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Pakistan's warrior queen, Maria; the squash player.

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Answer my question first.... would u like ur sister to wear shorts and play infront of men? a simple yes or no..

I will be a proud brother father or husband if my sister daughter or wife represented my country in such or any competitive sport.

Pakistani men in a closed society like ours are very repressed, if they see slightest skin they get a hard on. The one thing that I notice is that the more religiously rabid views a person holds the more lecherous they are. The views that they express are completely opposite to their inner dark side.

Believe me I have come across some vile puritanical do good mullah types whose behaviour has been bestial. One such mullah who looked like an angel and spoke like one from our local mosque is serving a life sentence for raping a 13 year old boy in the mosque!!!
I will be a proud brother father or husband if my sister daughter or wife represented my country in such or any competitive sport.

Good for you... my religion doesnt allow it, nor does my ghairat... kudos to you...

Pakistani men in a closed society like ours are very repressed, if they see slightest skin they get a hard on. The one thing that I notice is that the more religiously rabid views a person holds the more lecherous they are. The views that they express are completely opposite to their inner dark side.

You must be one of them... as for skin show... im sure ud like ur sisters or daughters to wear shorts... but most "Ghairatmand" people wont like other men to see their daughters or sisters semi naked!
Believe me I have come across some vile puritanical do good mullah types whose behaviour has been bestial. One such mullah who looked like an angel and spoke like one from our local mosque is serving a life sentence for raping a 13 year old boy in the mosque!!

Good for him... f.k the mullahs anyway!
You misunderstood me, I think we need to be MORE judgmental, not less -- RIGHT, WRONG, GOOD, BAD, these are important criteria and we should be proud to use them - when we assert these to be "rabid arabized islamist" we convey our judgement that we have evaluated them on criteria of gd and bad and right and wrong and have concluded as we have.

Too few Pakistanis use these criteria in formulating their thoughts -- they are afraid that all is relative, even the self, and they are WRONG. As for the rabid arabized Islamists, be rest assured that good and bad and right and wrong are not criteria they use at all, in fact they do not reason, they merely regurgitate.

That's ok then my friend.... you give me a free reign to become judgemental on the self styled mullah police of our thoughts.

One thing that these do gooders do not do when judging others is to look themselves in the mirror. The question that they should ask is.......is my heart and conscience clear....
I will be a proud brother father or husband if my sister daughter or wife represented my country in such or any competitive sport.

Pakistani men in a closed society like ours are very repressed, if they see slightest skin they get a hard on. The one thing that I notice is that the more religiously rabid views a person holds the more lecherous they are. The views that they express are completely opposite to their inner dark side.

Believe me I have come across some vile puritanical do good mullah types whose behaviour has been bestial. One such mullah who looked like an angel and spoke like one from our local mosque is serving a life sentence for raping a 13 year old boy in the mosque!!!

actually the minset is that Islam doesnt allow nor ghairat, but zulm is a lesser crime in their minds as its not they who suffer, its their women !
@Leader so not allowing women to wear revealing clothes is zulm? what do u guys say in punjabi..... ah yes... fitay moun!
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Good for you... my religion doesnt allow it, nor does my ghairat... kudos to you...

Okay....respect to you.

You must be one of them... as for skin show... im sure ud like ur sisters or daughters to wear shorts... but most "Ghairatmand" people wont like other men to see their daughters or sisters semi naked!

Lol...repressed, not so my friend. I am anything but repressed...again your choice to be ghairatmand but don't use your own moral compass to judge others

Good for him... f.k the mullahs - agreed!!

actually the minset is that Islam doesnt allow nor ghairat, but zulm is a lesser crime in their minds as its not they who suffer, its their women !

Excellent point!!!
Good for you... my religion doesnt allow it, nor does my ghairat... kudos to you...

You must be one of them... as for skin show... im sure ud like ur sisters or daughters to wear shorts... but most "Ghairatmand" people wont like other men to see their daughters or sisters semi naked!

Good for him... f.k the mullahs anyway!

Who are you to decide what ghairat is and is not. You are none to call anyone or judge anyone.
Who are you to decide what ghairat is and is not. You are none to call anyone or judge anyone.

Just stating the facts.... as for this girl ... more power to her... why should i care.... she aint related to me. Adios...:wave:
Prophet Muhammad would have endorsed this talented girl... but mullah wont as they consider everything progressive haram. even loud speaker was haram but later uuuuuuufffffffffff.... :D

anyway she is doing great and its my duty as muslim to bring you on the right path, path of Islam (peace) rather than path of Mullahism (hatred)
HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already endorsed rules of Hijab and what women can do and what they cannot do and his rules for Hijab and some forms of Zina if you look at them than according to that this girl is doing completely wrong I proved it to you through Quran and Sunnah and you are not now making bunch of pathetic excuses stop running way face the reality this is not allowed in Islam and Mullhas tell you what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW you want to run away from his teachings that is why you abuse Mullahs

Firstly stop your ilk from killing. Killing one person is akin to killing humanity. Secondly stop being f**king selective. People like the warrior queen and minorities are soft targets for you nutters to bully and push your agendas. Everyone is different and won't necessarily have your views. And ..... Their are many interpretations of what is right and Islamic.
I am not selective MR I already told you what are the rules of Hijab for women and their is also one thing called minor Zina and what this lady is doing is breaking both laws and breaking rules of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and doing completely Haram I am allergic to your personal thoughts prove me wrong through Quran and Sunnah other wise don't come here and talk

I will be a proud brother father or husband if my sister daughter or wife represented my country in such or any competitive sport.

Pakistani men in a closed society like ours are very repressed, if they see slightest skin they get a hard on. The one thing that I notice is that the more religiously rabid views a person holds the more lecherous they are. The views that they express are completely opposite to their inner dark side.

Believe me I have come across some vile puritanical do good mullah types whose behaviour has been bestial. One such mullah who looked like an angel and spoke like one from our local mosque is serving a life sentence for raping a 13 year old boy in the mosque!!!
First decide either you are a Muslim or not if yes than you should be ashamed of what you are saying
Sir, as owners of tribal Islam, you must be knowing better what is real Islam - so please tell us the problem Islam has with squash, or is it that Islam just that real Islam has a problem with women?
If women are playing in front of men than they are not allowed but if they are playing in front of women and no men can see them I mean in covered arena's than their is no problem
@Leader so not allowing women to wear revealing clothes is zulm? what do u guys say in punjabi..... ah yes... fitay moun!

No, the Zulm is that a woman wants to explore her talent and make up a career...she is not revealing her body to get attention...but either way, you nor me has no right to enforce our will on them, they are not subjects or your pet.
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No, the Zulm is that a woman wants to explore her talent and make up a career...she is not revealing her body to get attention...but either way, you nor me has no right to enforce our will on them, they are not subjects or your pet.
No Sir if the talent is used in Un Islamic and haram thing than we have to stop her and that is not zulm that is order of Islam to stop evil Sir
HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already endorsed rules of Hijab and what women can do and what they cannot do and his rules for Hijab and some forms of Zina if you look at them than according to that this girl is doing completely wrong I proved it to you through Quran and Sunnah and you are not now making bunch of pathetic excuses stop running way face the reality this is not allowed in Islam and Mullhas tell you what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW you want to run away from his teachings that is why you abuse Mullahs

Mullah donot get the right to enforce social values..nor did Prophet Muhammad ordered. secondly Prophet Muhammad didnt made their women suffer and suggested the same for everyone to do the same..its just a way you guys adopt to keep your women slave.. totally unacceptable. if you have a problem, go hide somewhere cause we aint giving up to mullahism !!

No Sir if the talent is used in Un Islamic and haram thing than we have to stop her and that is not zulm that is order of Islam to stop evil Sir

there is nothing unislamic and haram here.. and in this case there is no order from islam, its just stupid mullahism at work.
Mullah donot get the right to enforce social values..nor did Prophet Muhammad ordered. secondly Prophet Muhammad didnt made their women suffer and suggested the same for everyone to do the same..its just a way you guys adopt to keep your women slave.. totally unacceptable. if you have a problem, go hide somewhere cause we aint giving up to mullahism !!

No Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already to enforce all social values even by force HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW didn't allowed these kind of things Sir no their are some rules which are different for men and women it is not our way it is the way told by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and you are betraying HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and we will stop even if we had to cross blood bath for it we will do it
No Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already to enforce all social values even by force HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW didn't allowed these kind of things Sir no their are some rules which are different for men and women it is not our way it is the way told by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and you are betraying HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and we will stop even if we had to cross blood bath for it we will do it

you dont even know what you are talking about... you got all your precious little information from mullahism... and blaming it all on Prophet Muhammad .....hah what a shame you are !!

prepare then.. cause what you are preaching is haram and totally against Islamic values and teaching of Prophet Muhammad. we will finish you off sooner the better. good luck with your satanic mullahism...
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