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Pakistan's top spy met Israelis to stop India attack: WikiLeaks


Oct 12, 2010
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Pakistan's top spy met Israelis to stop India attack: WikiLeaks

ISLAMABAD | Wed Dec 1, 2010 9:52am EST

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The chief of Pakistan's spy agency said he had contacted Israeli officials to head off potential attacks on Israeli targets in India, according to an October 2009 U.S. diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks.

Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, told former U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson that he wanted Washington to know he had been to Oman and Iran "to follow up on reports which he received in Washington about a terrorist attack on India."

"Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India," the Oct 7, 2009 cable reported.

An ISI spokesman had no immediate comment.

Pakistan, a conservative Muslim country, has no diplomatic relations with Israel. Such contacts would infuriate Muslim militants waging a campaign to topple the government.

Pakistan's top spy met Israelis to stop India attack: WikiLeaks | Reuters
^Is that tacit acceptance of the fact that Pakistan's secret services are involved in targeting Israeli citizens in India?
^Is that tacit acceptance of the fact that Pakistan's secret services are involved in targeting Israeli citizens in India?

Can you read? The cable illustrates the fact that the ISI was in fact collaborating with various other nations to prevent terrorist attacks, specifically in this case terrorist attacks in India.

This supports the argument that the ISI as an institution had no interest in carrying out terrorist attacks in India like the Mumbai attacks. Also read the cables in this thread, where both the ISI DG and COAS express strong support for the back Channel dialog process and peace with India, unlike how they are portrayed in the Indian media.

Can you read? The cable illustrates the fact that the ISI was in fact collaborating with various other nations to prevent terrorist attacks, specifically in this case terrorist attacks in India.

This supports the argument that the ISI as an institution had no interest in carrying out terrorist attacks in India like the Mumbai attacks. Also read the cables in this thread, where both the ISI DG and COAS express strong support for the back Channel dialog process and peace with India, unlike how they are portrayed in the Indian media.


Your point being "ISI is working to prevent a terrorist attack against India"
But I still don't see the point, suppose a terrorist attack is to take place on Israeli targets in India and ISI gets a heads up on it, why would it inform Israeli secret service or for that matter any other country except Indian authorities, what possible good would that do??

Also keeping in mind recent wiki leaks report of http://www.indianexpress.com/news/wikileaks-nothing-will-stop-pak-army-from-support.../718513/
I am not sure what is ISI upto?
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I think America didn't share this intelligence with Indians.
ISI warns of attack to Israelis and Americans in the end its failure of Indian agencies.
Your point being "ISI is working to prevent a terrorist attack against India"
But I still don't see the point, suppose a terrorist attack is to take place on Israeli targets in India and ISI gets a heads up on it, why would it inform Israeli secret service or for that matter any other country except Indian authorities, what possible good would that do??
From one of the cables in a thread I linked to in my last post:

11. (S) DGISI Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India. He had also gone to Muscat and Tehran to engage those intelligence services on threats, and they were alerted and working with Pakistan. He reminded Ambassador that information about an attack on India had come his way and he had asked CIA to convey it to the Indians through CIA channels. (Further details about these cases available in other channels.) He said he would meet his Indian counterpart any time, noting that it was critically important that any threat information be shared with him. He emphasized that ISI was doing everything possible to reduce the possibility of an attack on India.

If they inform Indians, even through a intermediary(like Americans) their job is done but it still does not explain, what would ISI like to convey to Israelis??
So it means when even ISI wanted to help the Israelis and Indians by sharing information with CIA and asking for steps to take security measures, The CIA deliberately did NOT inform Israel and India ?

In other words CIA wanted Israeli citizens to be killed in India?
From one of the cables in a thread I linked to in my last post:

11. (S) DGISI Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India. He had also gone to Muscat and Tehran to engage those intelligence services on threats, and they were alerted and working with Pakistan. He reminded Ambassador that information about an attack on India had come his way and he had asked CIA to convey it to the Indians through CIA channels. (Further details about these cases available in other channels.) He said he would meet his Indian counterpart any time, noting that it was critically important that any threat information be shared with him. He emphasized that ISI was doing everything possible to reduce the possibility of an attack on India.

Now that's a real shocker.

If Pasha had forewarned CIA about an imminent attack and CIA had intentionally or unintentionally failed to act, it's a gross intelligence failure on part of US, India and Israel's intelligence. No matter how much we Indians cry about ISI's rougue element's involvemen in the attack, the facts remains that ISI top guy had tried warn us about it (albeit indirectly). It's an utter failure of US intelligence in particular and our intelligence and diplomacy in general. And our preparedness for such attacks were there for everyone to see during the attack. If only, we tried to make our immune system strong then these ridiculus statements by our political babus, IMHO, we would have been in a much better position.

Although I believe Pakistan can still do bit more by dismantling the training camps, but I believe, on a Govt to govt basis, the mumbai tragedy was more of our fault. We could have done more. Much more then anyone else.

If only we stop these self praisings and start to actually and silently work towards our goal. I miss Gandhi jee.
Pakistan, a conservative Muslim country, has no diplomatic relations with Israel. Such contacts would infuriate Muslim militants waging a campaign to topple the government.

These lines are added by whom?
While there are no diplomatic relations between Israel and Pakistan both have been sharing vital intelligence on counter terrorism and maritime security since the 70's through intermediaries in Turkey and USA. Doesn't come as a shocker to anyone and those who have been following cold war politics are already aware. Consider that Pakistan has no direct interest into Palestinian cause calling it a "sole Arab" problem hence it doesn't makes sense for us to keep distance from a legitimate country founded by same British mandate which authorized partition of India.
So is this particular news (ISI providing intel on terrorist attacks to other countries and Kiyani and Pasha supporting peace and back channel dialog with India) getting any play in the Indian media, or is too much of a 'shock' for the Indian media to admit that they have been publishing GoI provided propaganda against the ISI and PA?
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