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pakistan's renewed anti-india perception

I wonder why so called "superior india" is crying crocodile tears on CPEC its more like "stupid india"
Yup, India would be converted into a uninhabitable nuclear wasteland within the first week of the conflict , what a sad ending it would be, Oh infact what a “Radioactive Sad Ending” it would be !!!

See that is your strength

ALL you have got is Nukes You will be ROUTED in a conventional conflict

You know that
Your Nuclear bluff will NOT work for ever
Pakistan army might have passed through various phases since inception of Pakistan, but to it, India was always considered as a sole threat to the ideology and integrity of Pakistan. Pakistan army is well aware of the reality that it is no match to the size and superiority of Indian army, still it continues to strive to play a major role in the region and keep the Kashmir issue alive for gaining support of Pakistani masses as well as to maintain a superior position over civil government(s) of Pakistan.

Pakistan's Senate Defense Committee, led by USA trained journalist turned pro-army Pakistan Muslim League (Q) leader, Mushahid Hussain had visited (Rawalpindi, August 28, 2015) Pakistan army's Joint Staff Headquarters where the Committee was briefed on the security situation by Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Committee, General Rashad Mahmood and his team. This was Senate Defense Committee's first visit to the Joint Staff headquarters.

The Senate Defense Committee was told by General Mahmood that India was only military threat to Pakistan as in last couple of years India had reportedly purchased weapons worth US$ 100 billion out of which 80 per cent were Pakistan-specific. It was also professed by the Joint Staff officers that over the next five year India would be buying weapons worth another US$ 100 billion.

The Committee was further told that the situation was distinctly "volatile" in the view of suspended dialogue between India and Pakistan and absence of any "conflict resolution mechanism". General Rashad Mahmood further asserted that threats in cyberspace were posing major challenge to the Pakistan's defense.

During interaction with General Rashad Mahmood and his team, Mushahid Hussain and his visiting team of Senators was also informed that the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee had recommended to the Pakistan Government to establish an Inter-Services Cyber Command due to the newly emerging non-traditional threat of cyber attack and cyber warfare.

Mushahid Hussain on his part informed that Pakistan's defense policy was framed in 2004 and an updated defense policy was formulated in the year 2010, which was still yet to be implemented. He further disclosed that Pakistan's National Security Policy was prepared in 2014 and that too was to be promulgated by the Pakistan government.

However, it is the Pakistan army which enjoys supreme political powers amongst armed forces of the country and has a major say in Pakistan's foreign policy on India.

The motto of Pakistan army is "Iman (a follower of none but Allah), Taqwa (the fear of Allah) and Jihad-fi-Sabilillah (to strive and struggle against all that is perceived as evil in the cause of good)". Thus Pakistan army's fighting ideology is to serve the Islam as well as to protect the country's territorial integrity.

Ms. Christine Fair, a South Asian political and military affairs expert, in her book titled 'Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War' asserted that Pakistan would not be satisfied even if there was a solution of the Kashmir issue as for the Pakistan army the war against India is 'Jihad', the war of civilization. For the Pakistan army 'Jihad' is a device to infuriate India, particularly through 'Jihadi' groups, nurtured by the ISI.

Pakistan army has been using the concept of 'Jihad' as a tool to boost the morale of troops and make them ever ready virtually for unending war footing mode with India as well as to make it actions Islamically justified. Pakistan army, in the garb of defending the 'two nation theory' justifies wars against India as it considers it as its duty to protect the ideology and geography of the country.

Pakistan army also perceives its any military action against India as a defense of 'Jihad'. It was during General Ayub Khan's regime that Pakistan army assumed the role of not only defending country's territorial integrity but also " ideological frontiers" . Pakistan army's perception also changed and it started advocating that to defend Pakistan is to defend Islam.

Pakistan army is also motivated through false, biased and subjective narratives of Hindu India. Brig. Javed Hassan, who retired as a Major General and had played an important role in Kargil war had authored a book titled "India: A study in Profile" in 1990 after inter alia studying two thousands year of Indian history and claimed that although Hindus showed "incorrigible militarism" they have the worst record of protecting themselves and lacked "revolutionary fervor".

He advocated the anti-Hindu views in Pakistan army adding that Hindus cannot protect themselves and they are easy prey for militants. Brig Javed had also described India as a "less warlike" than Pakistan and attributed India's alleged military failures to its Hindu characteristics. Brig. Javed Hassan had authored this anti-Indian and anti-Hindu book when he was a faculty member at the Staff and Command College, Quetta. Incidentally, this anti-Indian book is known to be a 'must' reading at military training institutions of Pakistan as well as Pakistan's National Defense University, Islamabad.

It is Pakistan army which decides country's policy on Kashmir, not the elected government of Pakistan. For Pakistan army, Kashmir is an "unfinished agenda of partition'' and linked with world community's help to resolve the issue for the 'genuine' peace in the region.. Shortly after India's attaining independence, Pakistan army imposed first war on India in October 1947 after it supported a Pakistani tribal invasion of Poonch, in Kashmir and then joined the conflict in support of tribal insurgents in May 1948 under Operation 'Venus'.

The war which ended in January 1949 after a ceasefire had resulted into killing of about 1,5000 army troops of both India and Pakistan. Due to indecisiveness of Maharaja Hari Singh of Kahmir on the issue of accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India, Pakistan army exploited the situation and succeeded in wresting about two-fifths Kashmir, which is now called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***).

Pakistan's obsession for Kashmir again led to another war (August-September 1965) with India. After China's month-long military attack on India on October 20, 1962 in Aksai-Chin and North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA), which resulted into humiliating defeat of India and subsequent death of Prime Minister Nehru on May 27, 1964, Pakistan assessed India politically and militarily weaker than Pakistan.

Pakistan army launched (August 1965) Operation 'Gibraltar' and infiltrated its paratroopers in guise of local Muslims to ferment an insurgency amongst Kashmiris. Although Pakistan army's operation failed but a full-fledged war broke between India and Pakistan, which lasted for about one month. Pakistan once again got defeated in its ambitious militarily plans to capture Kashmir. In May 1999, Pakistan Army again unsuccessfully ventured into Kargil war over Kashmir issue in Kargil sector. Significantly, since Pakistan army did not want to get its another defeat registered into country's war history, the Kargil war had been excluded from the official website of the Pakistan army.

However, it was Bangladesh liberation war (March-December 1971), which not only led to disintegration of Pakistan but also led to the unbearable humiliation to the Pakistan army in the battle field as well as among masses. Birth of Bangladesh and vanquishment of the Pakistan army in the battle field against India shocked the entire Pakistan and its armed forces.

Notably, Pakistan army officially acknowledged on its website the year 1971 as most "tragic year" of Pakistan's military history and accepted that "flawed national and operational strategy" proved disastrous for Pakistan, both politically and militarily. Despite Pakistan army's humiliating defeat in 1971 at the hands of India, its power in the country did not diminish and has been growing strong to stronger to control the civilian affairs of the country, particularly foreign policy on India.

Since Pakistan Army had realized that it cannot defeat India in conventional warfare, it was General Zia-ul-Haq and his ruthless regime (1978-88), which resorted to 'proxy war' against India through a well thought out operation "Topac", with the sole aim of "let India bleed thousand times". After the decisive end of Afghan war (1978-88) Pakistan's ISI had Saudi petro-dollars, CIA's charitably given arms and readymade expertise in militancy in form of Afghan and Pakistani Mujahedeen, Gen. Zia entrusted the task of spreading militancy in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir to his trusted lieutenant the then ISI Chief, General Hamid Gul, who had earlier served under Gen Zia in 1972 as a battalion commander and later as a Staff colonel, when Gen. Zia was the GOC of II Corps in Multan in 1975-76.

Although Pakistan army could not achieve the desired goals in Punjab through militancy, it damage peace and tranquility in Jammu and Kashmir and succeeded in damaging India through large scale militant attacks, particularly in Mumbai, the financial capital of India.

Pakistan army's concept of India as 'primary threat' is detrimental to the peace in the region. Pakistan army wants to maintain parity with India as well as to contain India, which is the keystone of Pakistan army's strategic perspective. Pakistan army, which had been procuring arms from USA since 1960 has now turned to Russia, the old times amigo of India.

Meanwhile, China remains number one arms supplier to the Pakistan army, which is part of China's strategic policy in the region. Meanwhile, Pakistan army would continue to project India as a 'primary threat' and Afghanistan as a 'secondary threat' to project itself as the only saviour of Pakistan.
Let them do what they want- that is their prerogative. One thing they need to understand is they are no longer poking a snoozing and docile giant.

If you want to play with fire then prepare to be burnt.
See that is your strength

ALL you have got is Nukes You will be ROUTED in a conventional conflict

You know that
Your Nuclear bluff will NOT work for ever

Hmm ok explain How can you route world's sixth largest army & seventh largest airforce , armed to teeth with sophisticated weapons , kid this is 21st century , open your eyes , constantly jerking off to modi won't make u a shuppa powa !!!
Let them do what they want- that is their prerogative. One thing they need to understand is they are no longer poking a snoozing and docile giant.

If you want to play with fire then prepare to be burnt.

It is you who is poking us in your unsuccessful effort to be an imperial power of the area which you cant become !!!
It is you who is poking us in your unsuccessful effort to be an imperial power of the area which you cant become !!!
Believe me, India has no ambitions of colonising Pakistan......shiver.....
Well this what your people are saying, diplomat magazine reported it. Pakistan never claimed anything of this sort, you can assume what you like. Don’t you think its pretty pathetic, while you guys spend $40 billion on weapons, you cant even fight a 20 day war. This is what happens when there is too much corruption and lack of professionalism in a military institution, you guys cant convert bucks into bangs, pathetic !!!

This is not rocket science. It is simple logic; stronger your economy more is your sustainability in a war.

India's economy being ten time larger than Pakistan it can sustain longer. India spends 7 times more on defense than Pakistan does so it is obvious that India will have 7 times more fire power. Moreover, all of Pakistan is just on the other side of border, while Indian geography to too deep for Pakistan to tackle. Then India has 1.3 million forces to Pakistan's 600 thousand, hence India outwits Pakistan's manpower by 2:1.

Here, I am even not talking of Indian navy's presence in Arabian sea that cut all your supplies of oil and other essential items from reaching Pakistan making Pakistan's ability to sustain the war even shorter.

And as on corruptions charges, Pakistan army is much more corrupt as it enjoys absolute power in Pakistan. As on lack of professionalism, Indian army is one of the most professional army that is firmly under civilian government and is ranked among top 4 in the world as one of the most lethal forces in the world.

And don't fall for "bucks into bangs" theory :lol:. If you start making military strategies based on newspaper reports god save Pakistan.
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Hmm ok explain How can you route world's sixth largest army & seventh largest airforce , armed to teeth with sophisticated weapons , kid this is 21st century , open your eyes , constantly jerking off to modi won't make u a shuppa powa !!!
with 3rd larges army,4th largest airforce,5th largest navy,with more sophisticated weapon with much more in numbers .and that 20 days figure must have taken china into account.
Yup, India would be converted into a uninhabitable nuclear wasteland within the first week of the conflict , what a sad ending it would be, Oh infact what a “Radioactive Sad Ending” it would be !!!

India will survive a nuclear attack, pakisan won't, beside our nuclear triad is in place and so are our BMD systems. you may or may not be able to carry out a nuclear strike but we definitely will.
India will survive a nuclear attack, pakisan won't, beside our nuclear triad is in place and so are our BMD systems. you may or may not be able to carry out a nuclear strike but we definitely will.

Yup I know the theory which your RSS hindu radicals gave, that you can survive a Pakistani nuclear attack by rubbing cow dung on your body. Pathetic.
Pakistani missiles bring entire India into range, 2750km, with a 120 nuclear warheads, Pakistan has the capability to wipe India off the map atleast 10 times over. Good luck with surviving our first strike !!!
Yup I know the theory which your RSS hindu radicals gave, that you can survive a Pakistani nuclear attack by rubbing cow dung on your body. Pathetic.
Pakistani missiles bring entire India into range, 2750km, with a 120 nuclear warheads, Pakistan has the capability to wipe India off the map atleast 10 times over. Good luck with surviving our first strike !!!
So that's what zaid hamid and madarsa teaches you, that you will attack india from the map 10 times over, in case u forget, we too have nuclear weapons , not to forget the second strike capability, mad dog title suits you perfectly.
Believe me, India has no ambitions of colonising Pakistan......shiver.....
My cute little vegetarian friend, you people can't even think of colonizing Pak in your wet dreams even , but you want to make small countries like Myammar, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka your vessel states. That's not going to happen, with two nuclear powers like Pakistan and China on your doorstep.
Isn't it sad vegetarian, that for 1000 years you were colonized by Muslim elites and then by British, first time ruling your own country after a 1000 years, how does it feel ?

So that's what zaid hamid and madarsa teaches you, that you will attack india from the map 10 times over, in case u forget, we too have nuclear weapons , not to forget the second strike capability, mad dog title suits you perfectly.
Well your vegetarian commrade said, that you guys can survive a nuclear strike, I merely explained him with the facts, that we can wipe off you guys from the map 10 times over.
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