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Palestinian Hamas glorifies the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad

You're asking me for my personal take on the Syrian conflict or about Hamas restoring ties with Assad regime? What you want for Syria is different than what I want. You just have to accept that. So no point of even discussing with you.
I'm wondering what's your take on Hamas restoring ties with Syria. It appears you are at odds with Hamas, but you don't have to get into it if you don't want to.
I'm wondering what's your take on Hamas restoring ties with Syria.
No you aren't, Irani rat. You want us to express support for Alawite minority rule over Syria. Which we will never do.

It appears you are at odds with Hamas, but you don't have to get into it if you don't want to.
The ones at odds with Hamas are the Irani rats bitching about Hamas 24/7 on the forum, calling them all sorts of names, predicting their downfall since 2012, then turning around and taking credit for their incredible military feat in the May 2021 conflict. All while taking their statements to mean something they don't. Hamas supports end to civil war in Syria with political settlement and directing all and any violence at Israel. Of course because Irani and Hezbollah rats are cowards that will never happen.

What you need to understand is regardless of Hamas, or Alawaite control over Syria, or Jewish control over Palestine , it means nothing in grand scheme of things. We still are submissive to God and even if all of mankind emulated the most evil person, it wouldn't decrease God's KingShip over his creation in any way. And still God will change the reality on the ground. As a Irani atheist rat that lacks God consciousness, all that matters to you is the material world. So you'll follow the antichrist when it appears he has the upper hand.
Local reporters.
work for Iran, using your forces to infiltrate is so 18,19th century , in 21st you'll use locals , far less risk and a lot more reward .
Yeah, no, it's Druze Arabs who got in when Palestinian authority took over Gaza border crossings as part of reconcilation deal. We killed and expelled those commandos and took back control of border crossings.
you killed no one but whenever they wanted to kill anyone they come in and kill him and then left without anything happen to them
You are dumb, Islamic Jihad is one who asked Hamas not to get involved in early stages of battle. Hamas was involved behind the scenes. It was good live exercise for Islamic Jihad members to test of their revamped commutations and coordination network. And to justify to Palestinian public it's existence as a military organization. While managing to not get Gaza dragged into all out conflict.
new revision of history
No you aren't, Irani rat. You want us to express support for Alawite minority rule over Syria. Which we will never do.

The ones at odds with Hamas are the Irani rats bitching about Hamas 24/7 on the forum, calling them all sorts of names, predicting their downfall since 2012, then turning around and taking credit for their incredible military feat in the May 2021 conflict. All while taking their statements to mean something they don't. Hamas supports end to civil war in Syria with political settlement and directing all and any violence at Israel. Of course because Irani and Hezbollah rats are cowards that will never happen.

What you need to understand is regardless of Hamas, or Alawaite control over Syria, or Jewish control over Palestine , it means nothing in grand scheme of things. We still are submissive to God and even if all of mankind emulated the most evil person, it wouldn't decrease God's KingShip over his creation in any way. And still God will change the reality on the ground. As a Irani atheist rat that lacks God consciousness, all that matters to you is the material world. So you'll follow the antichrist when it appears he has the upper hand.
Holy ****...you go from 0-1000 in a second. You don't have to support anyone you don't want. Just pointing out Hamas leadership is friendly with Iran and Syria while you are pretty hostile to them. Hamas restoring ties with Assad is coming at the same tie Sunni Arab countries are normalizing with the Apartheid state. Hamas has no support among the 'ummah' so they make nice with Iran and Assad. Haniyeh even visited Iran last year.



Didn't Hamas look up to this guy? And didn't this guy heavily curse the hero Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and all the Shiites?

This must be a heavy loss for Hamas....I deeply, deeply feel their pain right now, I resonate with their pain....my heart is broken!!!

I feel so extremely sorry for Hamas, my eyes are full of tears! 🥺😢

I feel so extremely sorry for Hamas, my eyes are full of tears! 🥺😢
Hamas is by far and large the most popular movement in entire Middle East. And you've been warning us of Hamas's impending collapse every year since 2012. Your @ss is on fire, lol. Keep up the copium. :rofl:

I feel so extremely sorry for Hamas, my eyes are full of tears! 🥺😢
He's 90 years old and was sick for years. When somebody dies, do you consider it as a strategic achievement for Iran or something ? I would too if I were so cowardly to even fire one missile at Israel for 44 years. Turns out Iranians are like other people in region celebrating over trivial things like people's deaths or cracking down on their own people. I'm sure you see the 50+ Iranians killed in protests as some kind of achievement despite them being your own countrymen and potentially related to you or your friends by blood.
Holy ****...you go from 0-1000 in a second. You don't have to support anyone you don't want. Just pointing out Hamas leadership is friendly with Iran and Syria while you are pretty hostile to them. Hamas restoring ties with Assad is coming at the same tie Sunni Arab countries are normalizing with the Apartheid state. Hamas has no support among the 'ummah' so they make nice with Iran and Assad. Haniyeh even visited Iran last year.

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Lol, is it a bad thing to go to a Muslim country to secure support? Iran should actually send quality arms to Gaza instead of sending cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and AA missiles to Yemen. If Iran can deliver those to Yemen(which you guys claim is subject to a siege) it should be able to deliver them to Gaza. We send our politicians to secure support for Palestinian cause from anybody. That does not mean we support Iran's policies in the region. Hamas base most certainly do not.

I feel so extremely sorry for Hamas, my eyes are full of tears! 🥺😢
Homajon desperately wants Hamas to fall to complete the Assad meme. :lol:

The brutal reality is that Assad will die while Hamas continues cementing it's legacy. :partay::omghaha:
work for Iran, using your forces to infiltrate is so 18,19th century , in 21st you'll use locals , far less risk and a lot more reward .
Yeah, so they're Palestinian and not Iranian. What are you even arguing for? :lol:
you killed no one but whenever they wanted to kill anyone they come in and kill him and then left without anything happen to them
No, we killed them. And revealed identity of the whole team. Google then began taking down all images of the commando team. You wish you can achieve something like that.

new revision of history
Blah Blah Blah you don't know anything, it's okay.
Yeah, so they're Palestinian and not Iranian. What are you even arguing for? :lol:
laugh as you wish , other people got the significance of it
No, we killed them. And revealed identity of the whole team. Google then began taking down all images of the commando team. You wish you can achieve something like that.
yeah , sure . google take the search down post the picture , what happened to those bodies you killed ?
even that thread claim one Israel soldier dead and one hammas commander dead and 7 other Palestinian dead , you failed to show dead Israel soldier body and Israel claimed all came back to Israel
Blah Blah Blah you don't know anything, it's okay.
as i said new revision
Lol, is it a bad thing to go to a Muslim country to secure support? Iran should actually send quality arms to Gaza instead of sending cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and AA missiles to Yemen. If Iran can deliver those to Yemen(which you guys claim is subject to a siege) it should be able to deliver them to Gaza. We send our politicians to secure support for Palestinian cause from anybody. That does not mean we support Iran's policies in the region. Hamas base most certainly do not.

Homajon desperately wants Hamas to fall to complete the Assad meme. :lol:

The brutal reality is that Assad will die while Hamas continues cementing it's legacy. :partay::omghaha:
Why on Earth we should support those who don't support Iran? is it one way road to 2 ways? and Iran has been suffering economically for supporting Palestine cause.
Why on Earth we should support those who don't support Iran? is it one way road to 2 ways? and Iran has been suffering economically for supporting Palestine cause.
And they're mostly ungrateful,Hamas I mean. See how quickly they turned against Syria and Iran in 2012-2013?
Why on Earth we should support those who don't support Iran? is it one way road to 2 ways? and Iran has been suffering economically for supporting Palestine cause.
You have nothing to do with any decision making in Iran. Iran is paying cheap price to frame it's regional activity as some struggle for Palestine. If anything Iran should be very grateful. A bad relationship with Hamas means Iran will be seen as sectarian enemy of Muslims. You cannot go out and say anything publicly against Hamas.

And you do not own Syria btw. Russia owns Assad regime. You have no say in Syria-Hamas relations. Especially when you're government says we give unconditional support to Hamas , looool. As we can see in this thread thats a lie.... Or the Irani members here are delusional, which one ? :D

Fyi, your economic state is because your nuclear program and government corruption/mismanagement. 0 to do with Palestine.

And they're mostly ungrateful,Hamas I mean. See how quickly they turned against Syria and Iran in 2012-2013?
Hi my Irani false flagger friend. Iran do not own Syria. And had no say in our policy with Syria. Syria is not Iran. It's an Arab country. If Iran has courage to speak out against Hamas publicly then do it. We will run your already shit reputation into the ground. Iranians are ungrateful for help they are getting from India, Russia , China and nuclear help from Pakistan. And two US wars on Iraq to save you.

Isn't this a nice article by this disgusting anti-Assad witch?!!
And she is right: the Palestinians have to reengage Assad, because this is what Iran wants. And the Palestinians cannot negate this wish, because Palestine is Irans abeed, they have to do what Iran wants. If they refuse, then Iran will simply stop supporting them, there will be no further discussion, just as simple as that!
The Palestinians will comply, because they know they are nothing without Iran!

So this witch can complain as much as she wants, Iran will continue to ruthlessly exploit the Palestinian cause for ist own national interest! And she can continue to be mad about it....:enjoy:
You have nothing to do with any decision making in Iran. Iran is paying cheap price to frame it's regional activity as some struggle for Palestine. If anything Iran should be very grateful. A bad relationship with Hamas means Iran will be seen as sectarian enemy of Muslims. You cannot go out and say anything publicly against Hamas.

And you do not own Syria btw. Russia owns Assad regime. You have no say in Syria-Hamas relations. Especially when you're government says we give unconditional support to Hamas , looool. As we can see in this thread thats a lie.... Or the Irani members here are delusional, which one ? :D

Fyi, your economic state is because your nuclear program and government corruption/mismanagement. 0 to do with Palestine.

Hi my Irani false flagger friend. Iran do not own Syria. And had no say in our policy with Syria. Syria is not Iran. It's an Arab country. If Iran has courage to speak out against Hamas publicly then do it. We will run your already shit reputation into the ground. Iranians are ungrateful for help they are getting from India, Russia , China and nuclear help from Pakistan. And two US wars on Iraq to save you.
Our economical state ain't due to nuclear program as we know its a political game and excuse to put pressure on Iran , Iran ans S Korea NPs came under spotlight at the same time by one different Iran never enriched uranium more than 3.5 but SK did it up to 75 and 90 percent ... our program was under control theirs not .. and we know how these 2 program dealt with SK's program was put away due to the US pressure and Iran kept on the desk even by JCPoA up until know ... so don't make stupid comment it ain't about nuclear program but our independent policy.
On Hamas thing bad relationship with Hamas doesn't mean Iran being seen as sectarian enemy of Muslims this 2 has got no connection ...
We never owned Syria, they are free to make decision on their own.
Iran's leader support for Palestine is unconditional as long as they would be willing to fight for the Palestine cause as it's done so far despite sectarian views, regional activity, economical pressure and sanctions.
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