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Pakistan's warrior queen, Maria; the squash player.

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yes I heard the news, hope you guys are safe... please stay inside the office...

these idiots who preach and follow satanic mullahism will go to jahanum for doing character assassination of Prophet Muhammad and evil doings...

You are denying the teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW you are running away from his teachings and making fun of them by using the term Mullahism you will the wrath of ALLAH soon

you are only following satanic mullahism and doing character assassination of prophet Muhammad... doing no good to Islam.

one of your types just blew himself up and definitely now being roasted in hell !!

choose the right path,before its too late for you..
You are the traitor of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW I have told what they said and you are denying them and making fun of them but traitors of Islam will be taken out really very soon

1. The outer garment worn in public must cover all of the body except the face and hands.

Surat an-Noor, ayah 31 (quoted above) contains a clear command that a woman's natural beauty and her adornment are to be concealed from strangers, except that which might show unintentionally (i.e. parts of the dress or ornaments) or which show as a matter of course because it is not prohibited that they be shown (i.e. the face and the hands).

Abu Dawud narrated that 'A'ishah said:
Asma came to see the Messenger of Allah (saws). She was wearing a thin dress; the Prophet (saws) turned away from her and said to her: "O Asma, once a woman reaches the age of puberty no part of her body should be uncovered except her face and hands."
It should be noted that the Arabic word khumur (plural of khimaar) which has been translated above in the ayah from Surat an-Noor as veils, means head covers, not face veils, as may mistakenly be supposed. It refers to a cloth which covers all of the hair. Furthermore, the word juyoob (plural of jaib), also found in the ayah of Surat an-Noor, refers not only to the bosom, as is commonly thought, but also to the neck.

Qurtubi, an eminent mufassir (Qur'an commentator), stated:

Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimaar, throwing its ends on their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears, in the manner of the Christians. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimaar.
"And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment."
Women in the time of the Prophet (saws) used to wear anklets, which they could employ to attract attention by stamping their feet, making the anklets tinkle together. This practice was now forbidden, but even more important for us, these words make it absolutely clear that the legs and ankles are to be covered.

Bin 'Umar narrated
Let them lower their gaze Prophet (saws) said: "On the Day of Judgment Allah will not look upon one who trails his garment along out of pride." Um Salamah then asked: "What should women do with their garments?" The Prophet (saws) said: "They may lower them a hand span." She said: "Their feet would still be uncovered." The Prophet (saws) said: then lower them a forearm's length, but no more."

The ayah from Surat an-Noor quoted above gives us specific and detailed information about what a Muslim woman should be sure to cover when she is in the company of strangers, and it gives a detailed list of those with whom she is permitted to be less inhibited. The ayah quoted from Surat al-Ahzab further directs Muslim women to put some outer garment over their clothes, and to draw it close around them.

Abu Dawud related that after this ayah was revealed the women of the Ansar appeared like crows (because of the black cloaks which they wore).

Some outer garment, whether a cloak or a coat, must be worn by a Muslim woman when she is in public, and even when she is in her own house or that of a close relative, if she is in the presence of strangers.

It was mentioned above that the face need not be covered. If, however, the woman is wearing make-up, she should cover her face, since the make-up is adornment beyond what is permitted.

Similarly, she should cover her hands if she is wearing nail polish or some other decoration or ornament. Furthermore, although it is permissible to leave the face uncovered in the presence of strangers, it is praiseworthy to cover it, as that was the practice of the wives of the Prophet (saws) according to authentic Hadith.

2. The outer garment must not be decorative itself or a means of beautification.

When Allah commands women not to reveal their beauty, He means both the natural beauty, with which He has endowed them, and all means which they might employ to enhance that beauty. Clearly, the garment which is used to screen the woman's beauty and her adornment from public view should not itself be a thing of beauty.

Fudalah Ibn 'Ubaid reported that the Prophet (saws) said:
There are three people that you should not concern yourself about: a man who parted from the Jama'ah and disobeyed his imam and died in that state; a slave who ran away from his master and died without returning; a woman whose husband departed from her after providing for her worldly needs and who then beautified (tabarrajat) herself in his absence. Do not worry about any of them."

The word tabarraja means not only to beautify oneself, or to make oneself pretty, but also to display oneself, to play up one's charms for the purpose of exciting desire. Imam Adh-Dhahabi said in his book Kitaab al-Kabaair (The Book of the Great Sins): "Of the deeds woman is cursed for are displaying the ornaments which she is wearing, wearing perfume when going out, and wearing colorful clothes and silky short cloaks."

The verb tabarraja includes all of these actions. Tabarruj is so abhorrent that it is associated with shirk, fornication, stealing, and other sins.

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar said:
A woman came to the Messenger of Allah (saws) to give her pledge for Islam. He said: "I accept your pledge that you will not associate partners with Allah, nor steal, nor fornicate, nor kill your child, nor commit a sin between your arms and legs, nor wail over the dead, nor beautify and display yourself (tatabarraji) after the fashion of the pre-Islamic days."

3. The outer garment must be thick and opaque so as to conceal the clothes worn under it, and loose so as to conceal the woman's form.

Proper covering cannot be achieved by wearing tight or transparent apparel.

The Prophet (saws) said:

"There will be, in the last days of my Ummah (nation), women who are dressed and undressed. Curse them: they are accursed."


Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet (saws) referred to:

...women who are naked even though they are wearing clothes, go astray and make others go astray, and they will not enter paradise nor smell its fragrance, although it can be smelled from afar.

At Tabarani

The "dressed and yet undressed" women are those who wear transparent or very tight clothes, or clothes which are cut in such a way that they expose the body. Such clothes reveal more than they conceal.

The Prophet (saws) said:

Belief and the sense of shame are tied together; if one is lost the other is lost."


It should be noted that a woman should wear a loose over-garment for offering prayer. It should cover her whole body (as far as going out) and should be such that it conceals the shape of her arms and legs, as well as that of the rest of her body.

4. Muslim women are not to wear perfume in public.

Abu Musa narrated that the Prophet (saws) said:

Any woman who wears perfume and passes by some people who smell her perfume is like one who commits fornication.

Abu Hurairah said that:

A woman passed by him smelling strongly of scent. He called to her: "O slave of the powerful, are you going to the mosque?" She said that she was. He said: "Go back and wash it off. I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: 'Any woman who goes to the mosque wearing perfume will not have her prayer accepted by Allah; first she should go back home and have a bath [to wash it off].'"

It is inappropriate for a woman to wear perfume in the mosque, where people are attending to the worship of Allah (swt); how much more inappropriate it is that she should wear scent elsewhere, where people are more liable to distraction. Scent attracts attention to a woman and may thereby stimulate sexual desires; this is improper in the marketplace and mosque.

5. The clothes of Muslim women should not resemble men's clothes.

Abu Hurairah said that:

The Messenger of Allah (saws) cursed the man who wears women's clothes and the woman who wears men's clothes.

Ibn Umar said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say:

He is not of us who imitates women nor is he of us who imitates men."

Al Hakim

Abdullah Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (saws) said:

Three people will not enter paradise, and Allah will not look at them on the day of Judgment: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman who imitates men and the ad-dayooth.


Ad-dayooth is the man who permits women for whom he is responsible to engage in illicit sexual relations, or to display their beauty to strange men, thereby stimulating their sexual desires.

6. The clothes of Muslim women should not resemble those of the disbelievers.

In Surat al-Hadeed, ayah 16 we are told:

Has not the time come for those who believe to submit their hearts to Allah's reminder and to that which has been revealed of the truth, and not become as those who received the scriptures before and for whom the term was prolonged so their hearts grew hard? And many of them are rebellious transgressors.

Those who refuse to submit to Allah's commands are rebels against Him, and they are permitted to continue in their rebellion until their hearts become hard.

The ayah and Hadeeth quoted above serve as a double warning to us: we must take care to heed Allah's commands, revealed to us through the Qur'an and the Sunnah of His Messenger (saws), lest we suffer the fate of the recipients of previous revelations; we should also shun the way of life of any believing people. If we adopt what is theirs, we partake also of the quality of their hearts.

We pray to Allah to safeguard us from that, lest we become like them.

Given the condition of the disbeliever's' hearts, it is not surprising to find that much of their clothing, particularly that of women, is unsuitable for Muslims. It is designed to be attractive in itself and to enhance and attract attention to women's natural beauty.

7. The clothing of Muslim women should not be ostentatious.

Ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said:

He who dresses for ostentation in this world, Allah will dress him in a dress of humiliation on the Day of Judgment and set it on fire.

Abu Dawud

By following the seven principles above, In'sh Allah a woman will satisfy all the necessary requirements for proper Islamic dress. It should be noted that some of these principles also apply to men's dress, and clearly some would apply not only to what a woman wears in public, but also to what she wears in the privacy of her own home or in the homes of he relatives or her Muslim sisters.

There are, however, some additional prohibitions regarding personal appearance of which our Muslim sisters should be aware. These prohibitions have to do with changes made to the appearance which are regarded as unacceptable alterations to Allah's creation, namely wearing wigs, plucking facial hair, filing teeth and getting tattoos.

Asma related that:

A woman asked the Prophet (saws):

"Messenger of Allah, my daughter had smallpox, and as a result her hair fall out. She has recently been married; can I get her a wig?" He answered: " Allah has cursed the maker and wearer of a wig."

Abdullah said that Allah (swt) has cursed tattooers and those who are tattooed, and those women who have their teeth filed for beauty and those who have their hair plucked and thus alter Allah's creation.

A woman asked him: "What is all this?" He replied: "Should I not curse one whom Allah's Messenger has cursed? And it is in the Book of Allah." She said: I read the Qur'an from cover to cover but did not find that in it. "He said: If you had read it thoroughly you would have found it. Allah says "Whatever Allah's Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he has forbidden, refrain from it

Qur'an 69: 7

This Hadeeth is particularly significant for us, because it not only informs us of something which the Prophet (saws) found hateful, it also makes it perfectly clear that, in matters of religion, the commands of the Prophet (saws) are as binding on us as the commands of Allah (swt).

In obeying Allah and his Messenger (saws) we can hope to be of those who are successful, tasting of the fruits of Paradise. If however, we should disobey Allah (swt) and do things prohibited by Him (and we seek refuge with him from that) then we will taste His wrath; in the case of a woman who does something forbidden by Allah (swt) or his Messenger (saws), she and her husband or guardian who permitted her to do the forbidden thing are cursed by Allah (swt). We are advised in the Qur'an to:

".....ward off from yourselves and your families a fire whereof the fuel is men and stones..."Qur'an 66:6

The Prophet (saws) said:

All of you are guardians. The man is a guardian of and is responsible for his womenfolk on the day of Judgment.

May Allah (swt) open our hearts to guidance, strengthen us that we may be obedient to Him and His Messenger (saws) and save us from the punishment of hell fire.

Allah is most Knowledgeable and all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Zeenah means literally adornment, but it should be understood in this context as referring to both that with which women are adorned by Allah (i.e. the features of their natural beauty) and that with which they adorn themselves (i.e. their ornaments, make-up, etc.).

Since nail polish prevents the water of wudu from reaching the nails, its use should really be altogether discouraged.
You are denying the teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW you are running away from his teachings and making fun of them by using the term Mullahism you will the wrath of ALLAH soon

You are the traitor of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW I have told what they said and you are denying them and making fun of them but traitors of Islam will be taken out really very soon

you are not only denying teaching of prophet muhammad but also maligning Islam. you are traitor of Islam, unless you tobah, you are going straight to hell !!
you are not only denying teaching of prophet muhammad but also maligning Islam. you are traitor of Islam, unless you tobah, you are going straight to hell !!
Mr keep on bar.... I have told you what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have told Muslim women to do and given enough proof traitors of Islam like you always make fun of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW by using terms Mullahins and other terms because they are coward enough to do it directly I have given you enough proof now keep on betraying ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW you are really good at taking ..........................

“O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.” (Quran 7:26)

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59)

Hadith - Bukhari 6:282

'Aisha (ra) used to say: "When (the Verse): 'They should draw their veils over their necks and bosoms,' was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut pieces."

Hadith - Abu Dawud, Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin
When the verse "That they should cast their outer garments over their persons" was revealed, the women of Ansar came out as if they had crows over their heads by wearing outer garments.

The lower half of the hijab is a garment that does not show the woman's figure. Jeans and certain obvious garments do not meet this requirement.

Hadith - Abu Dawud, Narrated Dihyah ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi
The Apostle of Allah (saw) was brought some pieces of fine Egyptian linen and he gave me one and said: Divide it into two; cut one of the pieces into a shirt and give the other to your wife for veil. Then when he turned away, he said: And order your wife to wear a garment below it and not show her figure.

May Allah (swt) guide us to the right path InshAllah
Mr keep on bar.... I have told you what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have told Muslim women to do and given enough proof traitors of Islam like you always make fun of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW by using terms Mullahins and other terms because they are coward enough to do it directly I have given you enough proof now keep on betraying ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW you are really good at taking ..........................

stop following satanic mullahism, I have told you, you have no idea or understanding nor the capacity in your brain to understand true teaching of Islam, instead all you do is malign Prophet Muhammad and Islam, being blinded by satanic mullahism.

stop betraying Allah and his Prophet Muhammad and end this satanic mullah preaching...
stop following satanic mullahism, I have told you, you have no idea or understanding nor the capacity in your brain to understand true teaching of Islam, instead all you do is malign Prophet Muhammad and Islam, being blinded by satanic mullahism.

stop betraying Allah and his Prophet Muhammad and end this satanic mullah preaching...

As I said these guys are brain washed with no idea of how to accept any point. They will keep parroting on and one what they have been taught at the madrassas without using their own brains. No wonder it is so easy for these people to blow themselves up in search of jannat.
Islam has no problem with the kind of dress, that is shorts. the only problem is with those mullahs who want to continue with their dukandari of selling mullahism.... talibans are nonsense bunch of illiterate people who know only violence....

and lets start playing squash in burka and win championships... because squash is halal only in this way?

misguided view, where did you learn that from, there are islamic dress codes, and you say in islam a lady can wear shorts? what kinds of shorts, there are many kinds of shorts, many shorts are like this, is it allowed in islam?


for the record, with respect to the view that justifies taliban killings, i condemn such a view
what the hell is a religious scholar? from where do they graduate? what is their specialty?,

are they likethe top scholar from saudi arab, who, the other day said, twitter is for clowns ???
How do you think people become scholars? Through research.

dont tell me, you wake the hell up.. re-educate yourself is you dont want to end up in hell for spreading this nonsense... damag mein jo gandagi bhari hai na who nikalo... is say pehley ke moun mein qabar ki matti jaye tere...phir tobba ka time bhi nahi milna, sidha jahanum wasal ho gy...
Gandagi mere damagh mai nahin balke tumhare damagh mein bhari hui hai. It is people like you who promote and defend vulgarity in the first place.

my daughter would not be there for objectification, she would be playing her game and there is nothing wrong with it according to Islamic values and teachings.. if your satanic mullahism has a problem, we will fix you and your kind...maybe send by to hell for good..
If she is swimming in front of men (who are strangers to her); she is stepping out of the line. Swimming suits are skin tight outfits and they reveal bodily features of a woman.

Allah Almighty have strongly recommended women to cover themselves with loose dresses which do not reveal their bodily features in PUBLIC; similarly Allah Almighty have strongly recommended women to cover their heads as well in PUBLIC. The only exception is the face; a women may choose to reveal her face at maximum.

This is acceptable dress code:


you are not only mental disease, but you have a disease of heart too as described in Quran, you come up accusing Prophet Muhammad and malign his teachings, preach satanic mullahism, defame Islam and above that insisting on it... you should go and do tobah and rajdeed-e-imaan before you end up in grave and sent to hell by Allah.
Please refrain from posting silly remarks like these; you should study Holy Quran first and then talk.

People like you suffer from mental sickness of sexual liberalism.

@Naya Pakistan

Shame on you on defending perverts here.
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