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Pakistan's Present and Future War

And China will watch loose its investment in bloachistan to waste, and hindukush will turn into afghan kush and one must admit that stuffs good.
And as a bottom line, I do see Pakistan fighting a physical all out war within 12-24 months.

I agree with everything else you said except for this.

Who will fight Pakistan?

USA economy is collapsing and will be on life support soon due to Trump's failed domestic policies. The war in Afghanistan is unpopular and US will withdraw soon. The immense economic debt of America will cripple it slowly. Most of the effect will be on the military.

Israel has found new allies in KSA, Egypt, UAE, but is facing immense pressure from Iran and Turkey. Currently all Israel can do is fund proxy wars and support Indian atrocities in Kashmir.

India is suffering internal instability in almost every state, for the first time since partition. The Kashmir conflict is escalating and protests are tarnishing India's image. Modi's failed economic policies are lagging India's economy, at a time when India was supposed to replace China as the imminent Asian power. India is caught between Western and Russian interests, and being forced to take sides in detriment to its defensive capabilities. India still can't escape the shadow and threat of Pakistan (a country 5x smaller.)

Both Russia and China seem at this moment to hedging all bets on Pakistan's rise. Pakistan's best ally Turkey is investing more into Pakistan and along with Iran and Qatar also seem to want Pakistan to join in an alliance with them. KSA, UAE have become isolated due to their failed Qatar policies and want to maintain ties to Pakistan (though not doing a very good job.)
Nothing is going to happen. With drama of surgical strikes, Indians have already shown that.
Yep, India is like the giant marshmallow man: large , clumsy and tasteless. India can huff and puff as much as they want but it's too late, Pakistan is militarily too powerful and the Indian generals know it.
Helpless because it cannot attempt the 80's Sri Lanka fiasco due to changes in the international community. THe rest is just your usual trolling.

Oh really? The way I see it, you lot simply refuse to live in reality.

Even the US has Cuba, and more recently Philippines.

What you refer to as trolling is simply your lack of coherent arguments against the points I make.

Everything the article says has its reason to be there. I respect Simon and his analysis.

Purpose of this article is to reveal a macro plan which our enemies have towards Pakistan, and that plan and its existence justifies why Pakistan army should take care of internal efficiencies and political ineligibilities within the country. From Pakistan's stand point, a corrupt but competent person may have been acceptable, like Putin for Russia, but a corrupt and incompetent person is is a loss and a loss; like Nawaz Sharif and likes.

Commenting on the article;
  • I have no doubt that India will not be able to control Kashmir as it is going.
  • I have no doubt that India is threatened and piss*d off with CPEC and feels time is whirling a Chinese rope around Indian neck, and it must do something to avoid that.
  • I have no doubt that Baluchistan has immense value for Americans, not only because of Afghanistan but also for Iran and being a wealth of Natural resources.
  • I have no doubt that existence of Pakistan as a strong country harms Indian, American and Israeli designs.
  • I have no double that enemies of Pakistan are working together to eliminate it. Their plan A, B and C have failed already and they are left with no choice but to use a physical force. If Pakistan is out of economic crisis, there is pretty much nothing else left for them to try as their imposed terrorism has failed, imposed corrupt leadership has been removed and there is no ground support left for them to execute any covert plan anymore.
Now will India or other countries will be able to do what they wanted to do Pakistan? Answer is NO. Pakistan today stands much taller and much stronger and will respond effectively to all mentioned challenges. But Pakistan's ability to respond doesn't mean its enemies would not attempt. And as a bottom line, I do see Pakistan fighting a physical all out war within 12-24 months.

An all-out war (with India) in 12-24 months is quite unrealistic. I think you will have to keep an eye out on India's modernisation program if you want to make a better guess. I personally don't see an all-out war happening before the Phase I program is complete.

You will have to find a different enemy to fight without your time frame.
Everything the article says has its reason to be there. I respect Simon and his analysis.

Purpose of this article is to reveal a macro plan which our enemies have towards Pakistan, and that plan and its existence justifies why Pakistan army should take care of internal efficiencies and political ineligibilities within the country. From Pakistan's stand point, a corrupt but competent person may have been acceptable, like Putin for Russia, but a corrupt and incompetent person is is a loss and a loss; like Nawaz Sharif and likes.

Commenting on the article;
  • I have no doubt that India will not be able to control Kashmir as it is going.
  • I have no doubt that India is threatened and piss*d off with CPEC and feels time is whirling a Chinese rope around Indian neck, and it must do something to avoid that.
  • I have no doubt that Baluchistan has immense value for Americans, not only because of Afghanistan but also for Iran and being a wealth of Natural resources.
  • I have no doubt that existence of Pakistan as a strong country harms Indian, American and Israeli designs.
  • I have no double that enemies of Pakistan are working together to eliminate it. Their plan A, B and C have failed already and they are left with no choice but to use a physical force. If Pakistan is out of economic crisis, there is pretty much nothing else left for them to try as their imposed terrorism has failed, imposed corrupt leadership has been removed and there is no ground support left for them to execute any covert plan anymore.
Now will India or other countries will be able to do what they wanted to do Pakistan? Answer is NO. Pakistan today stands much taller and much stronger and will respond effectively to all mentioned challenges. But Pakistan's ability to respond doesn't mean its enemies would not attempt. And as a bottom line, I do see Pakistan fighting a physical all out war within 12-24 months.
America is whatever the Indian and Israeli lobbies make it to be. Shame on us for not being able to exploit a system thag makes the manipulation of America as easy as direct legal “bribery “ of the legislature.

Oh really? The way I see it, you lot simply refuse to live in reality.

Even the US has Cuba, and more recently Philippines.

What you refer to as trolling is simply your lack of coherent arguments against the points I make.

An all-out war (with India) in 12-24 months is quite unrealistic. I think you will have to keep an eye out on India's modernisation program if you want to make a better guess. I personally don't see an all-out war happening before the Phase I program is complete.

You will have to find a different enemy to fight without your time frame.
You make no points, the US having Cuba has to do with completely different geopolitical considerations; which show what utter ridiculousness dots all of your arguments in every post you make on this forum.
You make no points, the US having Cuba has to do with completely different geopolitical considerations; which show what utter ridiculousness dots all of your arguments in every post you make on this forum.

As usual, running away from the point I made.

A superpower like the US couldn't do anything to Cuba. But Pakistan needs ridiculous amounts of radicalisation, military budget, dictatorships, terrorism etc to counter another third world country like India. Nice logic. But Maldives doesn't require any of those to counter India either.

The geopolitical considerations are pretty much the same. There's a lot Pakistan can learn from Cuba and Maldives.
Hello Jeee Puchna tha ke wo "Sar Jee Kal" strikes ka kya howa
And China will watch loose its investment in bloachistan to waste, and hindukush will turn into afghan kush and one must admit that stuffs good.

Is that your only bet? Than you will lose for sure. Those bet on others always lose. @Sully3 @faithfulguy @Dalit

What I think Pakistan do

1 Go for econimic growth and strengthen economy. Like CPEC etc.
2 Take time regarding war and get a modern military.
3 Wait for Afghanistan to settle down.
4 Make sure of water security.
5 Get good number of 4th generation aircraft better than f 16.
6 Work with IOC to get favorable view internatonaly. Buy time to prepare military.

What India should do?

1 Stop water to Pakistan as long as Pakistan support terror in Kashmir
2 Total economic sanction. Like asking companies not to do business with Pakistan if they want to work with India.
3 Let IAC carrier , S-400, ATAGS and few other current projects complete by 2020 and than go for limited war on international border.
4 Full force sudden attack on military sites with overwhelming force.
5 Make peace with China.
The opposite actually.

India's internal stability is stronger than ever before.

Here's Naxals for one:


Development has now reached even the absolute poorest parts of the country.

I see the Modi propaganda machine is alive and well. Even Trump fans can’t see the writing on the wall.

That comment was meant to that Pakistani poster, I know very well Indians won’t agree with what we have to say.

go for limited war on international border.
4 Full force sudden attack on military sites with overwhelming force.

The aftermath of Mumbai attacks and This past year were the best moments if India was going to do it.

India, despite jingoistic rhetoric, is afraid of Pakistan. This is why it is obsessed with Pakistan on every public forum, to the detriment of its own global image.

An invasion by India of Pakistan would result in massive support for Pakistan worldwide and lead to Kashmir merging with Pakistan. It would unite Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran instantaneously. Not to mention the massive retaliation by China, Turkey, even KSA.

India can not afford a war, even limited, with Pakistan. It would be a bigger mistake than so-called surgical strikes which never happened. :sarcastic:
I see the Modi propaganda machine is alive and well. Even Trump fans can’t see the writing on the wall.

That comment was meant to that Pakistani poster, I know very well Indians won’t agree with what we have to say.

The aftermath of Mumbai attacks and This past year were the best moments if India was going to do it.

India, despite jingoistic rhetoric, is afraid of Pakistan. This is why it is obsessed with Pakistan on every public forum, to the detriment of its own global image.

An invasion by India of Pakistan would result in massive support for Pakistan worldwide and lead to Kashmir merging with Pakistan. It would unite Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran instantaneously. Not to mention the massive retaliation by China, Turkey, even KSA.

India can not afford a war, even limited, with Pakistan. It would be a bigger mistake than so-called surgical strikes which never happened. :sarcastic:

In next five years increase in India's defence budget every year will be same amount of Pakistan's defence budget.

What I meant by India's option is attacking with full force specially ATAGS, guided Pinaka etc. May be launching 50000 Pinaka. Before than steady economic sanctions and completely stopping water. What Pakistan can do is better cooperate with China for projects like CPEC and manufacture fifth generation fighter. All these are possible theory.

@Icewolf @Sully3
In next five years increase in India's defence budget every year will be same amount of Pakistan's defence budget.

What I meant by India's option is attacking with full force specially ATAGS, guided Pinaka etc. May be launching 50000 Pinaka. Before than steady economic sanctions and completely stopping water. What Pakistan can do is better cooperate with China for projects like CPEC and manufacture fifth generation fighter. All these are possible theory.

@Icewolf @Sully3

Golden chance to do anything is gone. Pakistan is now getting a strong nationalist government.

We will see what happens in India’s election. If Congress is back then maybe peace has a chance. If BJP comes again, India may break apart.
Before than steady economic sanctions and completely stopping water. What Pakistan can do is better cooperate with China for projects like CPEC and manufacture fifth generation fighter. All these are possible theory.

@Icewolf @Sully3
try stopping our water and we will nuke you to the stone age.

also please tell me why your generals have sleepless nights about a two front war with Pak and China :lol: then talk to me about economic sanctions and indians stopping our water.

good day.
try stopping our water and we will nuke you to the stone age.

also please tell me why your generals have sleepless nights about a two front war with Pak and China :lol: then talk to me about economic sanctions and indians stopping our water.

good day.

Nukes are not fired from online forums. Your language shows you are a kid.

And forget China. That is another issue. What I was talking is India's case. Pakistan also can stop way to Afghanistan. Cultivate ISI etc. These are real facts will happen in case of war. I am telling neutrally.
Go hug a cactus Indians.

We will Nuke you the moment we calculate you are ready for your misadventure.

OMG.....They finally gave you control of our Nuclear Weapons and so you get to decide when we will use these Nukes!!!
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