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Pakistan's Nuclear Bayonet.

Hi, I absolutely agree with you. The world is blowing it out of proportion an extremist takeover, come on, get real. This article is by Mr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, and he always has doomsday scenarios. However, fundamentalism is a real threat to Pakistan, due to the instability it is causing. Moreover, it is scaring away foreign investment, something that Pakistan really needs.

I have an economics/statistics background, and I found the threat to Pakistan's economy more worrisome. That can cause a lot more instability in Pakistan. He does have some valid points about India's cold start doctrine not really being effective, or the inability of the west to denuke Pakistan.
Hi, I absolutely agree with you. The world is blowing it out of proportion an extremist takeover, come on, get real. This article is by Mr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, and he always has doomsday scenarios. However, fundamentalism is a real threat to Pakistan, due to the instability it is causing. Moreover, it is scaring away foreign investment, something that Pakistan really needs.

I have an economics/statistics background, and I found the threat to Pakistan's economy more worrisome. That can cause a lot more instability in Pakistan. He does have some valid points about India's cold start doctrine not really being effective, or the inability of the west to denuke Pakistan.

ANG, with what is happening in the middle east right now extremist takeover should not be dismissed off hand. The potential is there.
ANG, with what is happening in the middle east right now extremist takeover should not be dismissed off hand. The potential is there.

So you believe 'Religious Extremists' have thrown out Mubarak in Egypt and Brought revolution in Tunisia :no:

Pakistan is NOT a Middle-Eastern country.Period.

Situation in Pakistan is different . . . .

Economy of Pakistan is Critical for her.Economic crisis ALWAYS increase religious tolerance in the society.And that goes for EVERY society.


The Article is little or may I say . . .very 'over-pessimistic'. :tdown::tdown:
Lets look at the "extremist takeover" thing in perspective.

All of the eight nuclear weapon states on the planet use their arsenal as a deterant - to prevent another neighboring nuclear state to hold them hostage on key issues, and essentially ensure MAD - mutually assured distruction, if another nuke weapon state decides to use it's weapons on them.

The single quantifiably extremist nuke state was the one which used their nuke weapons *not* in self-defence, but against a weaker country that had no nuclear arsenal. And to maximize the terror and fear inflicted, they bombed highly concentrated population centres rather than military installations. Yes, I'm talking about the US. The only country to have actually gone so far as to have actually used their nuclear weapons on other human beings, not even as a last resort to defend themselves, but just out of arrogance and hubris. They damn near used nukes in Vietnam when facing failure, and after Israel bombed the USS Liberty using unmarked aircraft killing dozens of American sailors - hoping to peg it on the Egyptians, high-ups in the US decision-making process were in on it, ordered aircraft loaded with nuclear weapons to go bomb Cairo before even a preliminary investigation had been conducted. Unfortunately for them, the zionists could not sink the USS Liberty, and it radioed in and informed them that the Israelis had been the ones bombing, and the aircraft were recalled.

And then they go around lecturing everyone else on how they should adhere to what the US considers moral and correct. They're opportunists of the worst sort, willing to bend any half-truth to serve their agenda. And our westernized liberal class which, sadly due to an accute lack of original thought and critical thinking ability, imitates popular opinions in the US regardless of what's being said and how ridiculous it looks in the bigger picture.

If "radicalization" is a threat to the world, it is so because the west, and the US specifically - just like it's previous western superpower predecessor Great Britain(and the Spanish, dutch, french with their own colonies before them) - just brutally rolls over and crushes the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of billions of people. When you kill, loot, maim dozens of countries, people from those places are bound to react.

Here's a facinating article by renown geo-political scholar Webster Tarpley. His analysis and insight is much-sought-after and he's a regular guest on media as diverse as Russia Today, to the BBC, and alot of alternate news sources in the US. His thesis has been that given the extremes the US is going to, to meddle with and undermine Pakistan in numerous ways, the thing preventing the US from just inventing an excuse to all-out invade Pakistan is Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. They've never been shy about invading countries with made-up excuses before - the "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, Osama fooling the entire US air-defence system for hours and bombing the World Trade Centre from a cave in Afghanistan, or the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident they used as an excuse to attack Vietnam.

Obama Declares War on Pakistan « TARPLEY.net
No extremist will be able to us the nukes their codes have to be passed on by the proper authorities. Pakistan will simmer down after every storm there is a rainbow, just hold on and keep looking for that "rainbow."
Pakistan is probably the only nuclear weapon nation who’s interest in making a thermo-nuclear weapon in lesser than making a sub-kiloton (0.2 to 0.5kt) nuclear weapon. The prime reason is that these weapons are lighter and can be fired by a canon or LCAM or tactical missiles with ease. The ideology behind these weapons use is that they will be used against advancing enemy armada thus neutralizing them within seconds. This way the civilian population will be spared and the military might of the opposing force (read Indians) will be neutralized effectively. Pakistan needs a couple of thousands of such weapons in various forms like mini bombs, canon fired shells, LCAM and tactical missiles tipped with such weapons.
Similarly Pakistan also need about 100 mega weapons attached to various missiles that should be used as retaliationary weapon in case someone uses a nuke on one of its cities or other assets.
interest in making a thermo-nuclear weapon in lesser than making a sub-kiloton (0.2 to 0.5kt) nuclear weapon.

I'm pretty sure you are referring to "boosted" fission weapons, and not actual staged (Teller-Ulam) H-bombs. There is a big difference.

There is NO reason to create a genuine H-bomb with yields that low. Pu fission bombs (boosted or not) do the job fine and can be made amazingly small.

@Qasibr: As for the Atomic Bombings of Japan to close the worst war in mankind's history... the Japanese in 1945 were called upon to surrender. Their answer was no. The Japanese Army was essentially intact, and streaming home from China for the defense of Japan. While supplies were low, there was a lot of fight left in them, and the entire nation was determined to fight to the death, to the last man, woman, and child. This was graphically demonstrated by the fanatic defense of Okinawa.

They were sharpening bamboo spears to give to children. The plan was to have them rush the Americans on the beach, so as to soak up their ammunition.

The general population was slowly starving by this point.

So there you are, the Allied commander. You've got Japan surrounded and mostly isolated. Here are your choices:

1) Invade Japan. Expected casualties on both sides were calculated to be many million dead and injured. The earth would be scorched, everything destroyed in a brutal land battle that might last a year or more.

2) Do nothing. Isolate Japan. Starvation and disease would become rampant. The population would suffer protracted horrors and possibly millions dead over several years.

3) Just go home. Imperial Japan regains her strength, and you get to fight the whole war again in 10 years.

4) Unleash a weapon so horrific, that maybe, just maybe, it might shock the Japanese leadership into realizing the hopelessness of their situation.

So Qasibr, there are your choices. You've got to pick one. President Truman picked #4. It worked. If you have an alternative, I'd like to hear it. What should we have done?
Oh, and before you say "demonstrate the bomb"... this was analyzed and rejected as being both impractical, and probably ineffective. Reference the book called Hell to Pay, which describes the situation leading to the bombings, the anticipated invasion, and the results of the invasion, in tremendous detail.
Well.. the blockade might have worked..
how long would have Japan held out?

Moreover.. a demonstration of the bomb on say a fleet.. or a less densely populated area may have had the same effect.
Well.. the blockade might have worked..
how long would have Japan held out?

And many more Japanese would have died than did in the nuclear attacks by starvation and disease.

Moreover.. a demonstration of the bomb on say a fleet.. or a less densely populated area may have had the same effect.

This was heavily discussed in the U.S. in 1945, and a number of the atomic scientists were in favor of it. The problem is two-fold... they doubted that it would work to cause capitulation, and if it didn't work, then the entire world arsenal of nukes at the time (two) would have been cut in half.

The idea was to absolutely shock Japan's leadership and bring the war to an instant, grinding halt. It worked. Every alternative would have had a vastly higher JAPANESE body count. Those who doubt, please read the book, it is frightening.
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