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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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Hopefully your countrymen will read the article with greater perspicacity and knowledge than you have. What did you think "Strategic depth" is for? Pakistan isn't a country with an army but an army in possession of a country. That's not going to change unless you work for it.

you always say that but its not like that the army exist for the country not the other way around PERIOD.....

as for the author i disagree it is very unlikely that pakistan and india would go to war not bcz india has higher number of troops ( it has always been like this in all the wars india always had two three even ten times larger force employed to face pakistan but even then the pakistan army for brought back good results) but because pakistan and india have nuclear ability and they both know all the chest thumping of missile defense and useless missile aside they will blow eachother up and the other one wont be able to do squat thus the future of both countries will be forfeit. its like a suicide and neither of them will do it it has to be something really big to make the two us go to war again of course small scale skirmishes dont count but i believe the way things are headed a decade or even a hundred years later i believe that both sides will let things go and look beyond each other
Hopefully your countrymen will read the article with greater perspicacity and knowledge than you have. What did you think "Strategic depth" is for? Pakistan isn't a country with an army but an army in possession of a country. That's not going to change unless you work for it.

you always say that but its not like that the army exist for the country not the other way around PERIOD.....

as for the author i disagree it is very unlikely that pakistan and india would go to war not bcz india has higher number of troops ( it has always been like this in all the wars india always had two three even ten times larger force employed to face pakistan but even then the pakistan army for brought back good results) but because pakistan and india have nuclear ability and they both know all the chest thumping of missile defense and useless missile aside they will blow eachother up and the other one wont be able to do squat thus the future of both countries will be forfeit. its like a suicide and neither of them will do it it has to be something really big to make the two us go to war again of course small scale skirmishes dont count but i believe the way things are headed a decade or even a hundred years later i believe that both sides will let things go and look beyond each other
Those who talk of a nuclear exchange with gay abandon need to get their heads examined. Here's a video that will give you an idea of what to expect in a nuclear exchange.

yeah we will most probably be controlled by guys from your avatar after this war:p:P:p:P
The Author Full of Sh****t ,i dont know how these people qualify to write article on this important topic ,i think people in this forum can write better then this poor educated living on mic re earning :rofl:

That is why it may not be a solely tactical nuke strike against Indian troop concentrations, and could be one massive strike against 100s of Indian cities as well as tactical nuclear strikes against Indian troop concentrations because of nearness of Pakistani border.

Which is exactly why, tactical nukes are useless ..in a cold start scenario...where Pakistani nuclear thresh holds have not been crossed.

Pakistan is presented with a dilemma here..If it uses its tactical nukes to neutralize a shallow Indian incursion..It would have used its only ace too soon.It would have given up, before even fighting the war..because Indian response, sure as hell would be nuclear one.

But if waits too use them, with rest of it nuclear weapons stockpile, as a last resort ..when it is sure ..it's end is certain but would want to take India with it.

what is use of these tactical nukes..because sure as hell both Pakistan and northern India will be nuclear wasteland...why would Pakistan nuke its own country..when it knows..Indian nuclear response will wipe anything/everything of significance in Pakistan...any standing army will have no where to run or nothing to capture or even food and water to sustain.
That is, the ultimate use of Pakistan's battlefield nukes would be to destroy Lahore.

Always nice to have a joker on the thread , thanks for entertaining us :lol:

Pakistan is presented with a dilemma here..If it uses its tactical nukes to neutralize a shallow Indian incursion..It would have used its only ace too soon.It would have given up, before even fighting the war..because Indian response, sure as hell would be nuclear one.

Actually not , its Dehli that is presented with one , if it implements Cold Start and assume Pakistan goes nuclear , would they be ready to risk the lives of billions for a couple CBG's ? :azn:
The Author Full of Sh****t ,i dont know how these people qualify to write article on this important topic ,i think people in this forum can write better then this poor educated living on mic re earning :rofl:

Actually such people are valued and promoted by the media , my friend ... Sensationalism , Propaganda and Manufactured fear , perfect recipe for someone's else agendas !
Actually not , its Dehli that is presented with one , if it implements Cold Start and assume Pakistan goes nuclear , would they be ready to risk the lives of billions for a couple CBG's ? :azn:

do you even know what tactical nuke ?? ........
Well i would rather say, Pakistan's Terrific Idea to Develop Battlefield Nukes

I think that says it all and why also.

Well , of course the perfect benchmark to test the success of a weapon or policy always has been how much the enemy hates it or spreads propaganda against it !

Job Well Done ! :pakistan:
Actually such people are valued and promoted by the media , my friend ... Sensationalism , Propaganda and Manufactured fear , perfect recipe for someone's else agendas !

Yes people in this forum have better credentials that a>30 years veteran with experiences in more 40 countries !!
do you even know what tactical nuke ?? ........

Elaborate , since your words do not make much sense ...

I am not talking about nuking Indian cities here ...
Ḥashshāshīn;3380570 said:
haha bro.. seriously, try to understand. In '65 war: India had 700,000 Infantry and Pakistan had 260,000 Infantry, and there were no changes and UN declared ceasefire, meaning it was a stalemate. Of course Pak Army performed better than Indian army.

1. UN was not involved in 1965 war. It was soviet union and US ..which brokered peace especially in Tashkent summit.

2. Surprise was on Pakistani side as they started the war, initially they chose the battlefield on which battles were fought..later this changed, when Indian army launched its own offensive.

3. Losses(as per neutral observers) were signification higher on Pakistani side.

4 Territory lost was approximately four times more on Pakistani side.

5. As per experts,Pakistani resources(weapons and ammo ) were near end, it could not sustained the war much longer, when the ceasefire was declared.

6. As Stalin said "Quantity has a quality all its own". Who asked Pakistan generals to launch an offensive against such a large army? It must have been apparent to them, that there is no victory possible on such a scenario ...only defeat or a stalemate.

It was there similar belief that a Pakistani soldier is equivalent to 10 Hindu soldiers prompted them to attempt, such adventurism.
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