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@Aeronaut How do you know about this WORD "CDOS" Do you have familiy in SSG or something

"thank you come again":cheers:
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I suppose enemy would have heard about binos? if an additional 2% attention to detail can make the 98% effort become flawless, why not?

That's looking up'close, the enemy at a few hundred yards wouldn't be able to distinguish and pick out the sniper. !!
I suppose enemy would have heard about binos? if an additional 2% attention to detail can make the 98% effort become flawless, why not?

Yes i'm sure the enemy has them as well, however one could argue that when a sniper is in position facing the enemy, his boots are are well behind him and out of harms way, the other logic comes to mind is that this is just a practice run so the minute detail may have been relaxed. !!
Good to know i dont know if alot of people here know why they are called that but i know my dad told me i posted his picture in ranger and other lawenforcement section he was an Airgaurd check it out

Please post it if you don't mind.
What is CDOS?

Umm the one that have passed the 6 months SPecialized training to get the Tab

ONly Reffered to SSG,ARMy,navy,now airforce and Airgaurds, and i dont know about The rangers i guess those too Look at the tab in my link i posted above thats one of them I dont know if they have the same 6 months long training for other Services now or not but those are different then these e.g, My dads final test was 2 targets double tap under 3 seconds, and a explosive Related package to the hijackers inthe plane that when they open it It blow up and green lights the assault on the plane to rescue the passengers and Whole bunch of Other thing i.e intel gathering to capture terrorist suspect planning a hijacking and whole bunch of other things i.e advance 2 man buddy Ops 1 man ops 3 man buddy ops

my uncle also ran with Zarrar and was on presidential Security detail he also Retired at the rank of Captain but they call it different in ASF, he was active in Lahore,Karachi,Quetta
i dont have his picture though sorry
Umm the one that have passed the 6 months SPecialized training to get the Tab

ONly Reffered to SSG,ARMy,navy,now airforce and Airgaurds, and i dont know about The rangers i guess those too Look at the tab in my link i posted above thats one of them I dont know if they have the same 6 months long training for other Services now or not but those are different then these e.g, My dads final test was 2 targets double tap under 3 seconds, and a explosive Related package to the hijackers inthe plane that when they open it It blow up and green lights the assault on the plane to rescue the passengers and Whole bunch of Other thing i.e intel gathering to capture terrorist suspect planning a hijacking and whole bunch of other things

Isn't the tab you posted the pic of the sign of ATF or something like that. I am pretty sure I have seen that on alot of folks.

Is CDOS a short form of something?
Isn't the tab you posted the pic of the sign of ATF or something like that. I am pretty sure I have seen that on alot of folks.

Is CDOS a short form of something?

YEa its the same But Only ASF AND i think Rangers work with the SSG anti terror company Called Zarrar and they train with them i dont know about the rest. ASF ones and with zarrar are the last line of defence on an air plane (very Sensitive training) and Rangers ones are deployed on very high risk internal Security Details and these are the ones that are also PICked for VVIP protection details i.e prime ministers and presidents Totally different Ball game when compared with Police ATF/ATS units
انصاف کی آ وازاٹھے,ظلم کی دیوار گرے،حق باطل پر ہو چھایا،ہاتھ اٹھا کر مانگ دعا
نیا پاکستان ،انشاللہ

Hope for Participating in Special Training...
Isn't the tab you posted the pic of the sign of ATF or something like that. I am pretty sure I have seen that on alot of folks.

Is CDOS a short form of something?

Also bro if you look at history ssg first trianed ASF air Guard my Dad's Batch was the 2nd one they did not train any one else at that time only ASF and after the late 90s and early 2000 you started to See Police moving in that direction and getting training From the Army and then After ASF SSG's Trained Rangers in counter terror ops
to give you an idea "training was also based on Snatch and Grab missions of hVT's" i cannot go into Detail But its like a a Top Teir Training that was Provided by the SSGs to ASF and Rangers
Also bro if you look at history ssg first trianed ASF air Guard my Dad's Batch was the 2nd one they did not train any one else at that time only ASF and after the late 90s and early 2000 you started to See Police moving in that direction and getting training From the Army and then After ASF SSG's Trained Rangers in counter terror ops
to give you an idea "training was also based on Snatch and Grab missions of hVT's" i cannot go into Detail But its like a a Top Teir Training that was Provided by the SSGs to ASF and Rangers

Yeah I know about this part.
Yeah I know about this part.
and also if you look at the tab i posted the Knife/dagger in that is the same size as the one in the SSG Tab, but whenyou look at the others they are shorter and the word they call each other is their identification when they Meet some one else from a different Unit different company Etc you have to know how to say it too other wise you cannot prounounce it just by reading it and it also posses as a opSec because if you know how to say it you can distract that person by him(member) thinking that you are his friend and he will be relaxed and wont be alert(chookus) and that can get you killed in the Field

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