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Pakistan’s Terror Game

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What has he done, is inaction not criminal at the helm of south block.

That I am aware..... He was soo scared about his clean image that he stopped everything bloody damn thing in Defense Ministry, But i felt there is more than that when @Spectre mentioned him along with IKG (who practically dismantled our assets )
Your own former Ambassador Haqqani and your former Army Chief and President Mushraff have also confirmed Pakistan materially support terrorists in India
Just like your PM accepted supporting terrorists against a soveriegn state in 1971
I am aware of what IKG has done, but not aware of Antony (on the context you mentioned)..... did i miss something?

His was sin of omission - in other words negligent in-action same thing Modi was accused of during riots.

That crime may not be punishable under existing laws but does not lessen the severity of it's impact. Defence Minister has a solemn duty to safe-guard and support Indian Military but his active inaction and neglect have severely harmed India's retaliatory and defensive capacity. In other less democratic countries He would have been shot for this.
Let me ask you If not talks then what?
Dont you wonder what India and Pakistan would talk on terror and kashmir when they meet...

India: Whatever happenned to 26/11 probe.
Pakistan: Lets talk Kashmir.
India : Kashmir is non negotiable.
Pakistan : we want Kashmir only kashmir, nothing else.
India : stop recruiting, training, arming and harbouring terrorists.
Pakistan : Until and unless we get Kashmir, we will continue doing it.
India: Then we will destroy the terror network.
Pakistan : Do whatever but dont enter our borders, it will lead to war and you know we got nukes...
India: Fine, lets break for lunch. Talks will resume in next round.

Joint statement after talks: Talks were held in cordial atmosphere and is progressing well.

Round 2

Same as above.
Dont you wonder what India and Pakistan would talk on terror and kashmir when they meet...

India: Whatever happenned to 26/11 probe.
Pakistan: Lets talk Kashmir.
India : Kashmir is non negotiable.
Pakistan : we want Kashmir only kashmir, nothing else.
India : stop recruiting, training, arming and harbouring terrorists.
Pakistan : Until and unless we get Kashmir, we will continue doing it.
India: Then we will destroy the terror network.
Pakistan : Do whatever but dont enter our borders, it will lead to war and you know we got nukes...
India: Fine, lets break for lunch. Talks will resume in next round.

Joint statement after talks: Talks were held in cordial atmosphere and is progressing well.

Round 2

Same as above.

The sad thing is that they don't realize that they are hosting their future generations hostage to the past.
Dont you wonder what India and Pakistan would talk on terror and kashmir when they meet...

India: Whatever happenned to 26/11 probe.
Pakistan: Lets talk Kashmir.
India : Kashmir is non negotiable.
Pakistan : we want Kashmir only kashmir, nothing else.
India : stop recruiting, training, arming and harbouring terrorists.
Pakistan : Until and unless we get Kashmir, we will continue doing it.
India: Then we will destroy the terror network.
Pakistan : Do whatever but dont enter our borders, it will lead to war and you know we got nukes...
India: Fine, lets break for lunch. Talks will resume in next round.

Joint statement after talks: Talks were held in cordial atmosphere and is progressing well.

Round 2

Same as above.

Lol at your imagination........It could be worse than this.......:)
I admire your's, @nair @Spectre and @Levina 's optimism. I am absolutely fine with people disagreeing with me. I would be ecstatic if peaceful engagement with pakistan resolves the problems
The reasons why I am support peace talks(as of now) are
1) Modi government should not let anything waterdown the goodwill it has built with Pakistan.
2) Normalizing ties between the two countries will render the mullahs and terrorists irrelevant.
3) Attacking Pakistan would be a bad idea- it would be like giving into provocation. And ofcourse, there are chances of a war escalating into a nuclear war.
4) Has cutting ties for a limited period in the past helped??? NO. So why not take a new approach?

Btw i support only controlled relationship with Pakistan.
Meanwhile, back home we must equip ourselves to prevent such attacks in future.
As for the quoted argument - there are many kinds of evidences some material and some circumstantial

Like what?
- she can only provide circumstantial facts - as she is not an official of Indian or American Security Apparatus.
Which is my point - unsubstantiated, biased and nonobjective anti-Pakistan tirades.
That in no way detract from the weight of her arguments as something are self evidential - how can institutions like JeM involved in Hijacking IA plane survive and actively recruit and thrive in Pakistan's Bawalpur if not for patronage. if there is further doubt then let's dispel them as JeM has claimed credit and still its chief is not under bars.
Allowing it to allegedly 'thrive', especially as a deliberate strategy to isolate and neutralize elements of the JeM that were attacking Pakistan in concert with Al Qaeda and the TTP, makes sense as a containment action for a State that was completely outstretched. The priority of Pakistan's government and security forces was and is to first neutralize threats to Pakistan - that doesn't mean the government and security forces actively condoned or supported elements within the JuD/JeM that were plotting attacks against India - such attacks are an unfortunate byproduct of said containment action.
LeT was proven beyond doubt by Headley to be responsible for Mumbai attacks but Lakhvi was given 5 star treatment when in Jail and is now free.
Establishing LeT's guilt is not the same as establishing the guilt of an individual in perpetrating or supporting a terrorist attack.
Dawood was responsible for previous Mumbai bombings and has interpol notice against him but living the good life in Pakistan.
There is no credible evidence he lives in Pakistan.
Your own former Ambassador Haqqani and your former Army Chief and President Mushraff have also confirmed Pakistan materially support terrorists in India
Haqqani just wants Pakistan to lied down, roll over and die in front of India - his appointment by Zardari reflects on Zardari's own treasonous intentions (no wonder Sindh is arguable the worst managed province in Pakistan, outdoing perhaps even Balochistan).

Not sure where Musharraf confirmed Pakistani support for terrorists (defined as individuals deliberately attacking non-combatants) and whatever support for 'freedom fighters' he did refer to was made in the context of what time-frame?

India supported terrorists in Junagadh, Hyderabad, Sri Lanka, East Pakistan --- what logical conclusions does that past behavior provide us in terms of potential Indian culpability in the current terrorism in Pakistan? Indians lament every chance they get that 'IK Gujral deactivated Indian terrorist activities in Balochistan and Sindh', which is an indirect admission of Indian stoked terrorism in Pakistan. While the alleged 'deactivation of Indian terrorist activities in Pakistan' made news because it was a 'positive move', any 'reactivation of Indian terrorist activity in Pakistan' would have occurred silently, and given repeated Pakistani statements on this count, likely took place a long time ago and continues to this day.
The reasons why I am support peace talks(as of now) are
1) Modi government should not let anything waterdown the goodwill it has built with Pakistan.
2) Normalizing ties between the two countries will render the mullahs and terrorists irrelevant.
3) Attacking Pakistan would be a bad idea- it would be like giving into provocation. And ofcourse, there are chances of a war escalating into a nuclear war.
4) Has cutting ties for a limited period in the past helped??? NO. So why not take a new approach?

Btw i support only controlled relationship with Pakistan.
Meanwhile, back home we must equip ourselves to prevent such attacks in future.

Talks will go on but for entirely different reasons mainly being external pressure. Pakistan has no incentive to gain from Talks but as they have aid dependent economy it suits them to maintain pretences. India hopes for lesser attacks but as we have seen talks are divorced from Pakistan's complicity in these attacks. They might be nicer about it in words but will continue playing the game.

I agree with your other point strengthening our domestic security apparatus.
Mamata banerjee, Jaylalitha, or Mayawati - Pick you poison..... ROFL....

Dude, we elected the strongest freakin candidate ever fielded, and is purring like a kitty cat.
LOL, Momuta Banerjee was attending the gazal night with Ghulam Ali when West Bengal was burning in very non communal,extremely tolerant, cordial, non voilance which doesn't have any relation with fake currency smuggling, drug mafia:D
All is good when you are sicular:lol:
The reasons why I am support peace talks(as of now) are
1) Modi government should not let anything waterdown the goodwill it has built with Pakistan.
2) Normalizing ties between the two countries will render the mullahs and terrorists irrelevant.
3) Attacking Pakistan would be a bad idea- it would be like giving into provocation. And ofcourse, there are chances of a war escalating into a nuclear war.
4) Has cutting ties for a limited period in the past helped??? NO. So why not take a new approach?

Btw i support only controlled relationship with Pakistan.
Meanwhile, back home we must equip ourselves to prevent such attacks in future.
1) The goodwill is only with Nawaz family, not with Pak Army and ISI, whoo call the shots in Pak.
2) The question is, is Pakistan ready for normalizing ties without Kashmir?
3) If we are scared of biting then we should stop barking. why only we are afraid of nukes and not them.
4) We never cut ties with them ever. They have our MFN status, we have not.

Pakistan waged a war on kashmir through non state actors and captured 1/3rd of Kashmir in 1947. Their armies could not gain an inch from India, so its convenient for them to have a proxy war. As Indian Generals say that we will have war on our terms and timing. In proxy war, its Pakistan's terms and timings and we have no strategy to tackle it. We balkanized them, occupied Siachin and Turtuk village from them, so they are resorting to terror. Ask any Pakistani, they justify terror in India by giving these examples. But what is our strategy?
Few things regarding the article when indian by force took 2 princely States
What option did pakistan has left in Pocket obviously they would have supported kashmir
47/48 Pakistan was newly independent state they did have might force ready to take on a giant they could what any sensible nation do to save protect there national interest and Pakistan has religious and emotional attachment to kashmiris
The part at false wasnt neither Pakistan nor India as muslim majority state it should have been with Pakistan
Or a better democratic way is to give people what they want the want freedom or join india or Pakistan let them decide

Now talking about majority Indian's here the start accusing for every single act on ISI
You people have to understand the biggest victim of terrorism is Pakistan, And India isn't that saint most people think
Espionage business work in both ways
All the parties try to control cards which the use
If we see both parties has harmed each other in past and still are doing it , just blaming each other won't solve the problem
The sad thing is that they don't realize that they are hosting their future generations hostage to the past.
What else they can talk? India wants status quo + peace, whereas for Pakistan its status quo + proxy war. They say no peace is possible till kashmir is resolved as per their wish.
Today, they have upper hand in the proxy war, the day India equals them in proxy war, then only any meaningful dialogue will be possible. till such time its time pass.
1) The goodwill is only with Nawaz family, not with Pak Army and ISI, whoo call the shots in Pak.
I was talking about how the international community perceives it.
2) The question is, is Pakistan ready for normalizing ties without Kashmir?
Nobody is uttering the K word.
3) If we are scared of biting then we should stop barking. why only we are afraid of nukes and not them.
Bloated egos would lead us into a war, the consequence of which can not be predicted.
India is on its way to recovery and we can not afford a war- thats the bitter truth.
4) We never cut ties with them ever. They have our MFN status, we have not.
When i said cutting ties, i meant pausing the peace talks.
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