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Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG


musa kaleemullah frogmans painting army mess
Great photo collection Krash, looks like either these pics are from SSG archives or somebody has invested a lot of time in field, along with a good camer too:D
Thanks guys! You all are ******* hero for uploading such beautiful photos! I am really great fan of Pakistan Commandos!

The good thing is at regular army are exchanging experiences with commandos!
Great pics .......
How come members of the British, Australian, NZ SAS, US Seal team 6 never show faces in public.... how come they are blanked out.
Are they involved in illegal activities ?
wow great shots after long times we got few new images great say to him thanks alot from me sir najam .
pics are awesome .. keep them coming..

i wonder if anyone can share the success stories SSG holds under their belt.. feeling more patriotic already!
Jihadi spirit --- Most all other armies train to kill the enemy and live -- Pakistan army has much in common, ideologically, with the Islamist enemy:

Jihadi spirit --- Most all other armies train to kill the enemy and live -- Pakistan army has much in common, ideologically, with the Islamist enemy:


"No bas-tard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bas-tard die for his country."
George S. Patton
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