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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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EDITORIAL: Eid ‘gift’ for the Baloch?

Daily Times
November 21, 2010

If the military operation is not stopped and our intelligence agencies continue to harass and kill the Baloch with such impunity, it will only lead to further alienation of the people.
Factually incorrect.

There is NO military operation going inside Balochistan.

So much for the credibility of the writer...:rolleyes:

To make matters worse, at a time when Balochistan is soaked in blood, most of the country remains indifferent. This gives rise to the sentiment of separation and secessionism in Balochistan. It is time to raise our voice against the grave injustices being committed in the province in the name of ‘national interest’. We must understand that the blood of the Baloch is on the hands of every Pakistani who sits quietly and watches the travesty being unfolded there.

i will term this as 'instigation'.

First we need to establish that these murders are actually being done at the hand of int agencies, may be then we have the right to blame EVERY Pakistani for the deed.


Hmm..just saw that Musey has already taken on the 'concern' very well :)
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VIEW: Crime without a name —Mohammad Akhtar Mengal
Islamabad and its powerful establishment are committing Balochcide, a systematic act committed with institutional intent to destroy Baloch society. Islamabad’s brutalities and Hitler-like policies against the Baloch people will not deter us from continuing our struggle nor will these terror tactics result in suppressing our feelings

On August 24, 1941, two months after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered a radio broadcast. Describing the barbarity of German police troops, as he called the SS, he said, “We are in the presence of a crime without a name.”

And today Pakistan, a country that came into being in the name of Islam, is using the worst inhuman methods and committing unprecedented “crimes without a name”. The crimes committed against a particular ethnic group by the dominant ethnic community and its institutions need a new name — not ethnocide or genocide. Simply, Islamabad and its powerful establishment are committing Balochcide, a systematic act committed with institutional intent to destroy Baloch society and eliminate its educated youth and politicians.

Balochcide is not limited to enforced disappearances and throwing away their tortured and bullet-riddled mutilated bodies. These practices include eliminating the few available moderate political Baloch voices one by one, destroying the very unique and liberal features of Baloch society, polluting the Baloch political system by supporting Taliban elements and encouraging a culture of “crimes in uniform”.

If you go through the reports and evidence compiled and developed by reputable human rights organisations, think-tanks, experts, writers and researchers and then put it beside other information available — widely reported upon by the media and by others — we simply conclude that genocide (Balochcide) has been committed in Balochistan and that the government of Pakistan bears responsibility.

The so-called civilised international community’s silence is adding to the severity of the human rights crisis. I am addressing this to the powerful west: just imagine your reaction if someone in uniform unlawfully abducts your child due to a suspicion that he believes in the political freedom of his community, and he is taken to an unauthorised detention centre and tortured for months without any access to family or a lawyer. Imagine in that kind of extreme environment, severe pain and suffering, bleeding and state of lifelessness, your son, in order to get rid of this slow motion death, agrees and accepts any kind of allegation and blame that the perpetrators put on him. And after accepting all these ‘allegations and crimes’, instead of producing him in a court — the perpetrators kill and dump him — exactly on Christmas day, a day meant to celebrate and enjoy life in Christian culture, not mourn. Furthermore, to inflict this pain on the family and community if the murderer leaves a paper with the dead body that reads: “A Gift of Christmas for the people (of a particular community).”

This is exactly what happened on this Eid. not with one, two or three, but six families, communities and regions in Pakistan’s ‘Darfur’ (Balochistan).

Six innocent young Baloch Student Organisation (BSO) activists, including a journalist, were killed and their bullet-riddled bodies were found in Khuzdar, Turbat, Gwadar, Kalat and Mastung during the three days of Eid. The slaughterers left a paper with the dead bodies that read: ” A Gift of Eid for the Baloch.”

The victims of extra-judicial killings were identified as Lala Hameed Baloch, president of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), and Hamid Ismail. Hameed Baloch was a journalist and a member of the Gwadar Press Club. Two bullet-riddled bodies of Bashir Ahmed Lehri and Inayatullah, who had been missing for more than two months, were found in Kad Kocha area of district Mastung. The badly tortured and bullet-riddled body of a university student, Samiullah Mengal, was found near Ferozabad area of Khuzdar. Another body was discovered on Friday from Kapotu area of Kalat district and has been identified as that of Nasurrallah Baloch. “Nasurrallah had been missing for the last two months and had been whisked away by government functionaries,” relatives alleged (‘Six missing persons found dead in Balochistan’, Daily Times, November 20, 2010).

All these killings came after Amnesty International’s recent demand that the government of Pakistan “must” investigate the torture and killings of more than 40 Baloch leaders and political activists over the past four months. “Activists, politicians and student leaders are among those who have been targeted in enforced disappearances, abductions, arbitrary arrests and cases of torture and other ill-treatment. The violence takes place against a backdrop of increasing political unrest and Pakistan army operations in Balochistan, south-western Pakistan,” said the statement.

Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Director, was quoted in the statement as saying that Islamabad must act immediately to provide justice for the growing list of atrocities in Balochistan. “Baloch political leaders and activists are clearly being targeted and the government must do much more to end this alarming trend,” he observed.

Is it not the case that killing and dumping of a large number of Baloch people in such a brutal fashion by military, paramilitary and intelligence agencies in Balochistan constitutes genocide?

Is it not that the criminal silence of the apex courts and their human rights champion judges shows that the justice system too is working on an institutionally and ethnically agreed policy of ‘kill and dump’ the Baloch people?

No doubt Islamabad’s brutalities and Hitler-like policies against the Baloch people will not deter us from continuing our struggle nor will these terror tactics result in suppressing our feelings. Our forefathers resisted for centuries and we will do the same to teach our children that truth and freedom is more important than the consequences.

The writer is president of the Balochistan National Party and a former chief minister of Balochistan. He can be reached at akhtarmengal@hotmail.com

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
i was keeping the this article: (Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan VIEW: Balochistan: endless despair —Mohammad Akhtar Mengal) since the day it went out over the internet, but couldnt 'finish' reading it since then so i just saved it as the lack of versatility and style just bore down my stamina to read further.

Man, Sir Mengal seriously needs to address his vocabulary and 'ingenuity'!!
Right... So it's all the fault of federal government, or do you not agree that the tribal "leaders" have some part to play in this aswell?

Did I say they are not guilty of many crimes? At no point did I say that they are some angels who have been treating their people (who are near subjects to them) very well. Exploitation at the hands of tribal chiefs is not something unheard of or that hasn't been discussed on these forums. Their role has been debated to death over hundreds of posts here. Point here, as I said earlier, was abductions that are followed by executions.

Falcon sahab, flooding is somewhat irritating. Please, hold your reigns.

Factually incorrect.

There is NO military operation going inside Balochistan.

So much for the credibility of the writer...:rolleyes:

You can disagree with what qualifies as a military operation but what about the recent mobilization in Mashkay?

i will term this as 'instigation'.

First we need to establish that these murders are actually being done at the hand of int agencies, may be then we have the right to blame EVERY Pakistani for the deed.

Most definitely. No need to blame the state without evidence but with dozens of cases where prominent people have been abducted and later executed, suspicion towards the state is bound to raise. Moreover, I hope you read about two IB personnel who were caught as they attempted to flee after trying to do a drive by shooting of a small time separatist leader (their ID cards were recovered from their possession). All I'm saying is there are known cases and abductions and executions of this sort are totally unacceptable.
Did I say they are not guilty of many crimes? At no point did I say that they are some angels who have been treating their people (who are near subjects to them) very well. Exploitation at the hands of tribal chiefs is not something unheard of or that hasn't been discussed on these forums. Their role has been debated to death over hundreds of posts here. Point here, as I said earlier, was abductions that are followed by executions.

Thank you for your response sir, yes i agree with the latter that these extra judicial killings must come to an end if we are to see national harmony.
You can disagree with what qualifies as a military operation but what about the recent mobilization in Mashkay?
There's a very lucid definition of the phrase 'military-operation', so there cant be much doubt to as what would qualify as a mil op. As for the 'mobilization' is concerned, well readjusting ones (defensive/offensive) posture, establishing road blocks/checkposts or display of force etc etc doesnt exactly fit in here.

Most definitely. No need to blame the state without evidence but with dozens of cases where prominent people have been abducted and later executed, suspicion towards the state is bound to raise. Moreover, I hope you read about two IB personnel who were caught as they attempted to flee after trying to do a drive by shooting of a small time separatist leader (their ID cards were recovered from their possession). All I'm saying is there are known cases and abductions and executions of this sort are totally unacceptable.

^^ IB reports to a civilian.

But on a more serious note just because the 'number' of such case have increased it would not automatically imply that the int agencies have a hand in it.

Also, why would the agencies kill these people and then throw their mutilated bodies at chowks and that too with a spicy note? This would lead to just one simple aim; to fuel hatred among the locals, now why would we like to do that? May be we are thinking that by acting like Talibans we can give more 'legitimacy' to the separatists which in turn would raise their numbers and there on can synergies with the external forces (like AQ) - as happened between TTP/Afg Talibs/TNSM and thus would reach its prime when we would have an all-powerful enemy (who would enjoy full moral and material support both from the local and external populace) infront of us which in turn would necessitate a full fledged military operation (on the lines of Op RR/RN), right?

P.S. BTW, had IB been so efficient these guys would have a much better say in our politics ;)
There's a very lucid definition of the phrase 'military-operation', so there cant be much doubt to as what would qualify as a mil op. As for the 'mobilization' is concerned, well readjusting ones (defensive/offensive) posture, establishing road blocks/checkposts or display of force etc etc doesnt exactly fit in here.

From what I hear, Mashkay was more than mere change in posture but more of a wide search operation. I have no qulams when it comes to hunting down separatists.

^^ IB reports to a civilian.

Did I say it is the military or did I say it's the state? Doesn't change things. IB has the bigger domestic network and it has been very much out of the civilian purview post '99. Policies concerning Balochistan aren't being drafted in Islamabad either.

But on a more serious note just because the 'number' of such case have increased it would not automatically imply that the int agencies have a hand in it.

Also, why would the agencies kill these people and then throw their mutilated bodies at chowks and that too with a spicy note? This would lead to just one simple aim; to fuel hatred among the locals, now why would we like to do that? May be we are thinking that by acting like Talibans we can give more 'legitimacy' to the separatists which in turn would raise their numbers and there on can synergies with the external forces (like AQ) - as happened between TTP/Afg Talibs/TNSM and thus would reach its prime when we would have an all-powerful enemy (who would enjoy full moral and material support both from the local and external populace) infront of us which in turn would necessitate a full fledged military operation (on the lines of Op RR/RN), right?

I get your point and it is well founded. As for why they would possibly do it? Well, sending a message through dumping executed people and this leading to animosity is something would need to be [possibly] balanced by them folks. I'm not saying they're doing it, since there is no concrete proof yet but there is circumstantial proof in many cases. Internal rivalries amongst separatists themselves are a very likely possibility.

P.S. BTW, had IB been so efficient these guys would have a much better say in our politics ;)
Haha. I assure you, they've meddled in our politics many a times.
Sparklingway, i haven't heard this news of IB guys caught in drive by shooting in main stream media, Please share the link if you can of this news
those who blow up pipelines, engage in arson/vandalism/sabotage, incite hatred against state, and even stoop so low as to murder (female) professors, you will go missing....you'll land up in prison

and that is how it ought to be; in any country

Baluch have certain grievances which need addressing ASAP. Those grievances cannot be addressed through military; they are addressed on local and fed levels through COMPETENT civilian leadership

to all those anti-Pakistan miscreants (rascals), they should throw stones and shout slogan against the feudal, corrupted nawabs and to a large degree at the government

it is very important that the hands feeding and supporting aforementioned have their hands cut with a clean slice, with the nerves severed
those who blow up pipelines, engage in arson/vandalism/sabotage, incite hatred against state, and even stoop so low as to murder (female) professors, you will go missing....you'll land up in prison

and that is how it ought to be; in any country

Obviously. You abuse the state, you ask for secession, you want to rebel against the state of 180 million+ people, you kill those who don't belong to your clan/tribe even they don't oppose you, you kill labours and barbers, you shoot the people of your own clan just because they don't agree with you. Than whether Pakistan or China or USA or Srilanka their is a academic response of states to such guys and that is the case with every state.

In short you want to become a che guevara than it is very likely you will end up joining him in the other world.
IB has the bigger domestic network and it has been very much out of the civilian purview post '99. Policies concerning Balochistan aren't being drafted in Islamabad either.

i have no information on first part; but it makes sense for IB to have a large office there as it is a very happening place

Jundollah/BLA issue --which Iran also is dealing with
Other Militancy
indian meddling and mischief (tied closely with some of the above)

while fed should play role, it is effectively the local govt. which needs to address these issues since at this time it seems that certain incompetent, balls-less folks on fed level are as usual delving themselves in personal issues and vendettas not to mention worrying only about their own *****

Internal rivalries amongst separatists themselves are a very likely possibility.

power blinds ;)

it's interesting that Baluch professors, politicians (high ranking senators in BNP included) , academics etc. who serve Pakistan the State are the ones often found murdered and dumped inhumanely

just thinking aloud...... :)
Among millions of supporters and writers, he also avidly wrote in favor of Baloch Armed Struggle. Due to his brave stand, he was falsely blamed for many bomb blasts and many cases were filed against him for his violent speeches by the government and his agencies.

This is the best where "innocent secessionists" at one hand accept that his "journalist" openly supported militancy and used to give violent speeches against the govt and agencies and on the hand after all the cases filed against him were "falsely" blamed cases by the govt and agencies. Looks like they think everybody is as fool as they are.
Obviously. You abuse the state, you ask for secession, you want to rebel against the state of 180 million+ people, you kill those who don't belong to your clan/tribe even they don't oppose you, you kill labours and barbers, you shoot the people of your own clan just because they don't agree with you. Than whether Pakistan or China or USA or Srilanka their is a academic response of states to such guys and that is the case with every state.

In short you want to become a che guevara than it is very likely you will end up joining him in the other world.

You missed India here :) (like it or not), since a similar response is being given there too..
power blinds ;)

it's interesting that Baluch professors, politicians (high ranking senators in BNP included) , academics etc. who serve Pakistan the State are the ones often found murdered and dumped inhumanely

just thinking aloud...... :)

Not only that the so called Freedom fighter also hate each other and create blogs and sites to ridicule each other. Like this one.

Baloch Sardar Watch

This blog is created by a secessionist Jumma Khan Marri which he has dedicated to redicule Nawab Khair Bux Murri and other of his "freedom" fighter sons.

Who knows these killings are also the result of infighting between them. Obviously these guys are only sincere to themselves only.
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