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Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

Is there anyone in your beautiful nation who doesnt buy the conspiracy theory crap?

Coz i am from the state of Jammu and kashmir and my village is not very far from where this happened and this just gives me a good laugh.

Human psychology is really interesting...People live in denial to be in the right side always.

you are a smart man
I give you that. you stand out of the crowd
I have high hopes for you my dear

and thanks for your exceptional contribution.
you are a smart man
I give you that. you stand out of the crowd
I have high hopes for you my dear

and thanks for your exceptional contribution.

No Sir,You are doing your job pretty well here.

I am just a civilian expressing his views based on facts he saw while growing up in troubled Jammu and Kashmir sometimes missing the bullet by 15 minutes and sometimes loosing friends in terrorist attacks in temples and marriages.

But you guys sitting in Islamabad,Karachi,Lahore have more knowledge than me which is truly remarkable.

Good Job :tup:
New Delhi: Hours after five Indian soldiers were killed along Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, Defence Minister AK Antony on Tuesday condemned the unprovoked incident.

Giving the details of the incident in the Lok Sabha, Antony said that the attack was carried out by 20 heavily-armed terrorists in Pakistani Army uniform.

The minister added that the Indian Army was fully prepared to take all necessary steps to uphold the sanctity of LoC.

"I assure the house that our Army is fully ready to take all necessary steps to uphold the sanctity of the Line of Control," Antony said in a suo moto statement in the Lok Sabha.

According to him, "Five soldiers were martyred and one was injured when a patrol party of the Army comprising one non-commissioned officer and five other ranks were ambushed on our side of the Line of Control in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir early Tuesday morning."

"In the ensuing firing, five Indian soldiers were martyred and one was injured. The ambush was carried out by approximately 20 heavily-armed terrorists along with persons dressed in Pakistan Army uniforms," said Antony.

The minister condemned the incident and said India has lodged a strong protest with Pakistan through diplomatic channels.

"We strongly condemn this unprovoked incident. Government of India has lodged strong protest with the Pakistan government through diplomatic channels," Antony said.

He noted that the number of infiltration attempts have doubled this year in comparison to the corresponding period January 01-August 05, 2012.

There have also been 57 ceasefire violations this year, around 80 percent more than the same period last year, he said.

According to Antony, the Indian Army successfully eliminated 19 hardcore terrorists in the recent months of July and Aug along the LOC and in the Jammu and Kashmir hinterland.

The effective counter-infiltration grid on the LOC has ensured that 17 bids were foiled this year, he added.

A sixth Indian soldier was injured in the 1 am attack at Chakan-da-Bagh sector of the Line of Control in Poonch district of Jammu region.

Hitting out at Antony, Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said the defence minister's 'Men dressed in Pakistani Army uniform' statement will provide an opportunity to Pakistan to say that state actors were involved in the attack.

"You will have Pakistan state saying something and other agencies doing something else on ground," underlined Jaitley.

Meanwhile, a report said Army Chief General Bikram Singh will visit the attack site tomorrow.

The Pakistani troops reportedly ambushed the six-member Indian patrol, killing a Junior Commissioned Officer and four soldiers.

The attack took place around 400 metres inside Indian territory.

The latest incident comes at a time when the new government in Pakistan is trying to normalise relations with India.

Terrorists in Pakistan Army uniform attacked Indian soldiers: Antony
No Sir,You are doing your job pretty well here.

I am just a civilian expressing his views based on facts he saw while growing up in troubled Jammu and Kashmir---
But you guys sitting in Islamabad,Karachi,Lahore have more knowledge than me which is truly remarkable.

Good Job :tup:

smartness & humility are a winning combination. you truly ARE a star.
but this thread and the incident is not about me or you.

I must dare to point out your skewed judgement about me.
I have spent nights in kail sector and on the border in Bhimber. I have spent time in the trenches up the the extent were we could hear each other coughing.

I have been to Madarpur sector where the Indians opened fire on a passenger bus and it plunged into the river. I have also met kashmiris who complained that whenever their cornfields were ready for harvest, the Indian army will fire tracer bullets and shoot at the people who tried to save their livelihood.

I have also been to neelam valley and up to the village of Rashian , the humble beginning of the (PM) Sherif family.
my knowledge and experience might not be as extensive and deep as you claim but I have also spent many years along the LoC and seen the muddy Jehlum river carrying the corpses of the slain Kshmiris whose families never found out the fate of their loved ones, the corpses of the people who fell victim of Indian army's killing score card.

the people your government is blaming for the attack are civilians with part time military duty and their age group is mostly on average 35 + with many over 50s and 60s. I know the name "mujahid" fills all the right boxes to cookup the sensational stroyline.
but its far from truth I am afraid.
@Irfan Baloch how about my conspiracy theory that it was done by PA, but GoI tries to divert attention as peace talk is going on, at the same time will give free hand to local IA/BSF commander to deal with situation.
Blaming it on PA directy will be bad for GoI at this moment. Especially when one can never be sure what happened.
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smartness & humility are a winning combination. you truly ARE a star.
but this thread and the incident is not about me or you.

I must dare to point out your skewed judgement about me.
I have spent nights in kail sector and on the border in Bhimber. I have spent time in the trenches up the the extent were we could hear each other coughing.

I have been to Madarpur sector where the Indians opened fire on a passenger bus and it plunged into the river. I have also met kashmiris who complained that whenever their cornfields were ready for harvest, the Indian army will fire tracer bullets and shoot at the people who tried to save their livelihood.

I have also been to neelam valley and up to the village of Rashian , the humble beginning of the (PM) Sherif family.
my knowledge and experience might not be as extensive and deep as you claim but I have also spent many years along the LoC and seen the muddy Jehlum river carrying the corpses of the slain Kshmiris whose families never found out the fate of their loved ones, the corpses of the people who fell victim of Indian army's killing score card.

the people your government is blaming for the attack are civilians with part time military duty and their age group is mostly on average 35 + with many over 50s and 60s. I know the name "mujahid" fills all the right boxes to cookup the sensational stroyline.
but its far from truth I am afraid.

Thanks for the praises which i know are in a sarcastic sense.

I know that you have served your nation well and i wasnt talking of you but others sharing their opinions about Kashmir.

Now comming to the point of this incident you would know better than me although you might never admit that without PA support no matter how little it is such incidents are not possible and you very well pointed out these guys to be not so good at carrying out such attacks.

I have met many surrendered terrorists in my life and i dont rely on TOI or India TV for my knowledge and i can say that PA LOC posts always help the terrorists cross over to the Indian side.Obviously for your side you are fighting the war the right way and for our side we are right.

Having grown up in Jammu and kashmir i can say that neither is the IA clean and nor is the PA clean on this.The sufferer at the end of the day is the common man who by the way is not only a Muslim but a Kasmiri hindu,sikh and buddhist.

And Sir,I have never worn the olive green and served my nation but i know for a fact that these types of raids are planned in advance and drills ar carried out for weeks if not months by both side.Its is a well planned attack always not something which is impulsive.
@Irfan Baloch how about my conspiracy theory that it was done by PA, but GoI tries to divert attention as peace talk is going on, at the same time will give free hand to local IA/BSF commander to deal with situation.
Blaming it on PA directy will be bad for GoI at this moment. Especially when one can never be sure what happened.

sarcasm aside
Kashmir border is such that its very hard to cross either way, unlike Pak- Afghan border.
what the Kashmiri fighters did in the past was mostly known to the Pakistan army, even if it was not facilitating them.

in the recent decade, the Kashmiri armed struggle has no official backing of the state of Pakistan & its military. what the LeT and other elements are able to do is on their own without the help of ISI or Pak Military (just like TTP/ LeJ for example).

having said that. if Pakistan army was indeed involved in the incident then to my understanding was only Pakistan army, there are no 50/50 40/60 or 20/80 ratio of collaboration. its a tactical nightmare and harder to control and predict. one needs uniformity in the team to understand the SOPs/ calls and tactics.

that aside, its always possible that it was a solo act of the LeT or its affiliates. I have seen those guys in action and the results were pretty gruesome which I chose not to share. these are the guys who have brought India Pakistan to the brink of war 2 times in the recent past so one cant dismiss them, they are pretty much independent now and openly flash their wepaons and their identity all over Pakistan due to the fierce support of Deobandi madrassahs in south Punjab and places like Lal masjid in Islamabad. when they feel like they attack Pakistan's most sensitive bases and inflict billion dollars worth fo damage and shame our security and special forces.

but what they definitely are not mujahid force.
right now its a guessing game who has done it in Pakistan and why and I have already speculated in the later part of my original post.

while in Bhibher sector about 20 years ago when I was there (jammu part) our fighting patrol came under fire and it looked like the Indians wanted to take away corpses or live prisoners on the other side which was successfully done before in other parts along the border.

the timing of the ambush was off and our fire support prevented that from happening soon after which Indians requested a flag staff meeting and the "misunderstanding" was resolved.
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sarcasm aside
Kashmir border is such that its very hard to cross either way, unlike Pak- Afghan border.
what the Kashmiri fighters did in the past was mostly known to the Pakistan army, even if it was not facilitating them.

in the recent decade, the Kashmiri armed struggle has no official backing of the state of Pakistan & its military. what the LeT and other elements are able to do is on their own without the help of ISI or Pak Military (just like TTP/ LeJ for example).

having said that. if Pakistan army was indeed involved in the incident then to my understanding was only Pakistan army, there are no 50/50 40/60 or 20/80 ratio of collaboration. its a tactical nightmare and harder to control and predict. one needs uniformity in the team to understand the SOPs/ calls and tactics.

that aside, its always possible that it was a solo act of the LeT or its affiliates. I have seen those guys in action and the results were pretty gruesome which I chose not to share. these are the guys who have brought India Pakistan to the brink of war 2 times in the recent past so one cant dismiss them, they are pretty much independent now and openly flash their wepaons and their identity all over Pakistan due to the fierce support of Deobandi madrassahs in south Punjab and places like Lal masjid in Islamabad. when they feel like they attack Pakistan's most sensitive bases and inflict billion dollars worth fo damage and shame our security and special forces.

but what they definitely are not mujahid force.
right now its a guessing game who has done it in Pakistan and why and I have already speculated in the later part of my original post.

while in Bhibher sector about 20 years ago when I was there (jammu part) our fighting patrol came under fire and it looked like the Indians wanted to take away corpses or live prisoners on the other side which was successfully done before in other parts along the border.

the timing of the ambush was off and our fire support prevented that from happening soon after which Indians requested a flag staff meeting and the "misunderstanding" was resolved.

Sir,I fail to understand one thing that what would these guys achieve by bringing India and pakistan to war?This is something which is not clear to me.
@Irfan Baloch .. I agree its likely that it was done by regular PA guys not some mujahid force, which is part of on going death match there.. but GoI is trying to pacify Indians hence blaming on mujahids or terrorists dressed as PA.

How did they arrive on the conclusion that it was terrorists? did they have long hair or beard?
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@Irfan Baloch sir, even if I accept what you says still Is it possible for these militants to cross LOC without PA support??

HARD but not impossible. like I said earlier, we have divorced ourselves from militant collaboration and Military leadership has clear instructions about it. any outpost acting on its own is impossible and unsustainable as you know the personnel are constantly rotated.

it must be heartening for you that now LeT and Pakistan army see each other as enemies because LeT/ TTP/ LeJ and all the rest of them source their recruits from the same source pool and some of them interchange their roles to launch massive attacks on minorities or military installations or go across the border on Indian or Afghan side when it suits them.

just like the Taliban policy, the kashmiri policy has also seen a U turn which might not look like it but people who look beyond rhetoric and emotions and allow themselves to see the overall trends can see the change. (whether the change is enough or "more" needs to be done is open to interpretation)
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