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Palestinian - Israeli peacetalks

7abibi, I largely agree and don't forget that about 25% of the Israeli population are Arab Muslims and they are growing. Israel and the Arab world will have to settle the scores. It would be a great move for the region. Besides we have one big cancer in our world right now - إيران.

I have a question from you and your fellows who have thanked on your post (don't want to intervene in anyone's issue, just a simple question), please answer honestly.

Don't you feel any shame, for being such a beeghairat people, that a small bunch of Jews have raped and occopied the land of your "brothers and sisters", slaughtered its inhabitants, made children orphan -- yes, all done by this puny, illegal state -- and you, the Arab world*, particulary you certain guys, after years, have gived up and are talking about peace with an illegal state like a weak beghairat coward? And besides, you are now barking Iran instead?

* Map of the Arab world. Compare it to Israel (I hope you can see this puny state comparing to the Arab world in the map)
Seems like the peace talks do have some result
26 Palestinians will be released after peace talks last Wednesday

The Palestinian prisoners will be released later this week as part of a deal to coincide with the resumption on peace talks in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Let's be optimistic this time, maybe negotiations will work out quicker than what we expect from both sides.

Just remove the far-right on both sides, everything will be well and good.
Let's be optimistic this time, maybe negotiations will work out quicker than what we expect from both sides.

Just remove the far-right on both sides, everything will be well and good.

:D JUST remove the far-right. Let's be optimistic :woot:

"Releasing terrorists brings peace, and building a kindergarten prevents peace”

These were the sarcastic words of the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Ze'ev Elkin when he commented Israel's decision to release Palestinian prisoners in order for the peace negotiations to begin between Israel and the PA.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ze'ev Elkin
Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Ze'ev Elkin is not happy with the line chosen by the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.

"I am angry at the approach that says that releasing terrorists brings peace nearer, and building a kindergarten prevents peace," he said. "If the Palestinian Authority asks for the release of the murderers as the first step, that says something about their priorities."

However, Elkin added that he bears equal responsibility for the decision since he did not leave the government; "Those who oppose it are every bit as responsible as those who support it."

The Deputy Foreign Minister also highlighted the fact that the Palestinian Authority is actually paying salary to those Palestinians in Israeli prisons. And what is more worrying, is that the more serious the crime committed was, the higher the salary is. In fact, the highest salary paid by the PA is for those convicted as terrorist murderers.

"There is a very problematic educational message here," Elkin said.
FNOTW: Israel-Palestine negotiations resume after the free of 26 Palestinians

After the summit between Israel-Palestine last month in Washington, 26 Palestinians prisoners were freed on Wednesday with the purpose of keeping U.S.-sponsored peacemaking on course for a second round of talks


Freed Palestinian prisoner Ateya Abu Moussa (3rd R), who was held by Israel for 20 years, hugs his father upon arriving at his family's house in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
US continues cooperation with Israel

Prime Minister of Israel Benyamin Netanyahu met the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin E. Dempsey on Tuesday evening.


Families greet prisoners freed from Israeli detention in the city of Ramallah on 14 August 2013. (Photo: AFP - Abbas Momani)

As Palestinians celebrated the release of a first batch of 104 prisoners, most of whom had been serving life for killing Israelis, Housing Minister Uri Ariel vowed to build thousands more settler homes in the occupied West Bank.

"We will build thousands of homes in the coming year in Judea and Samaria," he told public radio, using the biblical term for the West Bank.

"No one dictates where we can build."
Peace talks: The perfect alibi for settlement expansion

Building thousands more settlement units all over the West Bank and East Jerusalem is in no way comparable or proportionate to the release of Palestinian prisoners. The construction of more settlements is equivalent to the annihilation of a two-state solution and the preemption of any kind of faith-building measures.
Well Palestinian land is forever lost Israel will do what they want to do and give everyone who disagree with them the middle finger you guys lost how in the world did the Arab world lost against Israel?
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