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Palestine in photos

Destroyed Mosque in Gaza
Taha Mosque.





One Palestinian boy sitting front side of destroyed mosque in the southern Gaza


Praying in Gaza.
^^ your posts are very precious, So best place for your posts is safe box. lock up your precious posts and keep them safe.
It was used by terrorists to store rockets. There are many hundreds of other such mosques in Gaza.
You have brain or what ?
Why are you replying ? i am not posting picture for professional Isreali liars. Do me a favor don't reply on my posts.
Leaders of Palestine.


Sheikh Ahmed Yassin


عبدالعزيز علي عبدالمجيد الحفيظ الرنتيسي Abdul Aziz Rantisi .. Symbol of resistance


Yasir Arafaat.


Al Quds in 1900s View of Silwan, South of the Al Aqsa Masjid
^^ your posts are very precious, So best place for your posts is safe box. lock up your precious posts and keep them safe.
I am the only one who posts pics o topic. I could also post lots of terror victims in "Israel photo" thread, but that's does not represent real Israel.

Back to the topic. Again Hebron:

This thread is not for debates, please stick to the pictures only

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It was used by terrorists to store rockets. There are many hundreds of other such mosques in Gaza.

Thanks for the pics --- which Mosque is that? looks like a famous place to me

BTW, I just noticed... even this Mosque is partially destroyed and under the supervision of police for some reason
This thread is not for debates, please stick to the pictures only

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Thanks for the pics --- which Mosque is that? looks like a famous place to me

BTW, I just noticed... even this Mosque is partially destroyed and under the supervision of police for some reason
This is Abraham's Tomb or Cave of Patriarchs ("Mearat ha Mahpela" in Hebrew) structure built by king Herod over 2000 years ago. This is the only structure which survived from ancient Jewish kingdom. After the Arab conquest it was converted to Ibrahimi mosque or Haram al Khalil.

More Hebron pics:

This is Abraham's Tomb or Cave of Patriarchs ("Mearat ha Mahpela" in Hebrew) structure built by king Herod over 2000 years ago. This is the only structure which survived from ancient Jewish kingdom. After the Arab conquest it was converted to Ibrahimi mosque or Haram al Khalil.

Thanks for the info,

I also thought this is the same place where Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) were buried (as per Christians and Muslims belief at least). But I thought that was located in Jerusalem so just wanted to confirm from you
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