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Pakistan's New War against TTP, Taliban & Afghanistan? | Moeed Pirzada Analysis

buzdar belongs at the top of the list along with that scotish fraudster/illiterate ex-grocer sarwar. then there is another crook named sarwar too. what about that 'makhdoom' sayed ? or the trio of obesely fat haramkhor ladies? or the crook who's now returned to PPP? oh and there are dozens more
keep adding these personalities in the hall of shame. the thing people forget is that every institution and every party in Pakistan is in a glass house made up of dishonesty, deceit and hypocracy.
buzdar belongs at the top of the list along with that scotish fraudster/illiterate ex-grocer sarwar. then there is another crook named sarwar too. what about that 'makhdoom' sayed ? or the trio of obesely fat haramkhor ladies? or the crook who's now returned to PPP? oh and there are dozens more

not if he's an injun pajeet or one of them expat muhajirs akhand bharatis or a talibunny jehadi

LOL what are you? Bajwa's scrotum?

What is up with the Ukrainian flag? The Ukrainians will lynch your kind in a blink of an eye. Stop being so cringe.
LOL what are you? Bajwa's scrotum?

What is up with the Ukrainian flag? The Ukrainians will lynch your kind in a blink of an eye. Stop being so cringe.

We are told that PTI and its followers are a disgrace. But the ones who lost East Pakistan, Siachen and let US fly into abbottabad are genuine polymaths of the highest order and hence their strategic vision cannot be questioned.

Those who failed to provide security to Chinese and even lying to them are being considered strategic geniuses.

An absolute disgrace is that people like uzair baloch are being released who have been declared terror mobsters by their own JITs but Azam Swati cant even get a bail for writing a tweet.
We are told that PTI and its followers are a disgrace. But the ones who lost East Pakistan, Siachen and let US fly into abbottabad are genuine polymaths of the highest order and hence their strategic vision cannot be questioned.

Those who failed to provide security to Chinese and even lying to them are being considered strategic geniuses.

An absolute disgrace is that people like uzair baloch are being released who have been declared terror mobsters by their own JITs but Azam Swati cant even get a bail for writing a tweet.

That is what you get when you have an army that plays both sides. This army has totally wrecked the country. Jury, judge and executioner. Nothing will change in Pakistan as long as the incompetent generals are pulling the strings.
That is what you get when you have an army that plays both sides.

I now completely agree with Moeed Pirzada. He said in his last vlog that Pakistan and its institutions are not sovereign that is why in order to control them and share power PML_N and PPP lobby in US and UK. He is of the opinion that IK should do the same.

This establishment has given NROs to target killers. All police officials in 90s who conducted ops against MQM were tortured and killed by MQM after Musharraf sahab spending one night with red label brought MQM to power in Karachi.

Running Pakistan like an insurgency has destroyed this country. No reforms take place. One group is pitted against the other all the time and then its called strategic genius.
I now completely agree with Moeed Pirzada. He said in his last vlog that Pakistan and its institutions are not sovereign that is why in order to control them and share power PML_N and PPP lobby in US and UK. He is of the opinion that IK should do the same.

This establishment has given NROs to target killers. All police officials in 90s who conducted ops against MQM were tortured and killed by MQM after Musharraf sahab spending one night with red label brought MQM to power in Karachi.

Running Pakistan like an insurgency has destroyed this country. No reforms take place. One group is pitted against the other all the time and then its called strategic genius.

Not only for political parties, but also the army turns to the US/UK for lobbying. These monsters can't run a country, but are very proficient in begging and lobbying abroad. It is a circus of epic proportions.

Why don't these amateurs hand over this country to the US/UK? At least these foreign entities will run the country a thousand times better.
We have millions of lives to get Pakistan

Lmao only Punjabis and Muhajirs and some Sindhis

Stop imposing partition and trying to emotionally blackmail Pashtun and Baloch via this.

If 10m Afgans need to die to check the Hindutva so be it.....

Check what Hindutva?

India left Afghanistan on August 15th, 2021.

Its all army's doing.
We as in Pashtun and Balochis. Even the Kashmiris are sick and tired of Bajwa led Pakistan.

Why is the Pakistani army constantly fighting it's own people for so long? Sometimes it is the Balochis. Sometimes it is Pashtun. Even the Sindhis don't feel at home in Pakistan with different nationalistic factions. Heck even the Punjabis have their own superiority complex. If we add it all up, every group and province has it's fair share of complaints with regards to Pakistan which only caters the needs of the elites. This Pakistan is only for looters and an army that wants to earn dollars. The poor Pakistani has no say in this rotten land. Don't call me crazy. Your army is fighting it's own countrymen as we speak.

these were the people we were sold as smarter and better than the Biryani loving illiterate Patwaris and what we got in the end is absolutely embarrassing.

Because we are.

Pakistani diaspora is overwhelmingly pro-PTI and in America, Pakistanis are in the high income range. We are more smarter and have more skills than people in Pakistan. During those 4 short years we were able to do all kinds of 5G warfare and actually be proud of Pakistan.

Most patwaris are 50 year uber drivers in the West and aren't capable of any skill.

these people now demanding that other countries stop cooperating with Pakistan , ban it from trade and diplomacy, telling overseas to stop sending remittances etc.

We have a right to. If our remittances are worth more than Pakistan's exports then we have a say in the country. Many Pakistanis were begging us for chanda and fundraisers for funds even the army was lmao, when the imported government is so incompetent there's still areas in Sindh that are flooded.

Now people are sending stuff through hundi because they don't trust Showbaaz with their money. Who's fault is that lmao??

yea sure, same boasting was done before Swat and Waziristan operation. go cheer for TTP and I will share the news of how we will toss your bad boys out of the helicopters for people to see and take some lesson.

TTP still exists and are doing attacks so how is throwing people from helicopters years ago a flex?

There were SEVEN blasts in Balochistan in ONE day, there's other things to worry about bro.
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Elections nhi honey dainy chahy mulk toot jay , taliban ko bulao , Suicide bombing karwao , india ko bolo war war khaily kashnir par , let the public know we are not mother sellers but lumber 1 fouj in the world :lol:
Is it possible for you to lay out a military plan in terms of formations, command, weapons, equipment and logistics to undertake operations against TTP keeping geography and terrain in mind ?
I read and observe. Have been doing the same for ages. MP isn't some amazing genius whose words have to be taken as gospel.

If all these things are such revelations to him then he is a bloody dunce because when you have people like DGISI Assad Durrani openly stating that the establishment does things that have costs associated with it then why is it such a bloody news to MP?

The only ones high on anything are PTI supporters who think IK to be God's vicegerent on earth. I have no association with Bajwa and neither do I care about his person. I have spoken out when people have falsely and inaccurately tried to place accusations on him and the army (e.g. Bajwa committed treason - which is patently wrong!)

Coming back to your point, so I am biased but all of you PTI mob are the only ones who think on their own and are capable of arriving at sound, logical conclusions because IK said so?

All I can say is that things are never as black and white as you folks try to make them. Your binary reduction of complex matters is the reason I disagree with this PTI bandwagon on points.

Childish claims like "army is only interested in making dollars" is what exposes these farcical accusations of yours. It was no less than our Quaid-e-Azam and then LAQ who suggested Pakistan needed to align with the US for economic and military relations. Since then, that has been our national trajectory. All of Pakistani governments, similar to Khaleej, Turkey etc. have had working relations with the US. For our military, ties with the US have a strategic implication because they get access to technology and training which acts as a force multiplier against a numerically superior adversary. As such ties with the US have to be managed by both civilian and the military leadership. To manage this balance, some give and take is required.

Americans also are in the habit of dealing with us via FMS/FMF. Which means contrary to the bile that PTI supporters accuse our military of, there is never an exchange of dollars to any uniformed officer of the military. All US sales/transfers are handled through the State/Defense departments and we end up using credits, akin to non-currency vouchers, provided by the US to purchase US made equipment. This is quite unlike French as an example who let middle men operate in these types of transactions. So these stupendously silly claims of "making dollars" is outright nonsense and you should know better and if not then you should research instead of regurgitating this all the time.
These days it is (anaozubillah) for PTI supporters La Ilaha Imran - like that guy whatshisname who went drunk on a TV show and called “Allah ke baad Imran Khan aisa insaan hai jo Pakistan ka hai” and since the change of government every other PTI supporter is like that. Funniest is when I am accused of being pro establishment and you are well aware of my stand.
I remember finding the Daily Shows section on Trevor Noah calling IK the Trump of Pakistan a bit far fetched but now I am starting to agree.

Technically, by systematically misleading the educated middle class on a flip flop agenda and poorly executed politics IK has done more favors to the established system than not.
We as in Pashtun and Balochis. Even the Kashmiris are sick and tired of Bajwa led Pakistan.

Why is the Pakistani army constantly fighting it's own people for so long? Sometimes it is the Balochis. Sometimes it is Pashtun. Even the Sindhis don't feel at home in Pakistan with different nationalistic factions. Heck even the Punjabis have their own superiority complex. If we add it all up, every group and province has it's fair share of complaints with regards to Pakistan which only caters the needs of the elites. This Pakistan is only for looters and an army that wants to earn dollars. The poor Pakistani has no say in this rotten land. Don't call me crazy. Your army is fighting it's own countrymen as we speak.

Pashtun and Baloch tribes are never going to be united enough to create any Pashtunistan or Greater Balochistan. The tribals have been at each other's throat for as long as history is documented in the region. Warlords cannot give you an ounce of freedom which Pakistan offers and continues to offer ever since her inception.

As far as Punjabi superiority is concerned, it is only populist movement like PTI who have given space to Ranjit Singh worshippers like Fuwwad Chowdary and recently Pirouz Elohi.

The fassad and mischief cannot overcome the will of the people of Pakistan who stand firm with the armed forces of the country and honor their sacrifices daily. A handful of overzealous inquilabis cannot bring down the morale of the Nation.
Today, TTP made a video from Margalla and zoomed in on some important buildings in Islamabad.... if anyone has a tweet can you please post it. Few journalists talk on tv but avoid posting the twett ...
This mullah curse of the Taliban needs another operation with full protection/immunity to armed forces from the judiciary and from any political party.

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