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PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE: 5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948

thanks for letting us know the so called "Truth" posed by Zionist is bunch of LIES.. lol
self ownage.
In the second section, they're not telling you how unfair the UNs plan actully was. Jews hardly made up 45% of the population but were still given more than 50% of the land, the most fertile land too. Why should people already living there be subjected to such a plan? These days in the West Bank the israelis isolate Palestinain communites and surround them with threating settlers by making sterile roads. They talk of peace and dialouge but at the same time they'tr destrying houses. How can one negotiate with such people:hitwall::hitwall:?
@Desert Fox

Thanks for the tag.

My points are as follows:

a) the first comment simply states that the Jews in North America felt their fellow jews are toast in the whole of Europe if Nazi germany prevails. They felt this way because of the already strong persecution the Nazis were employing on Germany's Jews and the fact the Germans had just decisively defeated France. The full jewish blood racial profiling was already known worldwide, and the exact fulfilling of what Hitler stated in Mein Kampf (and countless official speeches since that) would have been a real worry for the Jews.

There were roughly 6 million jews in non-USSR Europe. You can check the pre-war demographic statistics yourself.

b) Your Simon Wiesenthal article clearly says that the Germany govt took action against the Kolb coroporation for illegal selling of technology to the Iraqis for their gas chambers. (para 4)

Nowhere in that article did he say these gas chambers were to be used in the same way as the Holocaust Gas chambers.

From what we can gleam, they were used as tests on Iranian soldiers and what not to prove the efficacy of various gas warfare agents. (para 12, 13)...these I would assume would then be used with scuds to target Israel along with Iran, Kurds etc. Saddam did get cold feet to use these chemical weapons on Israel when he sent those scuds their way in first gulf war....because Israel clearly said they would respond with the full might of their WMD on every Iraqi settlement. Thats why Saddam stuck to conventional warheads...more as symbolism and trying to agitate the Israels to respond conventionally....without going over the board and getting instant sunshined.
Bro this 6 Million is golden number?
Whenever someone kill Jew, they kill exact 6 Million of them.......
And believe me those Israelis fear Gas Chamber more than Nuclear bomb.!:coffee:

May be we should capture all of them and Gas them.:D ......n oxygen gas I mean :lol:
This has gone so off topic so why not bring it back to the topic. Israel has not killed 5million muslims and thats the fact. If they wanted a few nukes and a few chemical weapons can do the trick but they obviously didn't so its not considered a 'genocide'. A genocide is what happened in World war 2 when they round you up, call your number and finish you off with no rest in between.
5 years before WW2 ended and 2 years before the Germans even contemplated exterminating Jews.
You don't even know that extermination started in 1941 and not in 1942. Thats most basic fact about the Holocaust. Which proves once again that you are not only a shameless liar but also a complete ignorant. Now get lost kid.
May be few years later Israelis will say Palestinians died due to "SMALL POX" or virus outbreak

Just like the excuse used to hide Aborigional people
May be few years later Israelis will say Palestinians died due to "SMALL POX" or virus outbreak

Just like the excuse used to hide Aborigional people

Small pox? Really?

Do you realise how a vector for virus outbreaks differ from those delivered by WMD?

First choose a virus and lets analyse this hypothetical scenario to illustrate how dumb this sounds.
May be few years later Israelis will say Palestinians died due to "SMALL POX" or virus outbreak
Just like the excuse used to hide Aborigional people
This is an example of psychological projection: a crime committed by one party is trotted out to condemn another party - one who hasn't committed such a crime, nor is there any fact suggesting they might do so.
Zionist will deny this.. they are angels :D
Zionist will deny this.. they are angels :D
Deny what? Moronic numbers?


In the second section, they're not telling you how unfair the UNs plan actully was. Jews hardly made up 45% of the population but were still given more than 50% of the land, the most fertile land too.
British Palestine mandate included todays Jordan. Together with Jordan Jews got barely 13% of Palestine.

As for fertile lands thats also nonsense. Over 2/3 of Israel is Negev desert. East Galilee was malaria swamp and narrow coastline was also mix of desert and swamps.
on Zionist hypocrisy..
Except that there isn't any. To condemn Zionists you've had to stand upon falsehoods and you don't get any credit for that. So you get a zero in your class today, KN-1.
7 Palestinian inmates have died in Zionist prisons since 2017


This file picture shows Palestinian prisoners in the yard of Israel's Megiddo prison. (Photo by AFP)

A Palestinian official says at least seven Palestinians have lost their lives in Israeli prisons and detention centers since 2017, noting that the jails have turned into a place where the inmates are doomed to death and face arbitrary and repressive measures.

Head of the Palestinian Authority’s Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Qaraqe, said in a statement on Monday that Aziz Oweisat, a resident of Jabal Al-Mukaber neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds, died in Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center, formerly known as Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and located 15 kilometers from Tel Aviv, the previous night following a serious deterioration in his health.

“We are conducting an autopsy on the body of the martyr to find out all causes of his death. We have already taken the necessary legal steps and employed proper procedures to recover the corpse,” Qaraqe said.

He stressed that Palestinian prisoners need international protection, demanding concrete measures to bring the occupying Tel Aviv regime before the International Criminal Court.

Oweisat had been serving a 30-year prison sentence since 2014, when he was convicted of alleged involvement in attempts to blow up a pipeline supplying gas to Armon Hanatzif settlement.

He was severely beaten at Ishel Prison in the occupied territories earlier this month.

Israeli prison service accused of killing Palestinian inmate

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has accused Israeli prison officials of killing Oweisat.

The PPS stated that the 53-year-old suffered several life-threatening injuries but Israeli forces “refused calls to release him to get medical treatment despite knowledge that his health was in a critical condition.”


Late Palestinian prisoner Aziz Oweisat (file photo)

Palestine’s official WAFA news agency reported that several Palestinians demonstrated at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem al-Quds on Sunday to protest the medical negligence that led to Oweisat’s death.

Israeli forces, in return, attacked the protesters using clubs, tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets. A number of Palestinian demonstrators sustained injuries as a result.

More than 7,000 Palestinians are reportedly held at Israeli jails. Hundreds of the inmates have apparently been incarcerated under the practice of administrative detention, a policy under which Palestinian inmates are kept in Israeli detention facilities without trial or charge.

Some Palestinian prisoners have been held in administrative detention for up to eleven years.

Palestinian inmates regularly stage hunger strikes in protest at the administrative detention policy and their harsh prison conditions in Israeli jails.

According to reports, at least 13 Palestinian lawmakers are currently imprisoned in Israeli detention facilities. Nine of them are being held without trial under administrative detention.

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