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Palestine is here to stay


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Irregardless of Israel's occupation in the West Bank, their restrictions on the freedom of movement, economic restrictions, land theft, resource theft, state sponsored violence, illegal settlements that come about through brute force against original inhabitants and military attacks against the Palestinian people.

Palestine is here to stay forever. Israel is actively trying to destroy what's left of Palestine(As supported by real facts and not rhetoric) and not the other way around.

Karma says all this negativity will come back and hit the oppressor like a boomerang.

As for the recent attacks on Gaza there's an old polish saying....:

a Jewish man was beating up a little child and shouting 'help he is attacking me'


God bless Palestine.
God bless palestine.
God bless people of gaza.

God bless people of Kashmir as well. Indians and Israeli's are alike. Although Israeli's are much more evil with sophistication. It's we Muslims, and Arabs more importantly start working to protect our people from these terrorists. Only we can guarantee the freedom and safety of our people. The remaining Muslims that haven't woken up, need to, and very soon.
God bless people of Kashmir as well. Indians and Israeli's are alike. Although Israeli's are much more evil with sophistication. It's we Muslims, and Arabs more importantly start working to protect our people from these terrorists. Only we can guarantee the freedom and safety of our people. The remaining Muslims that haven't woken up, need to, and very soon.

u can gurantee nothing ,,,,zero.
u know why??

muslim world,,,as u like to call it has no power now due to more indulgence in religion than in the education and technology and thats the sad truth.

untill that changes there will be no change
u can gurantee nothing ,,,,zero.
u know why??

muslim world,,,as u like to call it has no power now due to more indulgence in religion than in the education and technology and thats the sad truth.

untill that changes there will be no change
actually its our incompetent and corrupt rulers who are afraid of you tiny idiots...if it was a General like Sahabi Umer (RA) or like Khalid bin Walid (RA) you would have been reduced to rubble in 2 years....
@he-man What happened to other Israel thread where Indian left wingers were showing so much love for Palestine?
actually its our incompetent and corrupt rulers who are afraid of you tiny idiots...if it was a General like Sahabi Umer (RA) or like Khalid bin Walid (RA) you would have been reduced to rubble in 2 years....

there is a reason i made my observations and looking at ur stupid and brainwashed comments i am glad i spoke the truth
Irregardless of Israel's occupation in the West Bank, their restrictions on the freedom of movement, economic restrictions, land theft, resource theft, state sponsored violence, illegal settlements that come about through brute force against original inhabitants and military attacks against the Palestinian people.

Palestine is here to stay forever. Israel is actively trying to destroy what's left of Palestine(As supported by real facts and not rhetoric) and not the other way around.

Karma says all this negativity will come back and hit the oppressor like a boomerang.

As for the recent attacks on Gaza there's an old polish saying....:

a Jewish man was beating up a little child and shouting 'help he is attacking me'


God bless Palestine.
We have corrupt and incompetent and sold out rulers...they have literally sold us out to the dogs of hell Khawarij and their Zionist supporters...may Allah have mercy on the entire Muslim Ummat...Ameen.
FaujHistorian although you are screwed up in your head but you are entitled to you opinion your hate Thread is closed and yes israel is here to stay for a long long time but you don't know whose is going to rule it in the End neither of us knows.

I still maintain you don't know zilch about sharia, sharia never collapsed it is still active the example is KSA isn't it, sharia in the very simplest form/definition for understanding are collection of laws i explained it earlier killing by stoning or killing by lethal injection is no big deal the theme is DEATH so why does it give pain to liberals by the way what has western las given except for approval to destroy every muslim nation under various pretexts like iraqi WMDs guess what they never found it but yesterday ISIS captured chemical factory in iraq lol funny US/NATO couldn't find it. Without further derailment of thread nor should you I just wanted to let you know you talk alot without meaningful content, get out of critic position and suggest solutions instead of ruining and running your mouth like a bad mood woman in every Thread with your baseless critics and accusations.

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