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Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

really need to work on the abs to make them look unreal.
check out the picture of an American Navy SEAL who is gearing a Pakistani diver.. his arms are bigger than my thighs
I seen that pic bro i agree with that American Navy SEAL have huge bodies they do hard work out and they eat other stuff too well the look of this guy is different :)
Special Forces
The Special Services Group (SSG) is headquartered at Cherat and has a base at Attock. it is also responsible for the Airborne School at Peshawar. it consists of three battalions each of four companies.

Other SSG elements include:

Akbar Company (Combat Diver Unit)
Zarrar Company (Counter-terrorism)
Iqbal Company (Communications Unit)

Source: Pakistan Army Information

M-4, flak jacket and kevlar helmet of Captain Salman Farooq who was shot and martyred by the criminals of Lal Masjid.


SSG Operator providing security to head of states at Badshahi mosque.

The last time I checked all 10 battalions were not up to full strength.....reasons being PA n SSG in particular didn't want to cut any corners n compromise on quality just make up nos.
But that's couple of years ago
The last time I checked all 10 battalions were not up to full strength.....reasons being PA n SSG in particular didn't want to cut any corners n compromise on quality just make up nos.
But that's couple of years ago

remains the same as qualification standards are quite rigid.
M-4, flak jacket and kevlar helmet of Captain Salman Farooq who was shot and martyred by the criminals of Lal Masjid.
What happened to the M-4? I haven't seen rifles so badly damaged like this. Besides, please call them terrorists for calling them criminals lessens the severity of their crime i.e. mutiny.
M4 > AK :D

  1. They are paid shit wages
  2. Daal khaenge muscke kahan se aenge?
  3. Genes have a play, white people are built and tall. Broad aswell. Their physique is better suited.
  4. Muscles dont make men.

ah actually daal is rich in protein, which is what you need to gain muscle. This is how all the vegetarians get their protein intake.
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