You have nothing to do with any decision making in Iran. Iran is paying cheap price to frame it's regional activity as some struggle for Palestine. If anything Iran should be very grateful. A bad relationship with Hamas means Iran will be seen as sectarian enemy of Muslims. You cannot go out and say anything publicly against Hamas.
And you do not own Syria btw. Russia owns Assad regime. You have no say in Syria-Hamas relations. Especially when you're government says we give unconditional support to Hamas , looool. As we can see in this thread thats a lie.... Or the Irani members here are delusional, which one ?
Fyi, your economic state is because your nuclear program and government corruption/mismanagement. 0 to do with Palestine.
Hi my Irani false flagger friend. Iran do not own Syria. And had no say in our policy with Syria. Syria is not Iran. It's an Arab country. If Iran has courage to speak out against Hamas publicly then do it. We will run your already shit reputation into the ground. Iranians are ungrateful for help they are getting from India, Russia , China and nuclear help from Pakistan. And two US wars on Iraq to save you.