 US forces will leave Afghanistan this year and another 23,000 by the end of September in 2012, ahead of a full withdrawal of foreign forces in 2014.

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Zawahiri living in Pakistan – go and kill him

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta stated in Kabul: ‘Dr Ayman-al-Zawahiri was hiding in Pakistan’s tribal region’. Panetta, who arrived in Afghanistan on Saturday on a surprise-maiden visit, was of the view that pressure will be mounted on Pakistan to kill Zawahiri.

He added that 20 top commanders of Al-Qaeda, might be living in Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen and North Africa, will be killed or arrested after Osama. Panetta said Pakistan has rendered great sacrifices in war against terrorism. May be Leon Panetta in his calculation is inaccurate. Dr Zawahiri is perhaps living in Rawalpindi’s Pearl Continental. As CIA’s manners warranted Osama was found, tracked and eliminated in Abbottabad may be if same Standard Operation Procedure is adopted Zawahiri could have checked in Rawalpindi’s PC. You never know.:lol:

Panetta elevated but not heading the CIA is advised if Zawahiri is in Pakistan who can stop another company of SEALs to track and kill him. After all the United States holds the licence to kill. So kill him. He is not Pakistan’s hero.

As General Cauliflower :lol:, I mean David Petraeus, took over as the Director of CIA we were anticipating a mild and reasonable approach in US policy if Langley has to frame policies. But a day never ends when a charge is not levelled against Pakistan. Panetta knows the game. General Cauliflower will take few weeks to learn the game. His briefings and debriefings will turn a soldier into a super spymaster. His induction as super spymaster simply reflects long-term engagement of the United States in the Central Asian, South Asian and Middle East regions.

The United States was left enemyless after dismemberment of the Soviet Union. It kept searching enemies around to keep its adventurers busy. So it began creating foes and friends.

Osama was a close friend of CIA at one time. Later he turned an enemy. A copycat organisation Al-Qaeda was created to keep the pot boiling. But at what cost. Involving South Asian region.

The game unfolded after 9/11 initially changed complexion of South Asian politics. With Afghanistan, a theatre of war, Pakistan an ally-at-a-distance and India a newly discovered ‘darling’. It was Rosenthal who commented in New York Times, “Ever since its independence, the US has made decisions about India and Pakistan fully aware that it was dealing with countries that would have increasing political and military significance, for international good or evil.

Now that both have nuclear arms capability and Pakistan has been taken over again by the hard-wing military, the American Government and people stare at them as if they were creatures that had suddenly popped out of nowhere - and as if their crises had no connection at all to those 50 years of American involvement in the Pak-India subcontinent. The destiny of the two countries - war or peace, democracy or despotism - lies with their billion-plus people, their needs and passions.

But American decision-making about them has been of Himalayan importance - because from the beginning it was almost entirely based on a great error. America chose Pakistan as more important to its interests than India”. This is how importance is being examined. In making Pakistan an important friend and ally with same breath calling it non-trustworthy simply reflects temporary expediency but not a sustainable long-term policy. A policy which the Brits were needed to frame for a long-time objective.

Things have not changed intentions have, perhaps. In this game biggest loss has been suffered by the United States itself. It lost its most precious asset. The credibility. Same Panetta who talks of Zawahiri’s presence in Pakistan in fact articulates language of RAMA. The Afghan Secret Agency trained by Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Interest of RAMA is long-term presence of US-led NATO alliance in Afghanistan with uninterrupted supply of US taxpayers’ money to Karzai’s trembling government. For this money RAMA would not hesitate to create volumes of fiction. RAMA says what RAW tells it. Credence of RAMA-created fiction lacks credence. I can only cite here an example, how credible is the pickle of CIA-MI-6-RAMA and RAW. The tribesmen on both sides of the Durand Line are using drones to settle their score.

A news item by this writer, so far not denied, says “They provide false information identifying their rivals as terror targets prompting US drone operators to hit them. Mehsud and Wazir tribes are said to be locked in the tussle and they settle their scores using US drone attacks against each other.
Drones, in many cases, have hit high-value targets. Taliban leader Baitullah Mesud was killed in a drone strike, but on many occasions the information drone operators relied on proved wrong. Consequently, CIA established its own network on Pakistan-Afghanistan border and gave more credence to ground information provided by locally hired agents both from Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the adjoining provinces in Afghanistan.
For almost a decade US drones have been making relentless efforts to hunt down Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants hiding along the tribal belts in South and North Waziristan. At times they have accurately hit their targets but in many cases civilians have become victims. Earlier, US drone operators used to rely on information provided by sources within the Pakistan Army, but subsequently, they switched to tribesmen who formed a network eavesdropping on suspected terrorists in the tribal belt.

The shift in US strategy came after several errors where drone attacks killed civilians instead of terrorists. The first error was when drones fired missiles at a school in Damadola killing 70 students. Later similar mistakes were committed. Even the field intelligence of the Pakistan Army and the CIA are unaware of the exact casualties and damage to properties caused by drone strikes. But, with the change in strategy, more innocent people have lost their lives. The latest example was a drone attack on a Jirga (meeting of tribal leaders) in Khyber Agency.

The locally hired operatives who tip off the CIA on terror targets have now started using the opportunity to settle their scores. These CIA agents identify their rival positions as terror targets prompting US drone operators to hit them . While the ISI and Pakistan Army are watching the new game carefully. Local tribesman and Afghans providing false information to US drone operators is not a new phenomenon.

Rosenthal rightly states, “American decision-making (about Pakistan, India and Afghanistan) has been of Himalayan importance - because from the beginning it was almost entirely based on a great error.

The writer is a senior journalist who covered second Afghan war for the Newsweek from inside and outside.

Zawahiri living in Pakistan – go and kill him | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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