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Pakistan's steps against terror 'not nearly enough': Rice



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Sep 7, 2007
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WASHINGTON ( 2008-12-20 14:03:42 ) :Insisting that the steps taken by Pakistan in the wake of the Mumbai attacks are ‘not nearly enough’, the US has advised it to keep on working to ‘really deal’ with terrorism to help ease the ‘crisis’ with India.

Neither India nor Pakistan wanted to escalate tensions and "no one was speaking in belligerent language", Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said at a function in Washington.

"And if Pakistan continues to work to really deal with the terrorism problem, and if India can do the hard work of both helping to bring the perpetrators to justice and trying to prevent the next attack, then I think we can get through this crisis," the top official said.

Asked if she believed the civilian Government in Pakistan has control over the military and the ISI, she said civilians were very much in charge and there have been some "positive" steps "though they're not nearly enough to this point".

"I have to say that I didn't hear a different line from the military and from the civilians. In fact, I heard from the military that they want the civilian government to succeed."
When will her term end?
I always hear these words out of her mouth, whether she's trying to solve an issue between Palestinians and Israelis, or somewhere else.
It's always this and that, they need to do this and they need to do that, and then we can have peace.
All talking and media hype which gives her a good image, but infact, she's worthless.
We need real deeds, not someone who benefits from these issues to brighten up her own image.
dont worry bro... we can never do enough to make these mor**** happy...
just keep one thing in mind that we need to make God happy. in the end tese ppl are nothing without God and none of their plans will be successful if God doesnt want them to. so let keep God happy from ourselves so that He doesnt let these evil plans to succeed.
never forget we are muslims and faith is all wat we need.
Dont worry these words of doing enough are just to hide their own incompetence. Pakistan and Pakistani people should never forget that the success they will get is to submit their wills to Allah not the Americans. Its the best possible time for the whole nation of Pakistan to decide their fate. These worthless politicians will not work unless these people force them to bring the pride back to the nation.
That's right.They wont be happy unless
-Pakistan losses it's nukes
-Pakistan is totally destabilized
-Pakistan Army wont be able to fight on east
They will be happy when Pakistan is totally destroyed so India can have 1 on 1 war with China.
Pakistan has doone far more than any other country in WOT.

People around the world laugh at her comments.

* Brookings Institution asks US president-elect to undertake military action against Taliban, Al Qaeda targets in FATA
* Recommends new administration must help Islamabad, New Delhi de-escalate current tensions and avoid proxy war​

WASHINGTON: The incoming Barack Obama administration must increase US and NATO troop levels in Afghanistan and step up counter-insurgency aid and training for the Pakistani military, a US think tank recommended on Thursday.

The security measures must be matched by efforts to build rule of law and achieve sustained economic development in Afghanistan, and to boost security in neighbouring Pakistan, the Washington-based Brookings Institution said.

The ‘memo to the president’ by Brookings security expert Vanda Felbab-Brown painted a bleak picture of a growing Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, an Al Qaeda stronghold in that country’s mountainous border with Pakistan and a troubling Pakistani political and economic weakness.

“A complete state failure in Pakistan would generate a grave and severe crisis, as would any serious military confrontation between India and Pakistan,” said the memo.

“Across the border in Afghanistan, failure against the Taliban would indicate how limited the United States and the international community can be in helping countries achieve security and development,” it said.

Counter-insurgency: Felbab-Brown wrote that Obama should step up counter-insurgency aid and training for the Pakistani military and undertake military action against major Al Qaeda and Taliban targets in FATA only with great care to avoid civilian casualties.

Kabul needs US help in expanding the Afghan National Army and reforming the Afghan National Police, said the memo, which urged targeting high-level drug traffickers.

The Obama administration should try to cultivate Afghan tribal leaders, but it would be a mistake to expect them to play a military role in the counter-insurgency. Beyond trying to demobilise individual fighters, efforts to negotiate with the Taliban ‘hold little promise of success’, it said.

With promoting social and economic development critical to shoring up security and battling the opium trade, Obama’s policy should bring improvements in infrastructure, irrigation and micro-credit and job creation, said the memo.

De-escalate: Last month’s deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, blamed on Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, will likely put any peace talks between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan on hold, but “it is critical that your administration help the two countries de-escalate the current tensions and avoid a military confrontation or a proxy war,” wrote Felbab-Brown.

Obama, who takes office on January 20, vowed during his election campaign to boost US troop levels in Afghanistan, convince NATO allies to increase their troop contributions and to press for better governance in Afghanistan.

There are 65,000 international troops in Afghanistan, including more than 30,000 from the United States, struggling to combat worsening insurgent violence. reuters
condalizza rice is just talking trash :blah:
one of the worst people leading the u.s. government
enough said
guys dont u think we should stop takin aid from US. thats the only way if we want to have some free speech. they give us aid as if they are doin some big favour to us. we have lost so much in this fake war on terror for which they can never compensate. but still we have to listen to their 'do more do more' ringtone.
our propeht muhammad (peace be upon him) said that when the time of dajjal will come, he will offer us heaven but that will actually be hell and his hell will actually be heaven. but we wont be able to see. that is exactly wat is happenin today with us.
they are giving us aid which we know is not gud for us but still we take it. and when they threat us (show us hell) we get scared and do wat they tell us to do although we know that accepting their hell will be gud for the country and muslims over all.
Ok - I need all members to respect the integrity of the forum and not post useless one liners along the lines of 'he/she is talking trash' - A fifth grader could do better than that.

This forum is not just so people can come on here and vent and post racist slurs or other abuse.

If you cannot offer some sort of constructive analytical comment, then don't comment.

The idea is to engage in discourse, bounce ideas and opinions back and forth - not just trash someone.
Ok - I need all members to respect the integrity of the forum and not post useless one liners along the lines of 'he/she is talking trash' - A fifth grader could do better than that.

This forum is not just so people can come on here and vent and post racist slurs or other abuse.

If you cannot offer some sort of constructive analytical comment, then don't comment.

The idea is to engage in discourse, bounce ideas and opinions back and forth - not just trash someone.

Did you notice that she didn't say that Pakistan's steps against terror aren't nearly enough.

She said "Civilians are in charge and some positive steps have been taken but they are not nearly enough".

You can't just quote "not nearly enough" and make it sound like anything!
That's right.They wont be happy unless
-Pakistan losses it's nukes
-Pakistan is totally destabilized
-Pakistan Army wont be able to fight on east
They will be happy when Pakistan is totally destroyed so India can have 1 on 1 war with China.

100% correct.
i believe we have done more than required.Time to check our own gear as well
Finally, US gets tough with Pakistan's 'shifty position'

PTI | December 21, 2008 | 17:20 IST

In a tough message to Pakistan, the United States has said that it is not satisfied with what Islamabad has done so far to eradicate terrorism from its soil after the Mumbai attack, which was not an ordinary event which can be "swept under the carpet."

The message was conveyed by top American officials to Pakistani National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani, who was summoned to Washington as the US government was "getting increasingly frustrated with what it views as Islamabad's shifty and shifting position on the Mumbai attacks and their aftermath," the Daily Times newspaper reported.

Durrani on Saturday concluded his unannounced three-day US visit during which he met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, his American counterpart Stephen Hadley and Pentagon officials.

In a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, Rice said on Wednesday that what Pakistan had done so far to catch those responsible for the Mumbai attacks was not enough.

She said her message to the Pakistani leadership was "...you need to deal with the terrorism problem. And it's not enough to say these are non-state actors. If they're operating from Pakistani territory, then they have to be dealt with."

A 'much stronger message' was conveyed by Rice during a meeting with Durrani, US and diplomatic sources were quoted as saying by the 'Dawn' newspaper.

The Pakistani team, which included Ambassador Hussain Haqqani, learnt from Rice and Hadley that the US is not satisfied with what Pakistan "had done so far for eradicating terrorism from its soil".

A senior diplomatic source said, "The curt message that Mr Durrani and the Pakistani team received from the Americans was: this is not 2002 and you cannot do what President (Pervez) Musharraf did after 9/11...In the past, you swept everything under the carpet while the problems were allowed to fester. No more."

The Pakistanis were told that the Mumbai attacks were no ordinary event and the tendency in Pakistan to deal with this as a minor incident was going to hurt it, the sources said.

The US officials "insisted that they had enough evidence to prove that Lashker-e-Tayiba and Jamaat-ud-Dawah were involved in the Mumbai attacks and they wanted concrete action against all such groups", they said.

"They told the Pakistanis to understand the gravity of the situation and the seriousness of the evidence that exists to
Pakistan's links to this event," said a source.

"The message the Americans gave was: This is the third time we are saying such a thing. We may not be able to bail you out the fourth time. Global terrorism is not just an India-Pakistan dispute. We see LeT and Jamaat-ud-Dawah at par with the Al Qaida. Pakistan should stop thinking of this as just another round of India-Pakistan altercations," the source said.

The Pakistani embassy in Washington kept Durrani's visit tightly under wraps and did not tell journalists about his arrival or the reason for his visit.

Contradictory statements on the Mumbai attacks from the top Pakistani leadership have cast doubts on Islamabad's "willingness, and even its ability, to take the follow-up action it has committed itself to," the Daily Times said.

Rice also told Durrani that Pakistan "needs to do better and while declarations of good intent are to be commended, they have to be translated through actions," it reported.

US officials were dismayed by such statements as the one that said Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Maulana Masood Azhar had left the country after it had been officially announced that he was under house arrest, it added.

Statements by premier Yousuf Raza Gilani and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi that charitable institutions run by JuD would be allowed to keep functioning have cast further doubts on Pakistan's sincerity in taking necessary action, sources said.
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