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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
And where is US of

And where is US of America in this list! They are seriously considering next gen rounds and working prototypes have already been built and marketed by the competing companies. Russia and China is doing the same behind the closely knit curtains as usual. Everyone else would have to eventually follow their footsteps.

If you think Pakistan has the economy strong enough to induct and mass produce SCAR-H now and after one and a half decade later when next Gen rifles would flood the market, go for another shopping spree for upto date rifles and their associated calibers? I don't think so!

IMHO if we induct our standard issue rifle now, we wouldn't be able to induct a new standard issue rifle at least before 2060 or maybe beyond that. And in 2060s maybe the rounds we use now would have no more effect on the armored soldiers of that time than the Palestinian kids launching stones against the occupying forces today! That should be a huge concern for all of us.
USA is only looking country which is looking to change the caliber. They are going for 6.8 and most likely SIG MCX in that caliber.
USA is only looking country which is looking to change the caliber. They are going for 6.8 and most likely SIG MCX in that caliber.
G3's Rate of fire, recoil and size issues have already been addressed by complementary type 56 and even AK 103 in limited quantities. As far as reliability and jamming issues are concerned I don't think it would be worse than M4 rifle. G3 was never created for spray and pray purposes. It's accurate and has decent fire rate and effective range. MG3 complements it well when volume of fire is concerned.
G3's Rate of fire, recoil and size issues have already been addressed by complementary type 56 and even AK 103 in limited quantities. As far as reliability and jamming issues are concerned I don't think it would be worse than M4 rifle. G3 was never created for spray and pray purposes. It's accurate and has decent fire rate and effective range. MG3 complements it well when volume of fire is concerned.
G3 is your main assault rifle and if your main assault rifle is creating dozen of issues. Then sorry that is serious trouble. And also Type 56 also have dozens of issues. From heating up very soon to others. That is why SSG jumped to M4 the moment they got their hands on those. MG 3 another boogey we are carrying which is way heavier. Difficult to carry plus again several issues similar to G3. If you have something that doesn't mean you should defend it blindly like our neighbor India does.
G3 is your main assault rifle and if your main assault rifle is creating dozen of issues. Then sorry that is serious trouble. And also Type 56 also have dozens of issues. From heating up very soon to others. That is why SSG jumped to M4 the moment they got their hands on those. MG 3 another boogey we are carrying which is way heavier. Difficult to carry plus again several issues similar to G3. If you have something that doesn't mean you should defend it blindly like our neighbor India does.
There are several situations and environments where the SSG still favor Type 56 variants due to obvious reasons.
If you still wanna replace G3 completely then my preferred choice would be MPT-76 with complete ToT or CZ with similar condition of ToT.

If it doesn't go that way then, heck simply copy H&K 417 or MPT-76 locally in POF like PK-18 and source barrels from somewhere else for the time being. When Homegrown barrels get upto the mark slap them inside the rifles. That's how it wouldn't break the bank and local industry would flourish too.

By that time we would be ready to transition into next gen calibre rifles
There are several situations and environments where the SSG still favor Type 56 variants due to obvious reasons.
I've heard that Type-56s, the newer ones have quality and reliability issues if not sourced correctly.
Do we directly import them from Norinco?
Police have been complaining about newer T-56 having problems.
Flimsy top cover, furniture melts etc.
I've heard that Type-56s, the newer ones have quality and reliability issues if not sourced correctly.
Do we directly import them from Norinco?
Police have been complaining about newer T-56 having problems.
Flimsy top cover, furniture melts etc.
Those unreliable ones are the Type 56 II variant..... All sorts of issues in them.....
G3 is your main assault rifle and if your main assault rifle is creating dozen of issues. Then sorry that is serious trouble. And also Type 56 also have dozens of issues. From heating up very soon to others. That is why SSG jumped to M4 the moment they got their hands on those. MG 3 another boogey we are carrying which is way heavier. Difficult to carry plus again several issues similar to G3. If you have something that doesn't mean you should defend it blindly like our neighbor India does.
And what was the reason the mighty US SF guys jumped to AKs while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan :crazy:. Even the worst Chinese built AK would be more user friendly, rugged, good stopping power and reliable than shiny M-4. Then they immediately resurrected the 7.62 family again due to its superior stopping power.

The reason SSG went for M4 because it looks sexy, and extremely modular weapon. And you know those SF guys love the word "modular" than anything else. :victory:

As far as defending your own product is concerned and you mentioned India in it too. Look where India stands today. They have indigenous competitive automotive industry which is capable of producing APCs, IFVs and other military vehicles on their own. They have built their own SAM system, now tested their Homegrown ATGM recently, their military helicopters manufacturing industry is thriving and getting expirt orders.
And what we have achieved by this import everything mentality? We cannot even produce a motorcycle of our own. We can't manufacture a half decent engine or transmission. Our military relies heavily on imported engines, transmissions and vehicles of all sorts. And it would remain as it is unless we start to support our Homegrown products whole heartedly. As of now we all know that Pakistan's biggest project AZM would be just a customized copy of Chinese, Turkish or Russian origin. As we don't have the industrial base and capability to design a motorcycle or manufacture a car completely let alone complex, state of the art military technologies.
I've heard that Type-56s, the newer ones have quality and reliability issues if not sourced correctly.
Do we directly import them from Norinco?
Police have been complaining about newer T-56 having problems.
Flimsy top cover, furniture melts etc.
Then revert its furniture back to the wooden one. Wood can not melt. And source its top covers from darra may be :lol::cheesy::guns:
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you need generals who'll stop other generals from assuming authority on foreign relations and other matters
When some did they were relieved of their commands and sent to other places(mostly concerning R&D or training etc) during the major reshuffle after the extension.
MG 3 another boogey we are carrying which is way heavier. Difficult to carry plus again several issues similar to G3
I doubt, apart from length it doesn't have much issues. Its rate of fire is perfect for its role,plus it is fairly accurate as well. It has a beautiful sound and absolutely amazing to fire :sniper:😁
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Those unreliable ones are the Type 56 II variant..... All sorts of issues in them.....
Thought so
Another query is regarding Type-81, do our jawans use them and if so, how does it perform.
The short stroke system should give better accuracy and less inertia in recoil.
500 pages and trails of almost all guns expect some still not decided what to doo.is ko be try ker lain shaid koi afaka ho jia
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