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Pakistan's WIN over India in Centurian, is it a Nature's sign of Change in Fate?

:welcome:Well Guys, This is my first ever thread that i am going to start.

My Invitation to you guys to express your views about Pakistan's Win against india in centurian South Africa.

do u think its a nature's sign to greet pakistan and warn india that things are soon going to tilt pakistan's way so india should watch before leaping on the laps of Pakistan's enemies?

Plz Comment...:pakistan::welcome:

Actually I don't blame you for posts like this as a country you have had little to clebrate in the recent past so at any good news you go overboard....but with some moderation.

Indians should not take any adverse comment on India as a attack on India as Pakistanis they have their own point of view....so be it. Bashing each other is any way our national pasttime.

Coming back to cricket it is only a game so we must back Pakistan & Srilanka if India doest make it to the semis for the subcontinent sake. All must understand being courteous and polite to each other is not a sign of weakness but one of good upbringing.
Australia-pakistan match fixed already? Sources says that pakistan wont win against australia for two reason. 1st benefit of loosing is india will be knocked out. 2nd benefit pak wont have pressure that india might come in final and defeat pakistan as dhoni doesnt miss 2nd chance. Match already fixed. Result australia's win? Well let see tomarrow.

This is trolling of the highest order where the poster is imposing serious alegations without any credible source(s).

Mods , a little attentions is required please.
Australia-pakistan match fixed already? Sources says that pakistan wont win against australia for two reason. 1st benefit of loosing is india will be knocked out. 2nd benefit pak wont have pressure that india might come in final and defeat pakistan as dhoni doesnt miss 2nd chance. Match already fixed. Result australia's win? Well let see tomarrow.

Any proves?
Any sources?

I think ur remarks are funny.....Pak is always ready to face Indian Challange.
Any proves?
Any sources?

I think ur remarks are funny.....Pak is always ready to face Indian Challange.

Sir do i need to prove? Pakistan 205 in 50 overs. Great runs. i have snails in my house background. They move faster then pakistan's run rate against australia. How commited pak was we knew by watching pakistans inning. i love the hit wicket of misbah. Very eager to throw wicket. Anyway its a wise move by pakistan. Facing india in final was next to hell for pakistan if pak would win against australia. For them its better and safe to loose against australia in final then to loose against india. 205 runs is lovely. Congratulations hehe.
Sir do i need to prove? Pakistan 205 in 50 overs. Great runs. i have snails in my house background. They move faster then pakistan's run rate against australia. How commited pak was we knew by watching pakistans inning. i love the hit wicket of misbah. Very eager to throw wicket. Anyway its a wise move by pakistan. Facing india in final was next to hell for pakistan if pak would win against australia. For them its better and safe to loose against australia in final then to loose against india. 205 runs is lovely. Congratulations hehe.

My Gossh, look at that, Better team Wins & better team performs better, Aussies are performing better, anyways, Good Bye to u & team India....
My Gossh, look at that, Better team Wins & better team performs better, Aussies are performing better, anyways, Good Bye to u & team India....

by the way, where have u been emo_girl? haven't seen ur post in a while, i was expecting more posts in my thread.

anyways guys,

though pakistan lost to australia on the last ball but it was a good match, if we have to pick one match out of the two which could have possibly been fixed by the loosing team, it'd be india's match, they lost it by 54 runs.:pakistan:
Thank You so very much GRAPHICAN, RUAG and NASEEBKHANNIAZI for your comments.

ruag i didn't say that pakistan should wage war against india, i don't want that and i am not for any war by pakistan which puts it in the agressor's role.

brother, i just wanted to invite your views about the other side of something which apparently brings us something different. anyways i again appreciate your participation and hope to read more from you.

brother GRAPHICAN,

i started this thread coz i had this feeling sometime back that nature gives messages to us in many ways, sometimes to lift the moods and morales of demoralized or upset people.

you remember when terrorists were on the top of their destructive thrash-hold sometime back they were choping off people's heads, lashing women in the public,and everyone was so demoralized, economy was going down, rupee was devaluing rapidly, dams were going dry and out of the blues pakistan won T20 world cup.

i said to some of my friends, that i didn't know why but i feel that this win is a sign to us that soon things would tilt pakistan's way and things would improve.

then we saw how successful swat operation was, rupee's devaluation stopped or slowed down dramatically, we had heavy rainfalls where required and dams became full, stock exchange going sky high again and taliban's BM along with many big terrorists killed in a quick succession of time.

All this happened, and i am not saying it happened coz we won the world cup, but i think that win might have been a sign of hope and happiness to us, thats what motivated me to start this thread, not only to share our happiness with other members but also to express our opinion in this context.

I totally agree....Here are the trends in my opinion

- IPL's Modi is losing power
- Dhoni and India starting a lomnger term ODI losing streak...
- Change of captain, coach..etc all coming in 6 months time
- Back to old days in mid 80s to mid 90s when Pakistan won due to aggressive strategy and india lost due to being defensive
- Australia and others to side with Pakistan even if BCCI shows them money due to their normal anti-India bias
- India to go back to 4-5 ranked team in all forms
- Pakistan to replace India in rankings over time
- Good luck and Good bye
Now see this...

"Pakistan par kro war Zordar
Uth na pae Dushman
Hosla ho Tar Tar"

Wlq_HJuQA-k[/media] - India to take on Pakistan at Centurion

Shame on you people this is how ur Media projects Pak in cricket matches, The exact points i made this Video is proving my point, Now i ve seen how Unbiased you people are, so stop showing ur duality & ranting, Better for you people to keep living in this imaginary & superstitious world & dance in IPL, that what u people can do, Keep wining this, after seeing this video i hope they are kicked out, according to video, according to ur Channels dreams gives "Bharat ke Bahsahat ka sabut"
btw ranking of SA has got them thru

Dont worry bro, they recieved slap
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