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PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE: 5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948

5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed
ok retarded :crazy:
Still more believable than the 6 million Jews who have been dying over and over again since 1880's :lol:


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Still more believable than the 6 million Jews who have been dying over and over again since 1880's :lol:
Yep, all the millions of jews from EU just vanished from earth and went to live in mars.
Countries who were part of the genocide of jews in the holocaust had lists of jews before the holocaust and those who left after, and most is documented.
he made a very valid point
instead of name calling just look for your selves
a Muslim with power is a grave danger to any other Muslim around him
look at the examples in the middle east Africa and Asia
dont know how many have been killed by this Wahabi vs Shia conflict over decades. how about that?

do you think others really care which Muslim is a wahabi genocidal maniac or a Shia victim or a Sunni caught in between the two? for the rest of the world every Muslim is one and the same and Muslims have next to no regard for each other proven by their mutual destructive records for centuries to this date...

so it seems very hypocritical that Muslims teach humanity to others when they are worse offenders. Nothing wrong with raising the Palestinian issue but it would carry more weight if someone neutral and unbiased who raised this issue who doesnt have the blood of innocent people on his own hands.
Unfortunately today's Islamic terrorism in the world is because of wahhabi schools in saudia.

Anyway a regular Sunni or Shia Muslim never suicide him/herself to kill Muslims. All of the ones that do such actions are brainwashed wahhabis.
If anyone would post propaganda against Pakistan in this forum, he'd get instant ban but false propaganda against Israel is common here
I know what you are talking about
you might disagree with the extent of Palestinian numbers killed or thrown out of their homes and the historical and political context of it but completely dismissing it is also far from truth.

I already acknowledged that this issue is so sensitive that its hard to be neutral and fair. I am sorry.
you are welcome to post your counter narrative in best possible manner with grace and intellect and let the neutral reader decide.

lastly, there is a lot of anti Pakistan material posted on this website. the constant criticism of our leaders our military and our religion is posted by fellow Pakistanis and other people.
people dont just get banned because its against the Pakistani ideology. but when they are trolling, insulting or picking up personal fight or glorifying genocide terrorism etc.
people have acknowledged that for a Pakistani forum we do allow space to alternate views much more than other forums.
yes we have weaknesses but with the help of good posters like yourself we will make it better

Yep, all the millions of jews from EU just vanished from earth and went to live in mars.
Countries who were part of the genocide of jews in the holocaust had lists of jews before the holocaust and those who left after, and most is documented.
Well, too bad buddy. This ain't Germany where you can ban and arrest people for questioning "muh shoah".

So again, how many times were 6 million Jews exterminated in history over and over again? :lol:

I know what you are talking about
you might disagree with the extent of Palestinian numbers killed or thrown out of their homes and the historical and political context of it but completely dismissing it is also far from truth.

I already acknowledged that this issue is so sensitive that its hard to be neutral and fair. I am sorry.
you are welcome to post your counter narrative in best possible manner with grace and intellect and let the neutral reader decide.

lastly, there is a lot of anti Pakistan material posted on this website. the constant criticism of our leaders our military and our religion is posted by fellow Pakistanis and other people.
people dont just get banned because its against the Pakistani ideology. but when they are trolling, insulting or picking up personal fight or glorifying genocide terrorism etc.
people have acknowledged that for a Pakistani forum we do allow space to alternate views much more than other forums.
yes we have weaknesses but with the help of good posters like yourself we will make it better

First, before I comment I'd like to point out that I appreciate ur comments, it's nice to objective comments once in a while.
As for the Palestinian issue, both sides suffer from this conflict, and most comments in this forum is either biased or one sided.
I believe that nation can't live by the sword for ever and a solution must be found.
In order to conduct a serious discussion about this issue, people who actually know the history and the facts about this conflict should comment, and not those who post biased propaganda
Unfortunately today's Islamic terrorism in the world is because of wahhabi schools in saudia.

explain it to a non-Muslim and he wont give a damn.

to anyone else it is hard to explain the Najadi vs shia concept. so a Quran, and Muslim name with Kalima is enough for anyone to brush us all together.

the terrorists say they are muslims.. the world agrees with them. the terrorists get bank rolled by their backers
you know what? even I am fed up and tired of this wahabi vs moderate peace loving Muslim debate and differentiation
our argument gets sectarian. we really need introspection before we can become judges.
how many Muslim countries accommodated Palestinians? I know Israel does excessive things but what is more dear? piece of land or life? yes this way Osrael will win and expand even more but then stop complaining. stop discriminating people on sect and stop this madness in middle east and offer a better and peaceful solution from a unified position of strength. people of Israel are human as well they value life and love and peace too.. their people including armymen speak up against the atrocities committed by the Israeli regimes.. that takes guts how many of us speak against our own policies? I know its not simple

but please stay civil and polite. the issue is political and humanitarian. dont insult people this will never get us anywhere.
I dont like burning of flags and cursing a race or religion I find it very low and uncivilised act and puts us in the league of fascists and barbarians.. I rather my words and actions are identified with people who are civilised,
Apparently 6 million of your people were being "exterminated" in 1890, 1901, 1921, and then 1943 lol. So that means that:
LOL, what?
In the holocaust around 6 million people and even the countries who commited the crime admit this, what more do u want?
Zek there is no need to explain yourself
you talking with a ****
again I request to refrain from name calling
sometimes its worth it
your audience is way bigger than what you imagine sometimes.
sometimes its useful for those who are interested to know more from neutral perspective but are disappointed when the insults are flying from both sides
LOL, what?
In the holocaust around 6 million people and even the countries who commited the crime admit this, what more do u want?
But what about the 6 million exterminated in 1921 by Russia? (as mentioned in your zionist owned New York Times???) How could you forget the 6 million exterminated in 1890, 1901, and 1921 lol? Why is it always the perfect 6,000,000 figure?

LOL, what?
In the holocaust around 6 million people and even the countries who commited the crime admit this, what more do u want?
I am sorry .. I didnt delete the comment quick enough you shouldnt have quoted that comment

the holocaust is a human tragedy and there is nothing funny about it.
But what about the 6 million exterminated in 1921 by Russia? (as mentioned in your zionist owned New York Times???) How could you forget the 6 million exterminated in 1890, 1901, and 1921 lol? Why is it always the perfect 6,000,000 figure?

please be considerate when commenting on such tragedies. you shouldnt expect any sympathy for your side if you show lack of respect for others.

some times these round numbers are just for reference and their inaccuracy doesnt change the facts that people suffered.
the genocide of Jews before and specially the holocaust is a human tragedy, not just Jewish one one can argue over numbers but thats missing the point.. so as a fellow human we must not make fun of it otherwise we loose the chance that anyone else will care for the muslim victims of today and the past

temporarily locked for moderation and for emotions to cool down
I promise to re-open in next ten minutes if we all agree that we will treat each other as we want to be treated
Well, too bad buddy. This ain't Germany where you can ban and arrest people for questioning "muh shoah".

So again, how many times were 6 million Jews exterminated in history over and over again? :lol:

You mean to say Holocaust happened repeatedly in history? :lol:
Or may be only Hitler trolled the World? And actually it was Stalin who killed "60Million" Jews......?

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