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Pakistan's Plutonium Production Starts

We will sign the NPT the next day when India will sign it.


I seriously doubt that my friend. That's the only deterrence you have against india. You will not let go of it.

But I tell you this.. If pakistan signs NPT.. India will sign it too..
I seriously doubt that my friend. That's the only deterrence you have against india. You will not let go of it.

But I tell you this.. If pakistan signs NPT.. India will sign it too..

We are twisted here ain't we ?

India MUST sign NPT first because.

They are aggressors.
They are slave holding a whole nation
They First Tested Nuclear devices to trigger the Race.
They Tested Nuclear devices once again.
They started Ballistic Missile race in this Region.
They talk about a nuclear war.

You go ahead Pakistan will follow up;)

& get out of your thinking that this is the Only deterrence against India.
I seriously doubt that my friend. That's the only deterrence you have against india. You will not let go of it.

But I tell you this.. If pakistan signs NPT.. India will sign it too..

Keep thinking that because we certinely dont think it that way ;), especially our Generals.
It's good for Pakistan, as Pakistan is not the country that dreams of surgical strikes on other nuclear states, Keeping this mind Pakistan needs to strengthen the second strike capabilities as much as possible. :yahoo:
given that we cannot match india conventionally we rely on nuclear umbrella. also just because pakistan is under the magnifying glass does not provide you with a gurantee of india not upgrading its nuclear weapon technology.
I seriously doubt that my friend. That's the only deterrence you have against india. You will not let go of it.

But I tell you this.. If pakistan signs NPT.. India will sign it too..

Only deterrence?

Nuclear is not our only deterrence but serves as a major deterrence. For example our military also serve as a deterrent, even though India have quantity edge and quality edge especially in the air force area.
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man that jus made my day :rofl:

I am glad you have a good day...B/w don't read things out of context...Care to explain when we have more capacity..more resources...more money....First nuclear test way back in 1974 then how come you have more nukes than us???

We both have sufficient deterance.. If so called 80 nukes are not deterrant then nothing can be...Now if we go by news that are coming out what should be an India reaction??? Why is Pakistan increasing her nuclear arsenal so rapidly....So will it be considered onus for nuclear arms race????
I don't think India has anything to gain from it. If we indulge ourselves in this nuclear arms race our image will be as tainted as well (you surely do not want to see a similar article on india).

I believe we have what we need from nuclear deterrence stand point.

And lets be realistic.. a full nuclear war is unreal in this era. Any misadventure to that degree will clearly end up in another ww and thus would be immediately intervened by world powers.

Are you kidding me buddy?? How can you be so sure that Pakistan is making all these bombs just for fun sake?? Deterrance is all relative....You cannot show your 50-60 odd bombs agasint an adversary who have lets say 500 against you(Just exaggerating numbers to make the point).....If your adversary is going all out to increase her arsenal more than what they need then you have to follow up...Not much choice there....
Pakistan will never sing NPT.What we should do is make delivery system more reliable.In other words every nuke launched should manage to hit India.We should also have 2nd strike and 3rd strike option.
Pakistan will never sing NPT.What we should do is make delivery system more reliable.In other words every nuke launched should manage to hit India.We should also have 2nd strike and 3rd strike option.

ridiculous comments like these are breeding grounds of unethical brawls, which we indian's and pakistani's so conveniently indulge ourselves in..

I'll let my better judgement prevail and refrain from commenting.
Basically, Pakistan has no hegemonic designs to expand it's frontiers neither does it wishes to portray itself as a regional power or something, but it will maintain a deterrence for it's sovereignty and with the changing world environment, no doubt it will enhance it's capability.
Becuase we do not need to. We already have a credible deterrence and what we want now is to boost our conventional arsenal.

Moreover, if india wants to benefit from its civilian nuclear deal.. it will not be indulging in these detremental tasks. India has long expressed its no first use nuclear policy. Its upto pakistan to reciprocate.

So if you already have a "Credible deterrence" than why is India yaking?

We are not going offensive from defensive..we are just matching the numbers
So if you already have a "Credible deterrence" than why is India yaking?

We are not going offensive from defensive..we are just matching the numbers

Who is yaking? This article was published in NYT. Build 2000 warheads as far as I am concerned.. The entire world is watching..
Who is yaking? This article was published in NYT. Build 2000 warheads as far as I am concerned.. The entire world is watching..

Can you provide a source about "entire world is watching"
Can you provide a source about "entire world is watching"

If pakistan continues to build its nuclear arsenal.. the world will not be oblivious to it ?

Good luck clearing the IAEA security watchdog for civilian nuclear deal.. and if news like these keep showing in US media.. good luck getting US congress nod on civilian nuclear cooperation.
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