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Panama Case - Post Verdict Discussion and Updates


I can tell you, brothers are eating popcorn, while father and daughter are eating their fingers.. nails have already been finished.

And walking here and there and sitting on sofa & scolding “Alhumduillah” guy and then biting nails again. Lol
Corrupt bhai the public has woken up. they have banged the peers lol. PML-N is not far from them. This is not time for peers to decide but Mureeds to decide. Come brother I will make you mureed and vote for PTI.
The only thing Mr not-so-saqiq-and-ameen is depending on is the Nara e Punjabi to take over Punjab.. but even Punjabi awam hasn't arrived to his rescue today.. Punjabis have also woken up..
Ahmdulillah guy's life is in danger today!

Thapar se jotay tak ka safar :D

He is wearing his most expensive watch and looking at the time after every one minute. This is his habit when he is depression.

A true follower know the routine. Sweet. :D


So how you guys are gonna celebrate if the verdict is announced today? Oh and of course if they receive the maximum punishment.


Is there any pmln supporter here? Just want to say Hi :)
Thapar se jotay tak ka safar :D

A true follower know the routine. Sweet. :D


So how you guys are gonna celebrate if the verdict is announced today? Oh and of course if they receive the maximum punishment.
Alhamdolillah.. this will be first word coming from Bablu today..
Today we will agree with him completely..
He is in the top west pent house with ishaq dar most probably and watching tv while having tea in a very bad mood.

Oh mannn you true fan :lol:

Alhamdolillah.. this will be first word coming from Bablu today..
Today we will agree with him completely..

Oh since day one I am praying for his long life. His “Alhumduillah” has helped us save Pakistan. :p

@Kabira introduce yourself.

@Kabira Hiiii. Please keep painkillers with yourself and don’t forget to drink a lot of water today. Stay hydrated.
Oh and do take chai coffee every now and then it is usually helpful in stress. May god bless you.
So how you guys are gonna celebrate if the verdict is announced today? Oh and of course if they receive the maximum punishment.

I won't like it today, because that NAB adalat is in my neighborhood, don't want any disruptions today, on my way back for Friday prayers.

By the way, we got that NAB adalat road fixed, it was full of potholes and no one was ever interested to fix it. ALHAMDOLILAH NAB adalat ki hazrio nay yeh muamla to hul kia.
I won't like it today, because that NAB adalat is in my neighborhood, don't want any disruptions today, on my way back for Friday prayers.

By the way, we got that NAB adalat road fixed, it was full of potholes and no one was ever interested to fix it. ALHAMDOLILAH NAB adalat ki hazrio nay yeh muamla to hul kia.

Stay in Masjid and pray for Pakistan. But we would love it today. ;D
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