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Pakistan's open challenge to India for war. Try it Baby indians.

This is so stupid both countries need to just stop.
This tweet and Hawaii nuke alert both happened at the same time just to give Bipin Rawat the real taste of Nuclear war. It will stop now.
I have a hunch ....
It's an educated hunch...

Some one is bluffing...

But it's not Pakistan
Sau sonar ki aur ek lohar ki.
Pakistani Generals have been ranting day n night about nukes, tactical nukes and the world ignores.
When Indian General has called Pakistani bluff, their stomach has started aching.
The message is conveyed. Period!
Good thing about talking is you dont need balls for that, doing something on the other had required big ball as they provide a counter balance to carrying large arms and the 2nd most important part needed is strong legs....
Indians pathetic gov and armed forces always talk big talk with no balls lolz lmao !!
Sorry, but we all know who talks about their nukes the most.

Its your joker Army Chief that keeps issuing provocative statements. You believe so much in your bs movie plots that you underscore the fact that Pakistan will not hold back if you screw around with us and cross the International border.
I pray we do. The orange buffoon is right, this land is a fecal hole that needs this treatment since the people on both sides are still sub-humans at best and animals in general without any actual wish to change.
Well, true that. But lets not be too pessimistic.
It's a sure way to know the bluff!

Nukes are not something to be bluff'd on , that Indian Chief is talking about Nukes, not some Diwali ke Patakhe .. such childish and immature statements from a head of a world 3rd's Largest Army .
Nukes are not something to be bluff'd on , that Indian Chief is talking about Nukes, not some Diwali ke Patakhe .. such childish and immature statements from a head of a world 3rd's Largest Army .

Every time the tooi bros are in trouble who comes to their aid? Its just a attention diversion tactic and nothing more.
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