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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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GUYZ...i m not much into history thing and i m feeling bit lazy to google..can anyone tell me whats the core issue of Baluchistan..
Well its true that baloch people have faced injustices in the past for the same reason as that we all complain - corrupt Governance ... But their biggest problem lies in feudalism and illiteracy , their leaders are known to keep them at each other's throat ... The history of Baloch insurgency began with the creation of Pakistan when Mir Ahmed Yar Khan acceded to Pakistan at Jinnah's proposal much to the displeasure of his brother who then lost a key position which he enjoyed under his brother's rule ... It wasn't in true sense a war for the rights of Baloch since Pakistan has just been created and there's wasn't any issue of corruption or human rights then ... Later he was killed in an ambush with the Pakistan army ... The second and third insurgencies were initiated by Nawab Nowroz Khan and Sher Muhammed Bijrani Marri who again contrary to popular belief weren't fighting for the rights of Baloch people but rather for the royalty of the Sui gas which had to go in their own pockets as we had seen countless times before with these feudals ... They are some sort of " Great Leader " for their people who due to illiteracy think that whatever their leaders do for them is right ... The Baloch people have faced worst kind of oppression from these feudals ... A common peasant cant even buy a bicycle without telling the local tribal leader first ! The fourth one was again feudal started by Nawab Khair Baksh Marri who wasn't able to tolerate a Bugti leader in key position of the Govt ... The 1970's insurgency was the result of the blatant incompetency of Bhutto's Govt who refused to accept the nationalist proposal of autonomy as he had done with Mujib refusing to accept his overwhelming majority in elections and thus the right to rule Pakistan ... Bhutto was a arrogant and power hungry person whose dictator like attitude harmed Pakistan like never before and led to the creation of Bangladesh ... Ironically , Nawab Akbar Bugti was the Chief minister of Baluchistan then ... However the insurgency was controlled by Rahimuddin who declared amnesty for belligerents and initiated most of the development programmes in Baluchistan afterwards ... The primary cause of unrest in Baluchistan can be linked with the Marri's and Bugti's fighting with each other ... Akbar Khan Bugti started the insurgency this time in Baluchistan opting for the same as the other feudals had demanded ... The royalty fees for the mineral resources which was already more than enough whilst doing nothing for the betterment of their own people ... Had these feudals spent even 10% of the royalty paid by the Govt of Pakistan , Baluchistan would have been a different place ... The benefit of the royalty doesn't pass to the common Baloch but rather fills the pockets of the feudal leaders and their non stopping complain continues that the Govt isn't doing enough and that it should provide more royalty ... This is the briefest history of Baluchistan one can tell you ...

At present , the insurgency has rather died down with the developmental projects initiated by the Govt of Pakistan ... Almost all separatist leaders now reside in foreign countries hypocritically claiming that they want a better life for their people whilst enjoying luxurious life in UK and other countries with the same money that was supposed to be used for the prosperity of Baloch people ... Apart from some occasional terrorist attacks by the BLA , there isn't any major problem in Baluchistan at the moment ... Ironically , the BLA has been involved in killing of Balochs the very same people who they claim to fight for ... The BLA has been listed as a terrorist organization by both UK and US ... They have forced the people from other provinces to leave thus creating a shortage of skilled personnels in the province ... The BLA claims that they want a better life for their life whilst at the same time killing professors , engineers and other skilled personnels who come to Baluchistan to help Baloch and bring development and prosperity ... The feudals have long since opposed the educational projects in Baluchistan because they know that their peasants with free and enlightened mind would no longer be under their control ...

Read this article , this will give you a clear picture of the situation in the province

‘Baloch separatists willing to talk peace’ – The Express Tribune

AS for the article , it seems to be based on the same Anti Pakistan rubbish that PA is oppressing Baloch whilst missing any information of the injustices and problems created by the feudals ... and who is Baloch Khan ? Is he a prominent leader ? Or some random make believe personality just for maligning the state of Pakistan ? I haven't heard his name ever before ... The claim that Baluchistan was the most violence affected province in Pakistan is also Bullshit crap ... Somebody should just compile the data on the acts of terrorism in 2010 and then just compare with the rest of Pakistan ... and let me burst another bubble about Pakistani Govt not doing enough for Baloch people ...

Many development projects are underway in Balochistan, including the Gwadar deep sea port which is being built by the help of China. The Makran Coastal Highway was also constructed on the coastline between Gwadar and Karachi by National Highway Authority, and has reduced travelling time considerably. The Government is also making several water filled dams in Balochistan, including Mirani dam. Furthermore since 1947 till 2002 the total development budget allotted to Baluchistan was Rs.152 Bn and the development budget allotted to Balochistan since 2002 to 2008 in the last seven years only is Rs.302 Billion. It is to be noted that this amount is only the amount allocated for developmental projects and is separate from the money allotted for other things.
The resources of the local inhabitants such as natural gas, minerals, oceans and others have been used to produce energy for Pakistan and generated. Balochistan gets Rs32.71 per unit on account of gas revenues which includes a royalty of Rs13.90, excise duty of Rs5.09 and gas development surcharge of Rs13.72. Also many private individuals with gas storages on their land also receive payments. Many Balochs argue that such royalties are too low.[42] In response in 2011 Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani announced a further Rs. 120 billion ($2.5 USD) under Balochistan gas development surcharge and royalty part of the "Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan" package[43] The royalties often do not trickle down to the common people in Balochistan due to corruption and welath-hoarding of Baloch tribal chiefs. This has hindered the growth of infrastructure ( for the same reason that i have stated above )
Thank you Secur for that analysis. I have always felt that the problems there are initiated more by a few feudal types who for their own ulterior motives raise the question of Balochis. I honestly feel that a poor Baloch or a poor Punjabi both suffer poor govern ship but in Baluchistan its made into a separatism issue by a few bad people and outside interference
It is however.. pertinent to note.. that a large crowd does not just gather for feudals.
It is however.. pertinent to note.. that a large crowd does not just gather for feudals.

I am not suggesting there is not a problem. But how much of the problem there is highlighted by people who have ulterior motives. I'm not sure about your statement Santro. Politics so far in other provinces are still based on feudals who do manage to get crowds out.
Thank you Secur for that analysis. I have always felt that the problems there are initiated more by a few feudal types who for their own ulterior motives raise the question of Balochis. I honestly feel that a poor Baloch or a poor Punjabi both suffer poor govern ship but in Baluchistan its made into a separatism issue by a few bad people and outside interference
One must understand that the problem lies elsewhere , the major cause of the backwardness of province are these feudals and illiteracy ... Ofcourse Pakistani Govt has made mistakes by bad governance and paying royalty to these feudal leaders who in turn have done nothing for Balochis ... However this isn't the reason for calls for independence from Pakistan , this propaganda is being done by the same tribal and feudal leaders who think they can have complete control over mineral resources in Baluchistan and fill their Swiss accounts by secession ... The common Baloch doesn't have any interest in these bull **** crap independence thing ... They want prosperity and development in Baluchistan ... For the last few years , the BLA has engaged in systematic killing of Balochis themselves and skilled labor from other provinces who were there for education , developmental projects and jobs whilst claiming that they are fighting for their rights ... How professors , engineers and other skilled people were harming Balochis ? ... The common man is left with nothing but the ancient grazing and farming profession while the world moves forward ... The feudals want the common people to be illiterate so they can have absolute and total control over them so that no one dares to rebel against them ... A free thinking and enlightened mind is what they fear most ...
Why does Pakistan gov't allow these propaganda mouthpieces to film in Pak in the first place? Free speech and press is one thing but working against the interest of state is another.

Not only are these foreign anti-Pak reproters allowed to report from Pakistan but Pak officials end up giving interviews to them. In the same anti-Pak documentaries, further cementing it's crediablity. i.e. the BBC documantry Secret Pakistan where many military and politcal officials recorded their interviews to present "Pakisani side of the story."

Dont they realize this is exactly what these corperations want? To legitimaize their work by showing the public they gave screen presense to even the guilty party. Then later when the documantry was aired, Pak officials were angry and wanted to sue BBC. Well, what were you expecting? why did you let them film in Pakistan in the first place? why didn't you refuse to talk to them when they were making this nonsense? do they lie to Pak gov't about the subject of their reporting to get their foot in the door? are Pak officials this naive?

I just dont understand it.
^^^^ we need to work on our press and get people to expose these programmes or articles. We have to be careful and win hearts and mind. Some times I despair of Muslims and Pakistanis that we don't make more of an effort. Take Jews they form AIPAC and own press who win hearts and minds in New York America etc. What does Osama do and he had the money to buy newspapers and get involved in media he trys to win hearts and minds by blowing people up. As they say the pen is mightier than the sword
the program is heavily edited and keeps the Anti-Pakistan taste for the sell value.
here are the videos

the CM's interview is heavily edited and the meeting with Haider Abbas Magsi has been totally removed who gave some shocking accounts of the BLA leadership.

thank you, sir for posting the english language version. I've only seen half of the video so far. Now have you seen the un-edited version of the CM's interview? And the part about BLA? I'm guessing it's not in this video, so where have you seen or heard the details which you mentioned above are not in this video?
Thanks Irfan would be waiting for your post. It would be better since it would be realistic and not based on liberal fascists typical 1971 and Bangladesh sensationalism.

the CM's interview is heavily edited and the meeting with Haider Abbas Magsi has been totally removed who gave some shocking accounts of the BLA leadership.

I would wait for this part particularly Haider Abbas Magsi part. Who is this guy and what he wants to tell us about BLA terrorists?
Its near time for Pakistanis come out on the streets and over run the feudals , elite businesses and the security estabilishment , Pakistanis need to take control of the country... serious allegations by Baluchis if NOT this above group of morons in their greed for power and money will further damage pakistan and divide it further. Serious grievances and allegations by the Baluch leadership ... Provincial autonomy is the simplest solution .. Let Baluchis enjoy the fair share of wealth.

CM Baluchistan's views were surprising , CM Baluchistan is a racist racoon .. how dare he called non Baluch foreigners ... Zardari should fire this guy immediately
It is however.. pertinent to note.. that a large crowd does not just gather for feudals.

indeed you are right. I will also like to mention that German Nazi party only represented 10% of the German population, yet its aggressive campaign touching the very nerves of German race made it the voice of the majority. Much is already said about the way Hitler played it. Whether or not you understand German but tell me if you listen to any of his speeches, do they not send currents through your spine? Likewise the Bughtis today have become the romantic warriors who have been extorting money from foreigners and travellers and used to get protection money from OGDC.

Baloch insurgency dates back in time and has seen many empires. Currently 3 sub tribes are leading this “cause” of Independence belonging to Mangal and Bugti elites and Marri cannon fodder). They are the most vocal, most active (read violent) and have even sat on either side (supporting subversions while being part of provincial government). They are selling it good and a certain part of the world is listening who wants to put a break on Chinese & Russian “intrusion” into Arabian sea.

Just like in Swat when the government writ failed, the petty criminals also donned the drape of Taliban, likewise in Balochistan, such activities are also touted as freedom struggle. You know it and I know it that even 15 years ago, you cant go to Miramshah or any tribal agency on your own. You will be abducted and held for ransom. During that time it was called a crime, now its called Jihad. Same is the case in Balochistan. I have to have a weapon handy while travelling and that is normally done with a group. while entering Kashmor which is part in Sindh and part in Balochsitan, if there is a suspect road block on the Sindh side then its our infamous Sindi dacoits, but if its on the Balochistan side then it’s the BLA freedom fighters who will demand cash, mobiles or weapons and frog march any Punjabi and shoot him on the side of the road. If that Punjabi is a doctor then tough, the Baloch patients should understand its freedom fight that demands sacrifices. The rest of the people can go to hell.

Exploitation is same as it is in Sindh, Punjab and KP. The civil machinery is inept and corrupt just like it is in rest of Pakistan which results in resentment and fans the resentment. Only difference is that this resentment gets national and international media attention whereas a Punjabi or Sindhi suffers in silence and bites his tongue to suppress the cries and tears because they don’t sell that well.

Sir, you will say I am stating the obvious so I will go to the solution. The solution is steadfast development process of basic infrastructure and basic facilities that are the duty of the state. And while doing so, FC has to do the dirty work and get the bad press so be it. The catch 22 here is who will do the development without milking it for himself? Since 1947, only Baloch nationals have been in the government and some, like I mentioned earlier, on the rebel side too when it suited them. Their record is as impressive as the rest of the provinces. If Balochistan is providing Gas to Punjab then it is also getting the food produce from Punjab that’s something that is conveniently ignored. I am just wondering how these rebel leaders are going to turn the things around and bring justice when their own record in dealing with their opponents (within family and tribe) is very shocking.

The solution is only political, no force at all. Talk to the ones that are willing to listen and deal with the ones that think that blowing up infrastructure and public amenities is going to help the Balochistan in anyway. Lets hear what Hazara, makrani, Magsi, Jogazai and jamalis etc have to say as they also form the part of Balochsitan. If they want more autonomy and control over the pricing of the gas and other resources then so be it. Then they should be prepared to pay for the food and water coming from Sindh and Punjab too. Hopefully it will work well in the end.
So, it a difference of perception as well as other problems IB?

A Sindhi is a criminal, but a Baloch gets to be termed as freedom fighter, a crime in FATA gets termed as Jihad?

The masses need to change their perception then, and get educated, and a way forward in that regard is to stop maligning the FC every time they conduct an operation in Balochistan and stop calling it terror and look at ground realities, which IMO is not being done.
thank you, sir for posting the english language version. I've only seen half of the video so far. Now have you seen the un-edited version of the CM's interview? And the part about BLA? I'm guessing it's not in this video, so where have you seen or heard the details which you mentioned above are not in this video?

Like I mentioned that I know someone who says that the Al Jazera team was here in Quetta back in August time last year. they stayed in Serina Hotel and he provided the transport and acted as a guide when they went to Pishin and back to Quetta where they met Haider Magsi (which has been totally removed because it was totally out of tune of the program).

about CM, my information is not first hand but all I know from someone Quetta press club, who says that he has has had a chat with someone who was present during meeting and the discussion, as usual moved to the problems in Balochistan and he was drummed into responding to some clever questioning, he was clearly agitated and could have walked away but that too would have been used against him with a sombre voice over (when we tried to ask the CM he refused to answer).

Haider Abbas Magsi mentioned Akbar Bughti’s habit of sleeping with the women of his slain opponents during the tribal wars how so many Bughtis and Mangals have been forced to seek refuge in Punjab because some guys want to kill them for seeking FC’s protection during their feuds.
History tell us that "No uprising can be bring down by Gun".

Sri Lanka did that with the LTTE pretty well. As soon as India stopped supporting the Tamil terrorists like they had done for about three decades, the insurgency started to die down. It is difficult for an insurgency to survive without external support.

India supported the LTTE in the midd 70s, but it supported the terrorism from the Tamil Students Movement before that in 1970, & also the TELO, TULF & TNF terror groups. In 1987, Indian aircrafts also violated Sri Lankan airspace by dropping relief supplies to Tamil terrorists in Jaffna. Even till the 90s, till Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a Tamil suicide bomber trained by India, there was support for the LTTE. Anyways, it doesn't matter whether you supported Tamil terrorists for two decades or three, neither is this thread about them, so let's just steer clear of that. Thanks.
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