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Pakistan's rhetoric on Kashmir does not match reality and has Illusions

Far from truth article from some wanna be journalist.... Anyways who cares.
So my friend, do you profess to now more about Kashmir than the author? Have you been there? I have - several times - and what she has mentioned is 100% spot on!

The bottom line is that the Kashmiris are thoroughly disillusioned with Pakistan, seeing the state in which it is in. As the author mentioned, it's much safer walking the streets of Srinagar than Karachi! In an international poll conducted recently, hardly 2% Kashmiris wanted anything to do with Pakistan! These 2% I daresay were the bimbos of the Hurriyat Conference who are being financed by Pakistan. So indebted are these yahoos to Pakistan that they would naturally vote for it! :P

But hats off to the Pakistan Establishment for their super propaganda machine that churns out nonsense on Kashmir 24X7. More amusing is the sheeple who fall for this quackery!!
They need not support either,they may hate India today because they are inside.

Tomorrow they could hate pakistan when you ll interfere with their independence.
This is just your assumption ... If you will go in small towns you can see and acknowledge what I said :D
Yeah.. Sure.. A Pakistani telling me about small towns of India. Man, sometimes, like brilliance, stupidity knows no bounds :)
I am not sure what you are trying to say here. You had an objection about the source being a blog post initially. I told you that she was a reputed international journalist of reuters, not some average joe trying to score points. She has shared her personal experience of visiting J&K for the last 10-12 years and how things have changed. She has also presented actual well known numbers of how the insurgency is decreasing compared to 10-15 years ago. I don't understand how that is wrong.
For one thing, her argument is that the face of IoK has changed from separatism to one of indifference, which is wrong, as shown by the recent elections in India. Second, my initial observation still stands, if her opinion is valid, why not post on a more reputable site? Having experience in something doesn't make you an expert, citing numbers doesn't make you a statistician. Her biggest problem is that she's passing her opinion off as fact.

No, we are basing our opinion on the 1.4 million tourists that visit Kashmir every year. Her opinion matches with the reality on the ground.
Tourists make little change to the reality on the ground. If not Kashmir, then Palestine is a prime example of this.
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For one thing, her argument is that the face of IoK has changed from separatism to one of indifference, which is wrong, as shown by the recent elections in India.

I don't think you read the article well. She has mentioned low interest in the general elections herself. The elections had overall 43% turnout in J&K, better than or equal to three major regions of Pakistan--Balochistan, FATA and KPK. So those numbers don't directly prove anything. Nowhere in the article she has said that the separatists have suddenly become pro India or indifferent but her observation is that they aren't as pro Pakistan as they used to be. That is the "take home message".

Second, my initial observation still stands, if her opinion is valid, why not post on a more reputable site? Having experience in something doesn't make you an expert, citing numbers doesn't make you a statistician. Her biggest problem is that she's passing her opinion off as fact.

That is a wrong conclusion that you have drawn. She presented facts about decreasing insurgency. That is not an opinion, that is a fact (4500 in 2001 vs 181 last year). If you have anything to challenge those numbers, feel free to share them. Now one can make his own conclusion from it. But for most people it would appear that terrorism has decreased in the last 10 years. The article was also published by a Kashmiri news source.

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For your kind information ... My many relatives live in (UP) India ... And I met them in Sultanate of Oman as well ... Mostly Muslims are backward in India ... They don't have opportunities to getting education and career ...............

what does that even mean??
u get a job by studying properly whether u are hindu or anyone else.stop this shitty propaganda
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