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@DESERT FIGHTER As compared to other SF operators, doesn't SSG commandos combat gear looks little primitive. I mean they are just carrying 2 guns. No hand grenades, less ammo , A light Bullet proof jacket. Communication gear is also so so. What's your take on it. Is it due to mobility required in such a terrain that they are wearing less gear?

@blain2 @Icarus

Last pic in above post, SSG operator knee dug in the rocky clay without knee pad, discomfort would distract him greatly

Its low intensity combat in built up areas, their lines are within a few hundred meters of them so they usually operate light with just the basic essentials. Many soldiers also find that knee and elbow guards hinder their movement and so their adoption in the battlefield is sometimes missed out but seeing as its the battlefield and the soldier's own comfort can be given preference over protocol, its the small things that keep morale high.
Its low intensity combat in built up areas, their lines are within a few hundred meters of them so they usually operate light with just the basic essentials. Many soldiers also find that knee and elbow guards hinder their movement and so their adoption in the battlefield is sometimes missed out but seeing as its the battlefield and the soldier's own comfort can be given preference over protocol, its the small things that keep morale high.

And no hand grenades ?

@nomi007 This guy look so smart he look like from American Special forces or Nato but i saw on him Kyun program of Dunya news tv Allah bless them
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@DESERT FIGHTER As compared to other SF operators, doesn't SSG commandos combat gear looks little primitive. I mean they are just carrying 2 guns. No hand grenades, less ammo , A light Bullet proof jacket. Communication gear is also so so. What's your take on it. Is it due to mobility required in such a terrain that they are wearing less gear?

@blain2 @Icarus

Last pic in above post, SSG operator knee dug in the rocky clay without knee pad, discomfort would distract him greatly
Knee pads are a recent addition. Most of the hardening done in the SSG is without any of such luxuries.

On the first part, depends on where they are based/camped out of. If they are doing clearance work and have set camp near by then they do not need to carry all of their individual gear including the rucksack and additional gear. The ones that are tasked with operations in distant or hard to access areas take the entire gear with them. A lot of the hardening up in the SSG is done with full gear over very long distances cross country.

The gear is decent, good enough for what they need to do. I am not much for how it looks as long as its functional, sufficient and allows the troops to maintain mobility. Grenades, percussion/incendiary/smoke are taken along/allotted as needed.

You need the right balance, that is something that does not bog the soldier down and at the same time is not cost prohibitive.
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Agreed on the semi automatic part.......... speaking from experience sandbox, if you have spent sufficient time with an AK, you can even use it in Shikkar and shoot down a murghabi (while in flight)! :D

Love that weapon............
Absolutely. In semi-auto, the accuracy is just fine. Its not a marksman weapon, but sufficiently accurate for infantry with a scope on.

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